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Linked List Programs


Submitted By chot
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Pages 2


struct node


int info;

struct node *link;


struct node *start=NULL,*n,*temp,*temp1;

void create();

void display();

void insbeg();

void inspos();

void delbeg();

void delend();

void search();

int main()

{ int i;

printf("------linked list----------\n");

n=(struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));

printf("enter the element:--->");








void create()


n=(struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));

printf("enter the element--->");










void display()


printf("The list is:\n");








void inspos()


int pos, count=0;






printf("enter position.");







n=(struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));

printf("enter the element--->");












void delbeg()






void delend()











void search()


int item,count=0;

printf("enter the item to be search");








printf("item found at location %d\n",count);










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