Premium Essay



Submitted By jaelovesdogs
Words 331
Pages 2
What were the causes of the Great Depression?
What was the scale of the great depression?
What was the Dust Bowl?
What was Hoover's strategy for dealing with the situation?

*Increased Mexican Immigration in 1920s Agricultural Development Cotton - Texas & Arizona Fruit & Vegetables - California Urban populations grew rapidly San Antonio Los Angeles *Xenophobia - Fear of immigrants
*Labor & Aids Organization Workers Unions 1929 League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) Provided benefits and Civil Right for the Mexicans.
Herbert Hoover 1929-1933 The Great Engineer Philanthropist Food Administration WWI Secretary of Commerce
*Cause of Depression Lack of Diversity in the Economy Older industries (mining, lumber, and steel) not strong enough to sustain prosperity New industries (electronics, chemicals, and petroleum) also not strong enough. Automobiles and construction strongest industries in transition from heavy industry to consumer economy. 1926-27 market for cars and homes saturated. Limited Purchasing Power Not enough buying power (domestic markets) 1/3 of wealth held by 5%% of population Many already scraping by in 1929 International Debt Treaty of Versailles German Repayment Speculation Stock Market crash Investment Schemes
*The Crash (Start of Depression) Thursday, October 24, 1929 Recorded 16 Million shares were sold Black Tuesday, October 29, 1929 Wall Street went bankrupt Depositors lost 2.5 billion Between 192901933 - over 5,000 banks closed 1 in 4 farm foreclosed
*Economic Effects of the Great Depression Gross national product almost cut in half 100k jobs vanished weekly By 1932 25% unemployment rate Unemployment did not drop below 15% for the rest of the decade Consumption fell 18%

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