Premium Essay

Loyalty And Bravery In Beowulf

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Throughout the history of the Earth, heroes have been characterized by great achievements. Heroes have saved lives or opposed their oppressors. Some victories incorporated are standing up for what they believe or fighting prejudice. These heroes have been around since the Anglo- Saxon period. During Anglo- Saxon time, heroes were revered for exhibiting loyalty and bravery whether it is through fighting monsters or wielding godly weapons. In modern times, how heroes exhibit these traits may be less extravagant; however it is no less heroic. The heroic qualities of loyalty and bravery are shown through Beowulf’s actions and compared to the famous Rosa Parks. In the epic poem “Beowulf,” loyalty and bravery is displayed when Beowulf travels to Denmark to fight Grendel for the Danes. These traits are also visible in Rosa Parks who is …show more content…
bus, which exhibits loyalty to black Americans and bravery to stand up for her rights. The first attribute of a true hero is bravery, whether it is fighting monsters or fighting for rights; which are displayed in Beowulf’s battle with Grendel and Rosa Park’s battle against discrimination. Beowulf demonstrated bravery when he found himself ambitious to defeat Grendel. Bravery was also shown when Beowulf used hand-to-hand combat to fight Grendel, who was indestructible to any weapons and Beowulf decide that he shall fight Grendel without any weapons. “I have heard, Too, that the monster’s scorn of men Is so great that he needs no weapons and fears none. Nor will I… my hands alone should fight for me, struggle for life Against the monster.” Beowulf’s equal, brave battle with Grendel brought freedom to the Danes from Grendel. He was brave enough to duel Grendel with no weapons, because a brave warrior battles equally. Similarly; Rosa Park’s bravery is compared to Beowulf’s in the way that

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