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Submitted By schaner
Words 1306
Pages 6
Staff role played how to maintain appropriate boundaries and personal space with client and her family.
Staff assist client and caretaker how to effective listening to one another.
Staff discussed with client and caretaker the importance of making the client responsible for her daily household chores.
Staff assists client and caretaker in the home and community to address following the caretaker redirection and of negative behaviors.
Staff and client work with her family how to process and cope with angry and frustration.
Staff assists client and family in developing household rules with rewards and consequences.
Staff encourage client to open a communication line with members of the household.
Staff assist client in design and implement a self-administered reward system to reinforce and encourage her.
Staff assists client and caretaker in playing a game that encourages communication of feelings and how to address them.
Staff assists the client and caretaker in developing a behavior chart to monitor the client’s compliance and establish an incentive system for following household rules.
Staff and client talked about her losing her temper and decreased impulsiveness and inattentiveness.
Staff encourages the caretaker to allow the client to use a time out intervention in which she is able to settle down to think about behavioral alternatives.
Staff encourage client to always use the proper way to express her feelings.
Staff and client develop behavioral modification program.
Staff assist client develop a plan with the caregiver that will begin to implement the behaviors of a responsible parent.
Staff observes client communication with caretaker and provides prompts, anticipatory guidance redirection and positive reinforcement.
Staff communication with the client and her family in order to monitor incidents of dishonesty and then discuss with the family.
Staff encourages client and caretaker in how to have an open communication between them and educate them in effective ways in which they can communicate without displaying negative behaviors.
Staff assist caretaker in how to positive reinforcement properly instructing the client.
Staff and client, caretaker discussed an appropriate ways to show respect towards one another through modeling and role playing.

Staff assist client in identifying behaviors that demonstrate low self-esteem and ways to change negative behaviors.
Staff and client participate in community integrated activities to practice ways in which client will be able to improve her level low self-esteem.
Staff gives good feedback to client for being able to communicate her feelings about having low self-esteem.
Staff and client played a game and participate in recreational activities that enhance her self-esteem.
Staff encourage client to identifying appropriate ways to express and receive feelings of love and affection.
Staff and client role played how to handle social situations in which she feels inadequate about herself.
Staff assist client in identifying the experiences of her life that have hurt her and led her to depression.
Staff and client role played appropriate ways to express feelings and communicate depression.
Staff assists client and family identifying behaviors that demonstrate low self-esteem, negative statements, and poor hygiene and discussed ways to change negative behaviors.
Staff and client discussed ways to practicing positive self- esteem building activities.
Staff encourage caretaker to praise client when she is displaying appropriate social skills at the home or in the community.
Staff assist client into understanding why it is important to respect household members.
Staff encourage client to keep a daily record of self-defeating thoughts.
Staff assist client in expressing her feelings when she is feeling depressed.
Staff and client participate in community integrated activities to practice ways to appropriately express feeling of low self-esteem when she is involved in a social setting with her peers.
Staff and client became involved in recreational activities that will improve client level of self-esteem.
Staff and client participate in community integrated activities to practice ways to build her social skills.
Staff and client played a game and practice ways that will improve her depression mood.
Staff gives positive feedback to client for being able to communicate her feelings of depression because this is a way for her to receive help.
Staff encourage client to keep a daily journal in which she can document persons, situation that caused her to feel depression.
Staff encourage client to follow established school, home and community rules.
Staff and client discussed appropriate behavior in school.
Staff and client discussed ways to avoid situations that are likely to get her suspended from school.
Staff assists client process factors that led to previous suspensions in the past.
Staff praise client for using de-escalating techniques and not demonstrating aggressive behaviors.
Staff and client role played appropriate ways to express feelings and communicate her concern about her behavior while in school.
Staff gives positive feedback to client for being able to communicate her feelings about how was her day in school today.
Staff and client discussed the value of apologizing for hurt she have caused as a means of accepting responsibility for her behavior and developing sensitivity to the feelings of others while at school.
Staff reinforces and praise client for appropriate use of listening skills and attentiveness.
Staff and client discussed when she is being rude and not respectful to others.
Staff and client discussed the lack of sensitivity to the needs and feelings of others.
Staff client and her family role played a situation regarding honesty and dishonesty in order for her to practice being truthful in discussions with others.
Staff and client discussed different methods of communication.
Staff assists client and family in developing anger management skills and coping skills.
Staff and client discussed angry behaviors that occurred while in the home, community, school and work place.
Staff empathizes and clarifies to client her feelings of hurt and anger that are tied to traumas of the past.
Staff encourage client to express and release her feelings of anger by verbally expressing herself.
Staff assist client in developing a list of triggers that have caused anger outburst in the past.
Staff and client discussed alternative behaviors that can be displayed after she becomes angry.
Staff assist client in listing ways anger has negatively impacted her daily life and how to process the list.
Staff encourage client to use a self-time out to have to time to cool off before making an outburst or have negative behavior.
Staff assist client in relaxation techniques so that she can respond appropriately to angry feelings when they occur.
Staff and client discussed self- control strategies of “stop, listen, think, and then act”.
Staff and client discussed way that she can manage to use self-control and what part does anger play when she is trying to cope with a situation.
Staff encourage client to use the guidance chart to improve her behavior and manage herself control in her home and in the community.
Staff assist client how to count to ten to relax and have a clear mind.
Staff and client discussed a self-administered reward system for her to show she can become a better person without having anger issue and outburst
Staff and client discussed plans for her to make a reward chart.
Staff encourage client to express and release feelings of frustration and how to channel it in a positive way.
Staff and client discussed how to maintain in the work place. And what to do to prevent her from becoming angry or upset.
Staff and client talk about taking a time out when things are too much for her to handle and to think about things.
Staff encourage client to keep working on her daily chart.
Staff encourage client when she have overcome one step mark it off her chart and move forward to next.
Staff and client discuss how to release her feelings and talk about the situations and the outcome it will have if she express angry.

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