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Margaret Wheatleys Interview


Submitted By StudyMan10
Words 392
Pages 2
I felt that Margaret Wheatley’s interview was full of useful knowledge. While reading the interview I found myself thinking about the manufacturing plant that I currently work at. Margaret Wheatley talked about how everything evolves around relationships. She stated that there are no independent entities anywhere at the quantum level. It’s all relationships (London, 2015, p. 1). The chaos theory was discussed and some very valid point were discussed. Wheatley stated that people shy away from chaos. When people gather data if they don’t feel comfortable with their findings they ignore the data and choose an easier path. People feel confused and uncomfortable. Wheatley stated that if you don’t go through a period of confusion you are not learning and challenging yourself.

Margaret Wheatley has a depth of knowledge that is clearly demonstrated or showcased during this article. While reading this article I thought about the organization that I currently work at. Margaret Wheatley mentioned autocratic leadership in organizations. This is clearly the leadership style that is displayed on a daily basis is my job. In an autocratic leadership style, the person in charge has total authority and control over decision making ("Autocratic Leadership," 2008, p. 1). Direction is set by individuals and when the performance goals aren’t met employees are scrutinized and talked down to. Sustainable results have been hard to achieve. People are tired of this leadership style and have begun to seek employment elsewhere.

These ideas do support the New Business Realities of the 21st Century. There are 5 driving forces. I feel that Margaret Wheatleys interview supports Driving Force # 4 Transformative Change. While reading the interview I noticed how businesses were resistant to change. Old management styles are being used and the desired results and growth are not being

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