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Submitted By amikhanshaheb
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Pages 23
History: History is the record and interpretation of human past. It is useful and it teaches us many things about the world we live in. History is about everyday things which includes the factors how people use to travel, live, wear, eat, cook food, what were there beliefs, what kind of government they had, what theye use to do in their free time etc. All these factors makes history interesting and gives us an idea about the past actions of human beings. Before discovering what happened in history we must know when it happened.
Chronology in history :
BC: Before Christ
BCE: Before Christian Era
AD: Anno Domini
CE: Christian Era
Decade Century
For example, we can count our age from the time we were born but we cannot count like these in history. No one knows when the world began and no one could write about 6000 years ago. But we must have a date that we can call Year One. People in different countries use different dates for Year One and sometimes often measure the date which is important in their religion. In Christian Calendar Year One is denoted as the year when Jesus Christ was born. AD means Anno Domini. These are Latin Word for ‘In the year of our Lord’. But also we want to count years before Christ was born which is before Year One. Time before Christ was born is known as (Before Christ). There are no written records about how people use to live in the past. Time before people could write is prehistory and time after they learned to write is called history. We can also find out about the past by reading what they use to write, read, listen to stories what they told, things they made, buildings they built and pictures they drew. Before writing began people use to tell stories about what happened to them. Parents use to tell stories to their children but as time passed the stories also changed so no one actually knew which stories were true. People started writing about 6000 years ago. At first writing were just pictures, then slowly pictures turned into words. People use to write on clay tablets, oracle bones and stones. Paper was invented in AD100 then later printing and book was made. The entire period of human history can be divided into two parts, the Age of Stone and the Age of Metal. The former name is Preliterate Age.
Civilization: An advanced stage in the development of human culture essentially connected with urbanization. The word comes from the latin word ‘cives’ which means ‘someone who lives in a city’. The first civilization started in the towns. People have different ideas about civilization. Civilization have some things listed below:
-There must be a leader or government to make laws. Things to make life better such as roads, water, drains, hospitals, schools and houses.
- There must be things to do in peoples free time and also things that are beautiful such as sports, libraries, parks, restaurants and cinemas, statues, art and gardens.
-There must be law and order meaning a government and police force.
-There must be shops and markets so that theye do not have to make everything on their own.
-There must be a way of protecting people from enemies by building walls or castles.
The first civilization started in the river valleys where life was easier as they has enough to eat, vegetables grew quickly in fertile land, bricks were made out of mud and travelling was easy along the river. People no longer had to do everything on their own.
Civilization was spread in many ways:
-Traders took things to new countries and brought back new things.
-Soldiers carried new things from country to country when fighting wars.
-Nomads carried things around when they moved to find food for their animals.
Finally new ideas were spread in the same way.
Hominids: The hominids were known as the great apes and they formed a family of primates which includes 4 genera: the orangutans (Pongo), gorillazas (Gorilla), the chimpanzees (Pan) with two species and the humans (Homo) with one species. The original meaning of hominids referred to humans whereas the modern meaning refers to the apes and also humans. The ancestors of Hominidae family lived roughly for 15 to 20 million years. Many extinct hominids have been studied to help understand the relationship between modern humans and other extant hominids. One of the extinct members of this family include Australopithecus.
Australopithecus lived for 5.3 million years ago, before spreading throughout the continent and eventually becoming extinct after 2 million years ago. They played a significant part in human evolution and were the first hominids to show the presence of a gene that causes increased length and ability of neurons in the brain. They shared several traits with modern apes and humans and were widespread throughout Eastern and Northern Africa around 3.5 million years ago. The most famous of the extinct hominis are the Australopithecus anamensis, afarensis and africanus. The brains of most of the species of Australopithecus were roughly 35% of the size of that of a human brain. In their species it is also seen that males are larger than females. Their species variation includes a change in the behavior which is quite different from their ancestors. Australopithecus mainly ate fruit, vegetables and tubers and used tools like stones to open nuts and long sticks to dig for termites and spears for hunting.
Hominids tribe has also another species known as Homo Habilis. They lived roughly for 2.4 to and 1.5 million years ago. Homo Habilis is the least similar to modern humans of all species in the genus Homo. They were short and had excessively long arms compared to modern humans. The range of their brain size is from 550cm3 to 687cm3 and on an average 50% larger than the Australopithecus but smaller than the Homo Sapiens. Homo Habilis have mastered the Lower Paleolithic tool set which used stone flakes and experts have shown that Homo Habilis were more mature than the Australopithecus as they used there tools for scavenging rather than defense or hunting.
Paleolithic Age: The Stone Age is a prehistoric period during which stones was widely used to make tools with a sharp edge, a point or a bump surface. This period lasted for 3.4 million years snd ended between 6000BCE and 2000BCE. The Stone Age is the first of the three age system of archaeology. The Paleolithic is the earliest division of the Stone Age and can be dated from 1750000BC to 10000BC. The Paleolithic Age is divided into two stages one is Lower Paleolithic and the other one is Upper Paleolithic.
1) Lower Paleolithic- The early inhabitants of lower Paleolithic is the java man and the peeking man. The scientific name for java man is pithecanthropus erectus and the date of his origin was 500000BC. His remains a skull cap, a thigh bone, three teeth and a jaw bone were discovered in the island of Java. His brain capacity was nearly double that of a modern man. The Peking man lived roughly for 500000 years BC. Its scientific name is Sinanthropus pekinensis. They had a brain case of about 1000cc.They walked erect and had heavy eyebrow ridges and the forehead was similar to that of a human. They knew the use of fire and used stone tools. Their remains were found in the cave of Beijing. Another species of lower Paleolithic is the Neanderthal man who lived about 100000 to 50000 years BC. They had a brain case of about 1500cc.They were five feet and four inches in height, receeding chins and heavy eyebrow ridges. They knew the use of fire and killed animals for food and clothing. They had the ability to articulate speech which enabled them to communicate with their fellows and pass on the information to succeeding generations. They made crude stone areas and use to bury the dead.
2) Upper Paleolithic- This period lasted for 30000 to 10000 BC. A new and superior type of human being dominated the earth. The species was said to have been known as Cro-Magnon Man which were considered as the real Homo Sapiens. They lived roughly for 40000BC. They had a brain case of about 1600cc which is very close to humans. They were tall, broad shouldered, erect and an average of six feet. They used more developed tools, lived in caves and were a great hunter. They painted coloured pictures with more refined artistic qualities and also developed sense of collectiveness and elements of religiosity.
The main characteristics of Paleolithic Age are, there means of survival were hunting and food gathering. They used tools like ‘Fish Hatchet’ or hand axe. They lived in caves or primitive huts for shelter, they discovered fire and art was painting.
Neolithic Age: The New Stone Age is known as the Neolithic period. The reason for applying this name is because stone weapons and tools were now generally made by grinding and polishing instead of by chipping or fracturing. This period began about 10200BC and ended between 4500 and 2000BC. In this period farming began. The New Stone Age was the most significant in the history of the world.
In the Neolithic revolution there was development of agriculture and domestication of animals. All of the men who had lived were food gatherers but Neolithic man was a food producer. By keeping flocks and herds with more dependable food resources made a rapid increase in their population. Neolithic men penetrated into every habitable area of the earth’s surface. Neolithic men invented a lot of things like as:
1) better quality stone tools and weapons of many different shapes and sizes.
2) invention of bow and arrow
3) pottery
4) fire by friction
5) sea worthy boats
6) knitting, spinning and weaving clothes
7) sun dried mud
8) construction of houses
9) limited use of copper
10) wheel
The real foundation of Neolithic Culture is the domestication of animals and the development of agriculture. The first animal they domesticated is a dog as they thought it would hang around the hunters camp to pick up bones and scrap meat. But they started discovering that the dog can be put to use for hunting or probably guarding the camp. As after succeeding in domestication the Neolithic man turned their attention to other animals, especially those are used for food. Before the end of the period five species have been discovered- the cow, the dog, the goat, the sheep and the pig for serving their needs. The location where agriculture was originated has never been determined. Wild grasses, the ancestors of cereal grains have been found in many places along with wheat in Asia, wild ancestors of barley from North Africa, Persia and Turkestan . These were the first crops of Neolithic agriculture. Millet vegetables and various fruits were grown. Flax was cultivated in the old world for textile fibers and poppy for opium. In the new world maize was the only cereal crop but the Americans also cultivated other products such as tobacco, beans, pumpkins, squashes and potatoes.
In Neolithic terms on of the most ancient human institutions is family. Family plays an important role including of parents and offspring which serves the purpose of care of the young, division of labor, acquisition and transmission of property and preservation and transmission of beliefs and customs. The term family has been changing through generations and has given itself a variety of functions and forms. The two types of family that existed in Neolithic times is polygamous and monogamous. Polygamy means any type of plural marriage- either with many husbands or wives. They developed under the conditions of extreme poverty where men should have plenty of resources to support their wife but in the later custom there was an excess of males. They use to I mean the kings marry wives to produce offspring to protect themselves from hostile neighbor.
There was also development of statehood. They defined state as an organized society with strict laws, social order of punishment and an authorized govt. A number of ancient states evidently owed their origin to war activities. They were founded for purpose of conquest for defense against invasion or to make possible the expulsion of an invader from the country also some modern anthropologists believed that leadership was an important factor in the origin of the state. Thus all these factors makes Neolithic Age more interesting.

Code of Hammurabi: Hammurabi, the greatest of all the kings of Babylon united Mesopotamia and established a centralized government. He was more famous as a ruler and organizer rather than a warrior. He goeverned with an iron hand and as his power was absolute, the fate of the country and of the people depended on his mercy. King Hammurabi is remembered for his collection of laws which is known as ‘the code of Hammurabi’.
The code of Hammurabi is the first written law in human civilization. The code has 28 paragraphs and 282 clauses , inscribed on a stone slab over 2 metres (6ft) high. At the top the king is shown receiving laws from the Babylonian sun god, Shamash. It was modeled on existing laws, but it was the largest law code assembled. In the code, laws were made to suit the needs of a centralized empire. Judges were appointed to try cases, a great advancement over the blood feud system practiced by most of the people at that time. The principle of ‘’an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth’’ continued to be practiced, but under the supervision of the state. Death penalties were common. Conviction for adultery meant death for both parties concerned and harboring a runaway slave resulted in capital punishment. Women occupied a comparatively high position; they could own property, have equal right in divorce and bring lawsuits. They could engage in business and become professional scribes. Justice to the widow and orphan was assured. Heavier fines were imposed upon the rich than upon the poor, because they could better afford to pay. Slaves might own property, marry and will their possessions to their children. Freedom from bandage was obtained easily and only runaway slaves were branded.
To sum up, the code of Hammurabi was not the only law code in Mesopotamia but the only one written in stone. It dealt with many aspects of life including family rights, trade, slavery, taxes, prices, and wages. The code was based on retribution , not justice and varied between social classes. All in all the code tells us much about the Babylonian society.
Sumerian Law and Society: Sumer was one of the ancient civilization and historical regions in southern Mesopotamia (Modern day Southern Iraq) during the early Bronze ages. It was first permanently settled between 5500 and 4000BC by a non Semitic people who spoke the Sumerian language. The Sumerian law and society tells the story of a long period of prosperity and a well developed orderly society.
Among the invention of the Sumerians, the most persistent and far reaching was their invention of law while all cultures have some system of social regulation and conflict resolution, law is a distinct phenomenon . Sumerian law was Lex Talionis. Lex Talionis is the principle or law of retaliation that a punishment inflicted should correspond in degree and kind to the offense of the wrong doer, as an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. However the term does not always and only refer to the literal eye-for-an-eye codes of justice. The rule was that punishment must be exactly equal to the crime. For example, if a person caused the death of another person, the killer would be put to death. There was in adequate distinction between intentional and accidental killing. Inequality before the law was present and semi private administration was built for justice
Sumerian society was divided into 3 social classes. Upper class, middle class and lower class. Upper class contained nobles, priests, government officials and warriors. Merchants, traders and artisan made up a middle or ‘’Freeman Class’’. And the lower class contained the slaves. Accompanying division in wealth was a division in power and power among the Sumerians passed to an elite. Sumerian priests who had once worked the fields alongside with others; soon were separated from commoners. The priests hired poor to work their lands and claimed that land was really owned by the gods. They had become skilled as scribes and in some cities they sat with the city council of elders. Common Sumerians remained illiterate and without power, while kings once elected by common people became monarchs. The monarchs were viewed as agents of and responsible to the god. It was the religious duty of his subjects to accept his rule as a part of the plan of the gods. The common people worked of community projects and common people were obliged to pay taxes to the government in the form of a % of their crop.
The Sumerian Script: Sumer was one of the ancient civilization and historical regions in southern Mesopotamia (Modern day Southern Iraq) during the early Bronze ages. It was first permanently settled between 5500 and 4000BC by a non Semitic people who spoke the Sumerian language. The greatest contribution of the Sumerians was their system of writing which was in use about 4000BCE.
The Sumerian script is referred to as the ‘’Cuneiform’’ or ‘’Cuneus’’ a Latin word which means wedge and the Sumerians wrote on clay tablets with a reed making wedge-shaped marks. There are in total 500 cuneiforms characters and many of those had multiple meanings, Sumerians took their idea of writing from cylinder seals used originally as personal symbols. Design or sign each representing a syllable were developed into graphs representing people, animals, plants, gods, and cities. Finally, graphs were associated with specific words and component syllables. As the writings were on clay tablets, many of those have been lost for being destroyed easily. Among all the cuneiform texts, surviving about 90% are business or administrative and 10% fall roughly into the category of literature specifically dialogues, proverbs , hymns, and fragments of mythic. The cuneiform script of Sumer served well enough to be used of Mesopotamia for two millennia and even to become the standard medium for commercial transactions throughout most of Western Asia until about 500BC. The semites, the hitties and the Persians adopted the method of writing. The Phoenician alphabet ultimately suppressed it in the 1st century BC.

Ancient history is the land of mysteries. The only civilization to capture the image-nation of scholars. Mystery surrounds its origin, its religion and its monumental architecture: colossal temples, pyramids and the enormous Sphinx. The Egyptian pyramids are the most famous of all the ancient monuments. The seeds of civilation first sown along the banks of the Nile. The growth of the pharonic kingdom was nourished by this mighty river which flows from Africa to Mediterranean. The river was seen as a gift from the gods because of the rich silt over the land which creates conditions for growing wheat, flax and other crops. The building of irrigation canals was the first communal project. The pharaohs were seen as gods who ensured the continuation of life and after death they became immortal joining the gods in the after world. The Egyptians believed that body and soul was important for human existence in life also in death. Mummification and burial of tombs are done to assist the dead to the afterworld. The tombs were filled with a lot of things so that the soul can return to its body and live happily. The first imposing tombs were the famous pyramids shaped like the sacred mound where the gods first appeared in the creation story. There were paid labours for building the pyramids by using limestone blocks without the use of the wheels, horses or iron tools. These were incredibly ambitious project and the largest structures ever built but the gigantic tombs were a target for the robbers. The tombs were hidden in the Valley of Kings, still the robbers found out ways and stole all the treasures. Tutankhamen’s tomb was the only one to be spared out but it got disturbed twice by robbers. Howard Carter was a British archeologist who spent rest of his life working on the tombs, shifting its treasures to Cairo and studying its contents. His mummy still remains in the tomb and the only pharaoh to be left in the Valley of the Kings. Egyptian archeologists are still making important discoveries today and also doing scientific study on royal mummies.
Religion: One of the most interesting aspects of ancient Egypt is its religion. The depth of Egyptian thinking and the rich imagination displayed in the creation of ideas and images of gods and goddesses are beyond compare. In elaborating their beliefs, the Egyptians were working on the cosmic plane, searching for the understanding of the most basic laws of the universe. They developed the first thought forms of the Godhead- the beginnings of a religion. Their beliefs evolved slowly and developed into comprehensive word view shared by the people of the Nile. In Egypt, before the concept of god existed, magical power was surrounded in the hieroglyph of a scepter. This is one of the most enduring symbols of divine power, ever present in images of the pharaohs and the gods. As human society evolved people gradually developed a degree of personal identity. With a higher sense of individuality, humans began to conceive the gods in a personalized form. This stage in development is called mythical. In Egypt, this process began during the late prehistoric period, when writing was being invented and myths were being formulated. Egyptian town has its own particular deity, a god represented in the shape of an animal, such as cat-goddess, cobra-goddess, ibis-god or jackal-god. These gods and goddesses were given human bodies and created with human attributes and activities. The temples in the major cities throughout the land were constructed to worship gods. Some theologians think that Egypt was moving towards a monotheistic faith in a single creator, symbolized by the sun god. There was no single belief system, but the Egyptians shared a common understanding about the creation of the world and the possibility of reverting to chaos.
The Nile & Egypt: Egypt is officially the Arab republic of Egypt covering the northeast corner of Africa and southeast corner of Asia via a land bridge. Most of Egypt’s territory lies within the Nile Valley. Egypt is a Mediterranean country and is the most populous country in north Africa and the Arab world where a great majority of its people live near the banks of the Nile river. Egypt has one of the longest histories of any modern country and experienced some of the earliest developments of writing, agriculture, urbanization, organized religion and central government in history. The nile is major north-flowing river in northeastern Africa generally regarded as the longest river in the world. Nile is primary water source of Egypt and Sudan.
In 450BCE, a Greek historian named Herodotus called Egypt the “Gift of the Nile” because the Egyptian depended on the resources of the great river. Every year the river flooded the whole valley. When the water went down, it left fertile mud on the land. The mud was easy to plough and they used to threw seeds into the mud. The hot sun made the seeds grow quickly. The chief crops were wheat, fruit and vegetables. The Egyptians made boats, mats, a kind of paper and houses from reeds which use to grow along the river banks. The Egyptians used different kinds of boats to sail on the nile. There were small boats made of reeds and bigger wooden boats to carry goods. They also had a lot of fun on the river especially hunting the birds that lived in the reeds. The nile was important in another way, it helped to make Egypt one country. The floods were important and that everyone in the valley had to work together. The nile helped the government to rule. Soldiers could travel quickly by boat. Orders and collection of taxes by the kings officers were done by using the river. The Egyptians built temples, palaces and tombs near the Nile. The Nile was also used for farming like watering their crops in hot dry summer, dugged canals through their fields and it was filled with water from the river using a machine called shadoof. The nile valley is long and narrow and there were mountains and deserts in the east and west part.
Pyramid: A pyramid is a structure whose outer surfaces are triangular and converge to a single point at the top. Pyramids have been built by civilizations in many parts of the world. The pyramids are the tombs of the kings of ancient Egypt. The kings are called the pharaohs. The pyramids are the biggest stone buildings and 4000 men were needed to build each pyramid. The men were not slaves. They were paid for their work. They used simple tools like wood and copper. They had no wheels to move the heavy stones. Heavy blocks of stone were cut and moved to long distances. Wooden sledges or rollers are used to fit the blocks accurately. The Great pyramid of Giza is one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.

Topic 4: Assyrians & Phoenicians
Ashurbanipal Library: The Royal library of Ashurbanipal was named after Ashurbanipal, the last great king of the Neo-Assyrian Empire is a collection of thousands of clay tablets and fragments containing texts of all kinds from the 7th century BC. The famous Epic of Gilgamesh, an epic poem from ancient Mesopotamia was among the holdings. The library is located in Nineveh, capital of Assyria. Due to careless handling of materials, the library was not well organized thus it made it difficult for the scholars to reconstruct the original texts. The materials were found in the archeological site of Kouyunjik in Northern Mesopotamia.
The library is an archeological discovery credited to Henry Layard, most of the tablets were taken to England and now be found in the British Museum. Hormuzd Rassam discovered a similar library in the palace of king Ashurbanipal. Ashurbanipal was a tenacious martial commander, who was a literate, a passionate collector of texts and tablets and mastered both the Akkadian and the Sumerian languages. He hired scholars to copy texts from Babylonian sources and sent scribes to collect ancient texts from every region of Neo-Assyrian Empire. Ashurbanipal was known as a scholar and being cruel to his enemies. He used threats to gain materials from Babylonia and surrounding areas. The library consisted of 30000 tablets. The texts were concerned with medicine, astronomy and literature. The texts were written in the cuneiform script. The tablets were organized according to the context and shape of the texts. Nineveh was destroyed in 612BC by the Schthians and Medes. The library was burned down during the burning of the palace. Some tablets was preserved but the ones which were made of wax got lost in the fire.
Phoenicians: Phoenicia was an ancient Semitic civilization situated on the western coastal part of the Fertile Crescent. All major Phoenician cities were located on the coastline of Mediterranean and it was a resourceful trading culture that spread across the Mediterranean from 1550 to 300BC. The Phoenicians used galley, a man powered sailing vessel and are credited with the invention of the bireme. They were formed in classical Greece and Rome as ‘traders in purple’ referring to their monopoly on the precious purple dye on the Murex snail, used among other things for royal clothing and for the spread of their alphabets from which almost all modern phonetic alphabets are derived. Phoenicia is a classical Greek term which means ‘land of purple’. The Phoenicians were different from others Semitic cultures of Canaan in terms of archaeology, language, lifestyle and religion.
The Phoenicians were among the greatest traders of their time and owed much of their welfare to trade. They traded mainly with Greeks, trading wood, glass, slaves and Tyrian purple which was violet purple dye used by the Greek elite color garments. After 1200BC, the Phoenicians were the major naval trading power of the region. Textiles were part of Phoenician wealth and Phoenician glass was another export ware. The Greeks gave two names to Phoenician ships hippoi and galloi. Galloi means tubs and hippoi means horses. From 10th century BC the Phoenicians established cities and colonies throughout the Mediterranean. The Phoenician alphabet with a strict and consistent form. It is assumed that its simplified linear characters are from an early pictorial Semitic alphabet. There alphabets resembled Egyptians hieroglyphs and early alphabetic writing system was found in central Egypt. The inscriptions can be found in Lebanon, Syria, Israel, Cyprus and other locations. The Greeks adopted most of the alphabets but changed some of them to vowels. Phoenician art lacks unique characteristics due to its being highly influenced by foreign artistic cultures: Egypt, Greece, & Assyria. The ones who were taught on the banks of the nile gained a wide artstic experience and finally came to create their own art.

Topic 5: Ancient India
Indus Town Planning: In Harappan civilization, the most important feature is the urbanization. The cities show advanced sense of planning and organization. Each city was divided into citadel area where the institutions of civic and religious life were located and also residential area where the urban population lived. The most impressive buildings in the citadel were the granaries, store houses. There were furnaces near the granaries where a variety of metal objects were produced by the metal workers such as bronze, copper, lead and tin. The potters also worked there and near the factory, small quarters were made for the workers. The great bath has another well known building where it served the purpose of ritual bathing in any religious ceremony of India. There was a meeting hall nearby the large building in Mohenjo Daro which appears to be the house of the governer.
The town was remarkably well designed. The streets were wide and the houses were made of burnt brick but in Egypt or Mesopotamia dried or baked bricks were used. In Harappan society, the size of the houses shows class differences and also there was a drainage system which kept the cities clean.
Ramayana: Rama was the eldest son of Dasharatha, who was the king of Ayodhya and his mother’s name was Kaushalya. Rama had three more step brothers from the other wives of his father. Bharata was the son of his father’s second wife and lakhsmana and shatrughna were twins of his father’s third wife. Sita was the daughter of the neighboring city’s ruler. In the bridegroom choosing ceremony sita chose rama as her husband because of his extraordinary skills of picking up the bow. Their love became the model in the entire kingdom and they looked over the kingdom under the watchful eye of his father.
King dasharatha wanted to give his throne to rama his eldest son but queen kaikeyi was not very pleased with that idea and wanted her son bharata to rule. As an oath was taken by the king long time back. Kaikeyi decided to banish rama for 14 years and make her son bharata the king. Rama was an obedient son and agreed to live in the forest where sita and lakhsmana accompanied him on his exile.
Ravana, the ten headed ruler of lanka abducted sita because of her unique beauty and also because Rama and lakhsmana wounded rakshasas, sister of ravana. Ravana sent one of his demon disguised as a deer , which rama and lakhsmana went to hunt as sita wanted it but before going for hunting rama drew a protective circle around sita and she would be safe as long as she did not step out of it. But then ravana came as a holy man begging to sita for food and as shes stepped out ravana grabbed her and took her to his kingdom in lanka.
Hanuman was the general of the band of monkeys who could fly as his father is the wind. He flew to lanka and comforted to sita that rama would come and save her. Ravana’s men captured hanuman and put his tail on fire and that with his tail burning he escaped from lanka setting fire on it. Then rama, lakhsmana and monkeys built a causeway from the tip of India to lanka and crossed over to lanka where the battle ensued. Rama killed the brothers of ravana and also him taking sita back to ayodhya where she proved purify and the crown was returned to Rama.

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...Chapter Fourteen Marketing Promotion: Delivering High-Impact Messages Review Questions 1. How has marketing promotion evolved over the past decade? How has technology contributed to the changes? 2. Why is integrated marketing communication such a challenge for marketers? How can marketers encourage teamwork and coordination? 3. Do you think a rational or an emotional premise works better for marketing promotion? Why? Does your answer change across product categories? Use examples to support your perspective. 4. Why are the key risks and the potential rewards of product placement in both movies and television? Do think this promotional tool will continue to grow? Why or why not? 5. What ethical issues have emerged as marketers explore new ways of grabbing consumer attention? Use examples to support your points. 6. Do you think that cable television advertising spending will eventually eclipse network television advertising spending? Why or why not? 7. Given that each type of media offers strengths and drawbacks, what factors should you consider in developing a media plan for a specific product? 8. What are the advantages and disadvantages of publicity? Is it ethical for marketers to try to influence the media? Explain your answer...

Words: 2023 - Pages: 9

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...Assignment front sheet Qualification | Unit number and title | BTEC Higher National Diploma – Business Management | Unit 1 – The Business Environment | Student name | Assessor name | Mohammed Arif | Mary EC Zafra | Date issued | Completion date | Submitted on | 19/11/2015 | 17/12/2015 | 17/12/2015 | | | Assignment title | BE1: Assignment 2/2 The Business in an Economic, Cultural and Global Environment. (LO3 & LO4) | ------------------------------------------------- Learning Outcome | Assessment Criteria | In this assessment you will have the opportunity to present evidence that shows you are able to: | Task no. | Evidence(Page no) | LO 3 Understand the behaviour of organisations in their market environment | 3.1 | Explain how market structures determine the pricingand output decisions of businesses | | | | 3.2 | Illustrate the way in which market forces shapeorganisational responses using a range of examples | | | | 3.3 | Judge how the business and cultural environmentsshape the behaviour of a selected organisation | | | LO4 Be able to assess the significance of the global factors that shape national business activities. | 4.1 | Discuss the significance of international trade to UK business organisations | | | | 4.2 | Analyse the impact of global factors on UK business organisations | | | | 4.3 | Evaluate the impact of policies of the European Union on UK business organisations. | | | Learner declaration | I certify that the work...

Words: 1475 - Pages: 6

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Im Marketting

...Table of content Abstract ……………………………………………………………………… 2 Introduction ………………………………………………………………….. 3 Chapter I ……………………………………………………………………... 4 I. What are multinational companies? II. Main Multination companies in Sri Lanka III. What is meant by International Marketing? Chapter II ……………………………………………………………………………….. 6 I. Business environments faced by multinational companies. II. Planning process of the multinational companies. Chapter III ………………………………………………………………………………. 8 I. Uncontrollable variables faced by multinational companies in Sri Lanka and the strategies implemented to gain the market share. II. Concluding remarks References ……………………………………………………………………………….. 17 Abstract This research is to find out what are multinational companies and also the main multination companies which are operating in Sri Lanka. Further, the research analyzes the business environments, mainly the uncontrollable environments of foreign countries and the planning process of multinational companies. The main objective of this research is to analyze the factors which are affecting to market mix strategies of multinational companies operating in Sri Lanka. The research is mainly done from secondary data available in the internet and also from the paper articles. Research findings will gives an idea about what are multinational companies, methods they adopt to market their products in Sri Lanka and what the factors that affect to marketing mix strategies of...

Words: 3262 - Pages: 14

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Project on Marketting

...1. ABSTRACT In highly competitive markets, customer satisfaction is a key driver of performance, making its measurement and management crucial. Most studies on customer satisfaction take an aggregate standpoint and do not consider segment-specific differences in attribute importance. In this article, the authors report on customer satisfaction with ambal auto (p) Ltd. They hypothesize that personal, situational, and product factors moderate the relationship between attribute performance and overall satisfaction. The “service-dominant logic” focuses on the firm and the customer co creating value, as defined by the customer. Achieving this orientation requires firms to understand which components of the service concept are most important to different subsets of customers. However, research on the relative importance to customers of core and peripheral service components has produced mixed results. The results show that these factors indeed influence Attribute—Performance—Satisfaction Relationship The present study investigates this relationship for salespeople in a business he theoretical justification for a positive impact of salespeople’s job satisfaction on customer satisfaction is based on the concept of emotional contagion. The analysis is based on a dyadic data set that involves judgments provided by salespeople and their customers collected across multiple manufacturing and services industries. Results indicate the presence of a positive relationship between salespeople’s...

Words: 6888 - Pages: 28

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Marketting Management

...1. Explain the concept of Marketing Segmentation & Target Marketing. Market Segmentation is defined as: “The process of dividing a market into distinct subsets of consumers with common needs and selecting one or more segments to target with a distinct marketing strategy” Market segmentation is a strategy that involves dividing a larger market into subsets of consumers who have common needs and applications for the goods and services offered in the market. These subgroups of consumers can be identified by a number of different demographics, depending on the purposes behind identifying the groups. Marketing campaigns are often designed and implemented based on this type of customer segmentation. One of the main reasons for engaging in market segmentation is to help the company understand the needs of the customer base. Often the task of segregating consumers by specific criteria will help the company identify other applications for their products that may or may not have been self evident before. Uncovering these other ideas for use of goods and services may help the company target a larger audience in that same demographic classification and thus increase market share among a specific sub market base. Market segmentation strategies can be developed over a wide range of characteristics found among consumers. One group within the market may be identified by gender, while another group may be composed of consumers within a given age group. Location is another common...

Words: 4104 - Pages: 17

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Marketting Plan

...Notes Personal finance and corporate finance Personal finance investing in properties,fd,shares,lic mutual funds,insurance,real estates,currencies Avenues for investing and choice of investment The more risk you take the more returns yu get. Corporate finance –how activities help financial planning of Organisations Markets-financial markets(money market(short time maturity time less than 1 year) and capital market(maturity time more than I year long term eg equity shares,bonds,debentures,company puts money in fixed deposits)) Debt market vs equity market Equity is your own money.owners capital eg quity eowners equity and carries voting rights which means maturity period.on liquidation no promise od dividends Debt is borrowed money eg car loan,housing loan. Primary market –ipo fpo,raise issue first time,qip-the first time a shareholders buys stock from company Secondary market-shareolder starts selling on stock exchange becomes secondary market Financial securities/instrumentswhich is uniform coomon denomination or common issues same features eg every debenture 10 rs face value eg fd is not a security .security can be listed(in order to be listed it has to be uniform one common feature in all ) and traded(buying and selling) in stock market () Eg Preference shraes ,equity shares .plain borrowing and lending of money from institutions like bank Methods of fund raising ipo(initial public offer) ist time company goes to market that...

Words: 403 - Pages: 2

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Facebook for Marketting

...Social media in marketing Social media sites are generally of great importance to marketing managers and entrepreneurs. A critical look at today’s world will reveal to you that Facebook on its own has over 1.4 billion users (browser media, socialnomics, Macworld, 17 May 2014). As a marketer, this should be more than just an opportunity for marketing, it should be their stronghold. Most branded marketers have seized this opportunities by creating pages on Facebook and advertising each of their new products whenever they have a chance to. For the average Facebook user this has been enlightening especially since they are able to know the diversity and prices of products available in the market without much struggle. Marketing through Facebook has made window shopping a bit old fashioned. People can ‘window shop’ at the click of a button. It is even possible to know what products are on sale and which shopping centers are trending through Facebook. As statistics will prove, 57% of all adults worldwide use Facebook. These are the same adults who provide for their family needs. This generates a need for marketers to reach out to them through Facebook and advertise their products to them. Of the 57%, 64% will visit the site daily; it goes without saying that this would be a cheap and convenient way to reach to these strong markets. Facebook is continually adding new features that would be relevant to marketers and clients. One such feature is the graph search. Through this feature...

Words: 2434 - Pages: 10

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Marketting Concepts

...First Consept; Social Class Marketers are always trying to spot cultural shifts in order to discover products that wanted. Each culture contains smaller subcultures which is a group of people with shared value systems based on common life experiences and situations. It is vary to nationalities, geographic regions, racial groups,and religion. Each subcultures make up important market segments and marketers design their strategies and products according to these needs. Social class is not determined only by income, but is also measured by education, wealth and other variables. I choose one of the print advertisement of Versace which is the luxury and very expensive fashion brand that target the very rich and royal classes. As you can see over there, there is a woman whose mode of dressing is high class and left side of the photo there are two henchmans whose consideration is only earning money. As it seen in this picture, there is a class distinction between higher and lower classes. If we look at the advertisement there is no word that explain the ad but we could easily understand that the only person that qualified to having Versace should be rich enough. So Versace target market is rich class. Low class is not important for this brand, and with the help of the higher class, the brands profit is sufficent and satisfactory. I choose this advertisement because it is a good example for Social Class concept. Second Consept; Societal Marketing Concept ...

Words: 469 - Pages: 2

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Viral Marketting

...Company Profile Project Management Services Techno Management Company Profile-PM Table of Contents 1. Techno Management in a Glance ...................................................................................... 3 1.1 Who are we.................................................................................................................. 3 1.2 Vision .......................................................................................................................... 3 1.3 Mission ........................................................................................................................ 3 2. Our Services ....................................................................................................................... 4 3. Project Management Consultation Services ...................................................................... 5 3.1 Project Audit ............................................................................................................... 6 3.2 Project Management .................................................................................................... 6 3.3 Implementing MS Project Server ................................................................................ 6 3.4 Project Performance Management .............................................................................. 7 3.5 Developing Corporate PM Methodology ...........................................

Words: 3769 - Pages: 16

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Business Marketting

...Introduction The strategy cost involved in setting up a business that provides a customer service, market service of setting a business of a product. In this paper, we discussed the comprehensive analysis of the existing product on the market, then indicating my own business analysis that fits in the existing market. The paper also discussed the financial information of the existing product and a new product. The paper also highlights the vital role playing by the product owner in setting a business. The paper also includes and take into consideration of having new business strategies in finding new clients, keeping existing clients and long-term planning to develop a sustainable product. In last, the paper concludes by providing the recommendations for the launch of new product. Background Unique Tea is a flavored tea that will be launched in the UK market. The product is of a unique colour that is meant to stand out, and the taste is meant to give the consumer a fruity taste. The serving of Unique Tea is ideal when it is cold and fresh In essence, the purpose is to come across as a refreshing drink. To this end, the production of Unique Tea includes the use of natural fruits and extracts from naturally occurring organic elements. The marketing strategy for Unique Tea highlights the organic and Rainforest friendly nature of Unique Tea’s production process. Comprehensive Analysis [pic] Following are the market share of the existing companies of Tea bags....

Words: 3177 - Pages: 13

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Marketting a Product

...Marketing the product The marketing mix The marketing mix is the set of controllable marketing variables that the firm blends to produce the response it wants in the target market. Also known as the 4P’s. 1. Product – goods and services combination the offers to the target market. 2. Price – the amount of money customer’s pay to obtain the product. 3. Place – activities that make the product available to target customers. Eg dealership 4. Promotion – activities that communicate the merits of the product and persuade target customers to buy. *Discuss how each can be effectively manipulated to meet customer’s needs profitably. The Product A product is anything that can be offered to a market for attention , acquisition use, or consumption that might satisfy a need or want. Physical products or services. A product is more than a set of tangible features. Product levels - (i ) core benefits – the fundamental service or benefit that the customer is really buying. Meet need. (ii) basic product (iii) expected product – a set of attributes and conditions buyers normally expect (iv) augmented product – that exceeds customer expectation (v) potential product – encompasses all the possible augmentations and transformations the product or offering might undergo in the future. Product classifications 1. Durability and tangibility 2. Consumer goods 3. Industrial goods *Identify the different good within each classification. Product decisions 1. Product attribute decisions ...

Words: 651 - Pages: 3

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Marketting Mgt Segments

...Term paper of marketing management On Colgate cold cream WASEEM RAJA J&K BANDIPORA LEC. IN LSB R315B35 LOVELY PROFESSIONAL UNIVERSITY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to express my gratitude for the helpful comment and Suggestions by my teacher. Most importantly I would like to thank my PROF. MR.PARVEEN SINGH KALSI, for her days of supervision. Her critical commentary on work has played a major role in both the content and presentation of our discussion and arguments and I would thank my friends for their help in making of this term paper. I have extended my appreciation to the several sources which provided various kinds of knowledge base support for me this period. SHEFALI VIJ CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 4 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 4 MARKETING PLAN OF COLGATE-PALMOLIVE 4-12 ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS 13-16 MARKETING STRATEGY 16-20 SEGMENTATION 20 TARGETING ...

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