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Mass Comm


Submitted By cnm2323
Words 456
Pages 2
ACTION PLAN ACTIVITY | RATIONALE | TIME | GOAL | Meet with client | To exchange ideas and gather information | October 1, 2014 | To gather client research information | Develop outline for proposal | To present to supervisor | October 2,2014 | To gain confirmation to officially begin campaign | Contact Bess Fm re outside broadcasts | To identify OB host and cost | October 3, 2014 | To gain confirmation start designing and promotion of events. | Design posters for | To be posted on Facebook and in businesses in Mandeville | October 4, 2014 | Publicity | Meet with client | To discuss OB plans | October 7, 2014 | To ensure event is successful | Meet with client | To finalize OB plans | October 11, 2014 | To ensure event is successful | Meet with client | To discuss career day at Zion Hill primary and Cross Keys Primary | October 11, 2014 | To ensure activity is successful | Event : Career day at Zion Hill Primary | Take photos | October 15, 2014 | Publicity | Event : OB #1 | Take photos | October 15, 2014 | Publicity | Event : career day at Cross Keys High School | | October, 17, 2014 | Publicity | Prepare questionnaire | To be distributed to target audiences | October 17, 2014 | To collect data needed for research | Distribute questionnaires | To gather data | October 21, 2014 | To collect data needed for research | Meet with client | To finalize arrangements for OB #2 | October 21,2014 | To ensure event runs smoothly | Event OB #2 | | October 22, 2014 | Publicity | Shoot webisodes | To upload to YouTube channel | October 28,2014 | Publicity | Meet with client | To finalize OB #3 | October 28, 2014 | To ensure event runs smoothly | Send email to Khadene Foote (Smile Ja Producer) | To secure slot on the programme | November 10, 2014 | Major publicity | Meet with client | To discuss possible Poetry Jam | November 13, 2014 | | Meet with client | To discuss TVJ Interview | November 20, 2014 | To ensure interview runs smoothly | Meet with client | To finalize TVJ interview arrangement | November 25, 2014 | To ensure interview runs smoothly | Event : TVJ interview | Take photos, get client comfortable | November 26, 2014 | Publicity | Meet with client | To discuss Master cleanse | November 29,2014 | | Design master cleanse Poster | To be sent out on WhatsApp and posted on Facebook | December 6, 2014 | To ensure awareness | Meet with Patrick Barrett | To discuss booth space at Rebel Salute | December 13,2014 | To secure booth space at rebel salute | Meet with client | To change plans and plan OB #4 | December 20, 3014 | To ensure it runs smoothly | Meet with client | Meet with client to discuss Rebel Salute | December 20,2014 | To secure booth at event | Event: OB #4 | | December 31, 2014 | Publicity | Meet with client | To finalize Rebel Salute plans | January 15, 2014 | To ensure everything is in place | Event: Rebel Salute | Take photos | January 16-17, 2014 | Publicity | Upload edited Promo vid to Facebook page | | January 22, 2014 | Awareness |

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...#2 The Study of Concurrent Forces with the Force Table Apparatus: Force table with 4 pulleys, centering ring and string, 50 g weight hangers, slotted weights, protractors, and rulers. Discussion: The force table is designed to help you study the properties of forces at known angles. Only when forces are along the same line do they add by ordinary algebra. If two or more forces on the same body form angles with each other, it is necessary to use geometry to find the amount and direction of their combined effect. Prior to Lab: Complete the calculations in the following. The component method of adding vectors is given here for three sample forces as follows: A = 2.45 N @ 40o B = 3.92 N @ 165o C = 3.43 N @ 330o Overview of the component method of vector addition. First make a neat drawing, not necessarily to exact scale, but reasonably accurate as to sizes and angles, placing the three forces on a diagram with a pair of x and y axes. Find the angle of each force with the x-axis. This angle is called the reference angle, and is the one used to calculate sines and cosines. Next compute the x- and y-components of the three forces, placing like components in columns. Place plus or minus signs on the various quantities according to whether an x-component is to the right or left of the origin, or whether a y-component is up or down relative to the origin. Add the columns with regard to sign (subtracting the minus quantities), and place the correct sign on each sum. The resulting quantities...

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Entry of Goods

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