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Mayans And Aztecs Comparison Essay

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The Mayans, Aztecs, and Incas all were different tribes that lived at different periods, in different locations, and they had different capitals for each civilization. The Mayan lived in parts of present-day southern Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador. The Mayan lived between the 1000 BC to the 1542. The Mayan capital was Tikal but also there were also different capitals for each Mayan city. The Aztecs were located in now day Mexico. They also had the Great Valley. They lived between the 12 century AD to 15th century AD. Their capital was Tenochtitlan. The Inca’s were located in Peru. They lived between 1438 AD to 1532 AD. Their capital was Cuzco. The Inca empire was stretched out 2,000 miles from the north to the south.
The Mayas economy was different and the same with the other tribes. They traded with many of the Mesoamerican cultures. The farmers transported their cocoa beans to the market in canoe or in large baskets. They had 3 ways of farming that were all good. The first one was the Slash and Burn farming, in this farming they burned down forests to get land to plant. This was a good way of farming but it also had its consequences. …show more content…
The Aztecs also, had many gods so they were polytheism too. The Incas were polytheism also. All three tribes did human sacrifices. The Mayan did animal sacrifices too. To the Mayans the king’s blood was sacred. To start ceremonies the priest will cut themselves. Also, the enemy warriors were sacred sacrifices. Another type of sacrifice was to throw them into a well. If they survived they were treated as sacred. The Aztec main god was the sun god. At a time they did 20,000 sacrifices for one ceremony. It was about the sacrifice not blood. When they conquered another tribe or someone else they killed everyone. The Inca emperor or sapa inca was considered to be part god. They sacrificed children, they were considered the most pure, it was a

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