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Mba Hrm Paper Solutions


Submitted By monikagd
Words 92421
Pages 370
Human Resource Management


( IIBM - B102 )

Author: VSP Rao Copyright © 2010, VSP Rao All Rights Reserved Produced and Printed by EXCEL BOOKS PRIVATE LIMITED A-45, Naraina, Phase-I, New Delhi-110 028 For IIBM Institute of Business Management Meerut - 250002

Distance Learning Education, IIBM Institute of Business Management
The ultimate vision of this Institute is to ensure that all working executives and each young manager must possess the requisite research-oriented-business-acumen and the competitive managerial excellence in successfully tackling the new emerging management-related-problems of the country in the changing global scenario. Individuals who look upon education as a continuing activity and wish to enhance their knowledge in an existing discipline or acquire proficiency in a new area are sure to benefit from the offered Programs. Distance Education is an attempt to make education accessible beyond the close confines of a classroom and to make it available to those who aspire and endeavor. The pedagogy used is interactive with cutting-edge techniques and innovation. This has gone long way to strengthen skills and expertise students to meet much-needed requirement of management students; in industry or society. The Institute pioneered and offers more than 40 programs in the field of Management, Computer, Six Sigma and SAP Training certification courses. We emphasis on imparting education to various genres of the society, right from Students to Professionals and Housewives to Businessmen. At IIBM we deal in keeping this flow up and building the management education in a way that is relevant, contextual and motivating the managers from all sectors i.e. corporate and non-corporate. We continue to strive for

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Human Resource Management

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