Premium Essay

Mchange Management and Communication Plan


Submitted By 3agleman007
Words 843
Pages 4
Adler Roseme
Conflict Management Plan
Edward Skornia

1. Identify the available conflict management strategies and their strengths and weaknesses.

|Strategy |Strengths |Weaknesses |
| |When up against a deadline a person may |Team member on the losing need of a decision|
|Competing Strategy |give up power to gain a win. Where this |may become less willing to assist in other |
|Long-termaction plan that is devised to |works is when you know you have the right |projects. |
|help a company gain a competitive |solution, because a fast decision is | |
|advantage over its rival. |required | |
| | | |
| | |May take a long time to complete goals |
|Collaborating Strategy |Team member try to understand other team | |
|When in conflict, people try to work |members views in order to find solutions to| |
|together to achieve a mutually outcome |the problem. A winning solution is when all| |
| |are in agreement, thus a group | |
| |collaboration

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