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Men Traditional Role


Submitted By sergioamaro
Words 818
Pages 4
Moloney talks about the procreator in the erosion of mens traditional roles. In the procreator section he explains how scientists have been trying to separate sex being the only way to reproduce. There are many cases these days in which males are just sperm donors. Men will donate their sperm to sperm banks in which their sperm will be frozen and men will no longer be needed to impregnate women physically. Opposed to biodiversity, the other downside to these scientists logics is that every other human being will just appear as another sperm donor’s child. These factors take away a traditional role for a man which is to be able to provide half of the production process. Scientists take away the nature portion of reproduction. Single women and lesbian couples who want to raise a child or children without the help of a man diminishes a man’s role as a father figure. In addition to the previous statement, independant women’s income is increasing making men less needed to support a woman or a family financially because the woman is financially independent and doesn’t need a man. A really great portion of Moloney’s article that I appreciated was how he described men as being fierce which allows them to be able to protect a woman, their children or the elderly from any harm. Moloney continues to explain that as opposed to men, women are also protectors. Women protect in ways such as protection towards their family, marriage generation and entities. Moloney said that this type of protection from women lasts far more longer than the protection a man can give. I really applaud that he says this because women do not need men for what society believes is best. It is best to be the protector of saving your family andmarriage because all the physical protection you can receive can result in bad conflict. I also pride that women can be their own financial providers because we do

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