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Meno's Arguments Of Virtue

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Refutation: Virtue is to desire beautiful things and the ability to gain such things.
Socrates and Meno are debating what is virtue and how to attain it. One of the definitions that Meno provides (virtue is to “desire beautiful things and have the power to acquire them”) is refuted by Socrates. (77b-).
Socrates counters Meno by asking Meno a series of questions about what it means to desire good things and does anyone really desire anything that is bad. Socrates begin his series of questions by asking what Meno actually means to desire beautiful things, is it the same as to want good things. Meno agrees to this point which leads Socrates to ask Meno if everyone actually desires to have good things. Meno does not agree with this point because some people actually want bad things. Socrates then asks if some people believes bad things to actually be good while others know the bad things are bad and still desire them. Meno believes that there is both kinds of people. …show more content…
Meno agrees that desiring it to secure for oneself, which then leads Socrates to ask if people know that the thing they desire is harmful for them or that they think the thing will benefit them. Meno answer to this question is that some people do know that bad things will harm them, while others think that bad things will benefit them. Socrates then asks do the people who think bad things will benefit, know the thing they desire probably will cause them harm. Meno does not believe that the people know the thing they desire to be bad. Socrates concludes that the people who desire bad things, but do not know the thing is bad, cannot want a bad thing. However, people can desire good things that are really

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