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Unit Plans

Unit 1: Information Systems Security Fundamentals

Learning Objective

 Explain the concepts of information systems security (ISS) as applied to an IT infrastructure.

Key Concepts

 Confidentiality, integrity, and availability (CIA) concepts

 Layered security solutions implemented for the seven domains of a typical IT infrastructure

 Common threats for each of the seven domains

 IT security policy framework

 Impact of data classification standard on the seven domains


 Kim and Solomon, Chapter 1: Information Systems Security.


Use the following keywords to search for additional materials to support your work:

 Data Classification Standard

 Information System

 Information Systems Security

 Layered Security Solution

 Policy Framework

Week 1
Assignment (See Below) * Match Risks/Threats to Solutions * Impact of a Data Classification Standard

Lab * Perform Reconnaissance & Probing Using ZenMap GUI (Nmap) * Page 7-14 in lab book.

Project (See Below) * Project Part 1. Multi-Layered Security Plan

Unit 1 Assignment 1: Match Risks/Threats to Solutions

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

 You will learn how to match common risks or threats within the seven domains of a typical IT

infrastructure with solutions and preventative actions.

Assignment Requirements

This is a matching activity. You will receive the Match Risks/Threats to Solutions worksheet, which contains a numbered list of common risks and threats found in a typical IT infrastructure. You must enter the letter for the correct solution or preventative action in the blank to the right of each risk or threat.

Required Resources

Worksheet: Match

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