Premium Essay

Mergers and Acquistions


Submitted By sivaiahpotru
Words 1322
Pages 6
In classical Greek, the word “ethics” entails the “beliefs of the people” - the analyze of what is right and good in human conduct and the explanation of such claims. Already has applied to the complex and multifaceted world of healthcare, it is a formidable task to try and uncover the fundamental principles involved in “right and good conduct”. Without a doubt, this task is not simply about setting up a list of rights and wrongs. Rather, it is a discussion, a process that helps to tease out the real issues and find ethical solutions to complex practical troubles. Ethical queries come up when the exercise of preference somehow affects the welfare of others. One of the problems for any business related issue is that they may not realize when choices about technical matters have moral significances.
Ethical Models:
• Utilitarian ethics
Duty/deontological ethics
• Virtue ethics
There is relationship between ethics and law and these are the issues can be legal as well as moral, or the issue can be legal and immoral or, the issues can be illegal and moral, or the issues can be illegal and immoral. So it is possible that the issue is illegal yet moral. In the argument on "selling banned drugs to overseas" is not really illegal if it is benefitted to the country citizen and it is a moral duty towards to customers or business. Laws are more like giving definite answer to the issue saying if it is legal or not legal. But in business world especially pharmaceutical companies, issues cannot be dealt in these definite ways. It is really complicated to deal with the pharmaceutical drugs because sometimes drugs are useful for certain people while detrimental to some people and sometimes it is not socially and religiously valid and sometimes it leads to crime. So there are always arguments on these issues. Some of the ethical issues in research faced by regulatory affairs are:

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