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Submitted By moorea16
Words 820
Pages 4
Methamphetamine is a highly addictive drug that not only affects the brain but it also affects the central nervous system. This particular drug stimulates brain cells, enhancing mood and body movement due to the increase in levels of the neurotransmitter dopamine. It is associated with increased wakefulness, physical activity, respiration but a decrease in appetite. Other symptoms include irritability, confusion, anxiety, and paranoia. Coming from a college student, I do not know much about meth. In fact, I have never even come across it at this particular school. However, finding out what was inside Meth was terrifying and I received all I’ve ever wanted to know about it. Inside are harsh chemicals such as Ammonia, drain cleaner, Iodine, Brake Fluid, Butane (Lighter Fluid), Red Phosphorus (Red Matches), and Ephedrine (also found in Sudafed). Concerning all of the ingredients that can be found in Meth, there were a lot of emotions that I was feeling. The dangerous chemicals that are the ingredients in this drug are hazardous and poison to the human body. Fluids and chemicals that are used for cars, lighters, and any sort of machine I can probably assume that it is not made for the human body. I never knew or understood why there has been so much talk and drama concerning Sudafed and Benadryl. I mean, before watching this video and hearing many of the responses in class, I did not see the reason behind being carded for a medication like so. Granted, I never knew any of the ingredients inside Sudafed, never mind what they did to you, but knowing it is connected with a whole different drug changes the story for me. The ripple effect of this is an incredible feat, not only does being carded for these products eliminate anyone underage trying to misuse this drug but it also has an impact on drug sales concerning methamphetamine products. There can be many different signs that a person is using drugs, even if their particular drug of choice is Meth. When a person becomes a meth addict, obtaining and using that drug is the first and only thing on that persons mind. Everything else that is on their mind fall behind, even if those things include a home life, marriage, children, and even the workplace. Physical symptoms may also give clues to whether a person is using, developing sores and scabs on their face and body. Some may have rotted teeth because of the excessive use of harsh chemicals and the decreased flow of saliva (referred to as “meth mouth”). The long-term effects of Meth use are not so encouraging. Brain scans show (although a slim chance of sobriety) that even when a person has been clean of Meth for two years, their brain is still not back to it’s normal functioning. Does this imply that once you’ve tried meth, there is basically no turning back? Chronic meth use has been linked to violent behavior, psychotic behavior, delusions, and homicidal and suicidal thoughts. Like I stated before, coming from a college student, I have not run into someone (as far as I know) using or wanting to share anything related to Meth so I’m not sure how easy it would be to obtain. However, the ingredients are pretty easy to obtain so it wouldn’t surprise me if this drug is found almost anywhere. Not even concerning the ingredients, the drug itself is also easy to take by whoever wants the drug. It is not just smoked, but also injected, snorted, you name it, it can happen. The meth epidemic has a continuing and profound impact among the young adult and emerging adulthood population for many reasons. Could this be a matter of genetics and biology giving people with a more impulsive nature a disadvantage when it comes to experiencing and trying drugs. Since meth is highly addictive, perhaps an innocent time of just wanting to experience something with a group of friends can lead to a road of struggle and addiction. Or on the other hand, does this effect the young adult population by environmental factors. Is it easily obtained where they are currently residing? Are they surrounded by a social network that are also using? Are they using other drugs and by necessity of “getting their next fix” they resort to meth to get that high? Or is there not enough information going around to the young kids? I think it is a mixture of everything mentioned here. Especially talking to the younger generation and talking to them about it, instead of focusing so much on alcohol and marijuana (that is the only thing I remember about the D.A.R.E program). There is almost a desensitizing factor going on with the TV shows, like Breaking Bad, making it seems as though Meth is just no big deal and we don’t need to worry about something not as common as Weed.

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