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Millenium Leap


Submitted By gatormom85
Words 373
Pages 2
• The development of a cheap source of energy that was virtually unlimited, yet small enough to fit in a pocket We already have the beginnings of this technology in our world today. A battery the size of a cellphone battery but the thickness of a Styrofoam plate has been developed by an inventor here in the US recently. If coupled with some form of pocket clip solar collector it would be limited to voltage and wattage for small electronics only but virtually unlimited as far as replenishable usable power. Benefiting from this would not only be a society that “demands” faster technology with a more reasonable price tag to make their everyday life easier, but the business world as well would reap rewards. Those businesses that relied on field equipment utilizing small power technology could stay in the field longer, travel farther and complete their job quicker than with older equipment previously used. This would relate to more profit to the bottom line, customer retention increases and employee retention due to less job stress. A win-win for everyone involved. The only downside to smaller technology items is progressive use of automation for manufacture and the loss of jobs in the workforce.

• The development of a “transporter,” similar to the one used on “Star Trek,” that could ship both goods and people across the street or around the world cheaply and instantaneously
A transporter to move goods and people whenever and wherever needed on this planet or even to another destination in space would make a huge positive impact on society in the way we deal with relationships, both family and as a national entity worldwide and business in the need for speed of production and cost effectiveness. This dramatic shift would seriously have a negative impact on the transportation, vehicle manufacture and oil industries with a major loss of passengers, goods moved

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Around the Corner Business Plan

...Around The Corner A. Project Scope Statement We aim to provide consumers in the Buckhead area with a healthy, delicious and convenient breakfast meal. We will give people the ability to eat their breakfast foods. This project will span over one year. This one-year will include planning, assessing, gathering materials, execution, control and evaluation, and finally, modification. Our coffee shop Around the Corner already has a standing presence in Buckhead as a popular go-to spot for customers to get satisfy their caffeine cravings and socialize. We want to integrate a breakfast menu into already established coffee shop to attract more customers and expand our business. B. Time, Cost, Performance Trade-off Assessment 1. Cost Estimates Direct costs: Materials, Labor & Equipment a) Increased store hours (morning hours) = additional labor Payroll: Two Shifts: 7-3 & 3-11. Total 8 employees:  4 cooks @ $12.00/hr. and 4 waitresses @ $9.00/hr. = $3360/week b)    Cost of new kitchen equipment: 1)    Griddle- $700 2)    Toaster Ovens: $500 3)    Bread Steamer: $800 4)    Cook Top: $800 5)    Cold Well: $2000 6)    Panini Grill: $300 7)    Waffle Maker: $500 8)    Small wares: $700 c) Weekly Breakfast Food Costs: $2,100 Indirect Costs: Advertising, Cleaning supplies, Utilities, Office equipment a)    Advertising expense to promote breakfast - (Paper menu’s, weekly ads in local...

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