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Mlk Rhetorical Devices

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Rhetorical Analysis of MLK’s “I Have a Dream” Speech Martin Luther King Jr. was an American civil rights activist who boldly called an end to racism in the United States. On August 28, 1963 he delivered a speech in front of more than 250,000 civil rights supporters from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial; a speech that became famous for its inspiration; a speech that was a defining moment for the American Civil Rights Movement; a speech plainly known as “I Have a Dream.” This infamous speech was so influential and moving because of the many rhetorical devices and appeals used that effectively related to the emotions and knowledge of the common people. Techniques used so beautifully and words spoken so genuinely that the hearts of those listening …show more content…
The combination of these two elements bring the different ideas and words together to create something beautifully artistic. Without the use of a specific anaphora, his portrayal of pathos wouldn’t be as sensible, and without the use of metaphors, his statements wouldn’t be as relatable, and without the use of allusion, his arguments wouldn’t be as logical. However, when King combines these devices with these appeals, he is able to skillfully rearrange his words in such a way that his listeners become hypnotized by the elegance of his writing, holding on to every last word he has to say, and leaving them begging and wishing for more.
Martin Luther King Jr. was an American civil rights activist who boldly called an end to racism by using rhetorical devices and appeals that effectively related to the emotions and knowledge of the common people. He was able to add symbolic meaning and depth to what he was trying to portray, as well as bring the emphasis of his words to life, in order to keep a firm grasp of the attention and emotions of his listeners. Furthermore, he was able to appeal to their sense of nationalism, calling upon them to stand up for what is true and what is right: liberty and

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