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Money And Ignorance In The Play Beneatha '

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In the play Beneatha was caught up between two men. George represent money and ignorance. In the play the play the family see him has wealth, handsome guy. But for Beneatha she doesn’t care about all that. Beneatha thinks George is a fool. Because in the play Beneatha wanted to talk to him, he told her all you want to do is talk. George believes that you should get your education and get a job. And that’s not what Beneatha believes in. Another example is when Beneatha was wearing her african dress that Asagi gave her. George told her to go change and to fix her hair. He has a different view of seeing women. Asagi represent love and black racial pride because he tells Beneatha to keep in touch with her african roots. To have pride of your

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