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Moral Virtues


Submitted By kirkirvin
Words 3021
Pages 13
Chapter 11 The Moral Virtues

Once the various faculties of the soul are rectified in regard to the supernatural order through the theological virtues, it is necessary to rectify them in regard to the means for attaining that end. This is the role of the moral virtues. As we have already mentioned, it is impossible to enumerate all the moral virtues, since there can be a virtue wherever there can be a morally good habit regarding a given area of human activity, and human activities are multiple. However, theologians generally group the moral virtues around the basic cardinal virtues of prudence, justice, temperance, and fortitude.

Prudence The first of the four cardinal virtues and the most important as a fulcrum for all the other moral virtues is prudence. It is a special virtue infused by God into the practical intellect for the right government of one's actions in view of the supernatural end. Prudence is the most necessary of all the moral virtues because its function is precisely to point out and command the just mean or measure in regard to any and all human actions. It enables us to judge accurately what is the morally good thing to do under particular circumstances. The importance of the virtue of prudence is especially evident in certain aspects of human life. First, it helps the individual avoid sin, pointing out through experience the causes and occasions of sin as well as the opportune remedies. Secondly, it contributes to the increase and growth of virtue, judging in each instance what should be done or avoided in view of one's sanctification. Thirdly, prudence assists greatly in the works of the apostolate, whether in the pulpit the confessional, or elsewhere. There are three acts involved in the functioning of prudence: deliberation, judgment, and execution. Eight integral parts are required for the perfection of the virtue of prudence,

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