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Morality In The Destructors By Graham Greene

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Life is a slate where experience writes Graham Greene suggests, “Morality comes with the sad wisdom of age, when the sense of curiosity has withered”. People’s actions, thoughts, and intentions are based on their assumption of morality. Graham Greene’s views on morality lead him to face many internal conflicts in his life such as alienation and self-doubt which made him to commit suicide six times during his adolescent age (Roisman- Cooper). Graham Greene’s internal conflicts and experiences in his life considerably influenced his writing style. His writings contain themes based on his life experiences such as religion, alienation, depth of understanding and sadness. Greene says that Human nature is not black and white but black and grey …show more content…
Greene creates imaginative impact in his works and interprets the tradition or culture of the society. Greene’s short story “The Destructors” characterizes the gang’s indifference to sentiments, culture, tradition, emotions and beauty (Kolin). Greene explains the society of deprived hope and innocence. Greene uses the destruction of culture and tradition which leads to the characters to fall under the world of shadow and the dark imagery depicts loss of innocence. Greene’s participation in World War 2 enabled him to use that experience in “The Destructors” and explain how World War 2 transformed the character’s life. His imagery of darkness creates an indifference in the society. The society takes place in a world of shadow after World War 2 where there is no strong held commitments which makes the characters under no control (Kolin). The short story “The Destructors” creates an aware of undisciplined society that leads to evil intentions, loss of hope, and betrayal. After the demolishment of the house in “The Destructors”, the gang grows darker and sets an unscrupulous example in the town. In the story, the adolescent’s innocence is replaced by violent thoughts, evil intentions, selfishness, cynicism, and recalcitrant …show more content…
Greene also suggests that he doesn’t completely accept his beliefs but rather want to examine his unbelief closley to point out the difference and measure its strenght and weakness. In addition, while practicing catholic, Graham Greene often discovers the internal conflicting elemats of faith (Vale). Greene’s perplexity of his belief and faith is portaryed as internal conflicts and obscure feelings in his stories through his writings. However, Greene also enuncites that the lack of religion and depression causes character’s loss of innocence. Death, psychological problem, and loss of inncoence caused by absence of religon is explained in “The Basement Room”. Greene in the short story “The Basement Room” explains the significance of loss of innocence. Greene says that the story deals with inner actions similary inner thoughts and intentions reflect religious belief. The loss of religious belief causes loss of innocence and inability to differentiate right from

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