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Motiopicture Sats


Submitted By baba2043
Words 1446
Pages 6
Motion Picture Success
For Motion Picture Industry

Prepared by: STAT BROS( Rafael Aita , Krishna Chaitanya)



Table of Contents

Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 2


Analysis of Sample Data........................................................................................................ 2
2.1 Opening Gross Sales analysis ............................................................................................. 2
2.2 Total Gross Sales analysis .................................................................................................. 3
2.3 Number of Theaters analysis ............................................................................................. 3
2.4 Weeks on the top 60 analysis.............................................................................................. 4


Scatter Diagrams ................................................................................................................... 5
3.1 Opening Weekend Gross Sales .......................................................................................... 5
3.2 Number of Theaters ............................................................................................................ 5
3.3 Weeks in Top 60 .................................................................................................................. 6


1. Introduction
In this report, we analyze the sample of a hundred motion pictures produced in 2005. We are going to use frequency distribution tables which will be supported by graphical representations.
The objective is to gain insights into the success of the motion pictures using the sample data which consist of given variables such as opening gross sales, total gross

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