Premium Essay

Motorola Company Analysis


Submitted By WilRoy
Words 4018
Pages 17
Motorola Inc. Company Analysis

The mobile phone industry is a very tough market to compete in. The birth of the smartphone brought about a whole new level of competition. Not only is the technology side constantly changing, but marketer must pay attention to the needs, wants, and concerns held by the very people who purchase these “smartphones,” the consumer, because they are ever changing as well. The contents of this paper will demonstrate how Motorola Inc. almost missed the smartphone wave and as a result was headed for disaster. However, being the resilient, smart, and innovative company they are, Motorola bounced back. Reorganizing the company, paired with an effective marketing mix which lead them to segment and properly target a market, and focusing on consumer behaviors such as their needs, wants, and motivation to purchase was the key to Motorola’s dominating comeback.
Keywords: Motorola, Motivation, Needs, Consumer, Segmentation, Halo Effect, Enterprise, Demographics, Customer Loyalty.

Motorola Mobility Inc. Analysis
The name Motorola comes from the word “motor” which implies motion, and "ola" referred to sound. "Sound in motion." (Mullman, 2010) Over the past years Motorola has become a household name, a staple for business communication, and a titan within the world of telecommunications through relentless innovations and the ability to create ease in people’s lives paired with catchy slogans such as “Hello Moto.” Motorola takes pride on being unique and solving “relevant” consumer problems and fulfilling their technical needs. However, Woyke (2011) reported that in 2008, Motorola was experiencing trouble trying to respond to the newly released iPhone and dealing with an economy headed towards a recession. In an attempt revive the company as well as comforting share shareholders, CEO Greg Brown divided the company into two parts

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