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Mount Tambora Essay

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One of the most powerful volcano was Mount Tambora. It is one of the largest eruptions that went down in history. This eruption happen on April 10, 1815, this eruption was so powerful that it killed around 100,000 people. Mount Tambora eruption was a 100 times more powerful than Vesuvius. “Mount Tambora is a stratovolcano, also known as a composite volcano.” (Smarter, 2016). In addition to a stratovolcano conical form, other familiar characteristic include the volcano’s vertical profile, thick lava that gets hard quickly and a composition that has layers of lava, ash, and fragments that come up with an eruption. Mount Tambora is on the island of Sumbawa, Indonesia. During the 1815 eruption, the top one-third of the mountain was erased by the blast. The after math of the eruption were felt all over the world as tsunamis came after the initial explosion, and weather conditions were changed for more than a year, causing farming calamity and even starvation (Smarter, 2016). Mount Tambora, eruption in 1815 is consider the biggest known …show more content…
The rock usually is dark in color. Mostly the main parts of stratovolcano is andesitic, there could be other kinds of rocks in the volcano. However, subduction zones, created by tectonic plate boundaries, the lava built the mountain to its great height. At that time, it was one of the highest peaks in Indonesia. Analysts believed the lava inside the volcanos magma enclosures were empty then. Many centuries past, lava filled the enclosures with volcanic commotion reaching the peak in April 1815. Analysts have concluded by using radiocarbon dating, Mount Tambora erupted three times prior to 1815. All three eruptions was a central vent eruptions, and all yielded lava flow, the 1815 eruption yielded pumice stones that were eight inches in diameter (Smarter,

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