Premium Essay

Mr Moussa Traore


Submitted By mtraore31556
Words 1043
Pages 5

TASK ONE: (P1, M1& D1
INTRODUCTION: In this assignment task I’ve been asked to research on different types of information used in the HarperCollins, in this task I’ve been asked to report back to management on the range of information used in decision making.

VERBAL COMMUNICATION: This is face to face communication or is via the telephone or could be an –in-store annoy announcement. For example this could be speaking to a customer about stock available in store, this is also the sharing of important information between individuals by speech. Individuals working within business need to effectively use verbal communication that employs readily understood spoken words as well as ensuring that enunciation, stress and tone of voice with which the words are expressed is appropriate. Face to face communication is the best way to communicate. There is less scope for misunderstanding and it allows for verbal and non-verbal messages, however with the constraints of time and budgets in business it is not always possible or practical to meet in person. Telephone conversation are also useful ways to communicate, but it important always to use a combined of methods.
Sources: Business level 3 book.
Sources of verbal communication: verbal communication at Collins Harper will comes from staffs, customers, agencies, colleagues or other section in their business.
Purpose of verbal Communication: one of the purposes of using verbal communication at Collins Harper will be to pass on or convey important messages whether it be to staffs to customer clearly and effectively through sound wave, another purpose of verbal communication is that the company Collin Harper could presently at the spot hear the feedback of their staffs or

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