Premium Essay



Submitted By abdullahgheith
Words 522
Pages 3
Abdullah Gheith
Cist 270

1. Multimedia to me would be defined as system of tools to display audio images or video for people incorporate interactivity. The three elements to create multimedia title would be graphics animation and sound. Its growth is due to the fact the internet is so easily accessible through life from Home based computers and cell phones all being able to access the internet and surf the web.
2. Html is the main mark up for creating web pages. The language is made up of codes that Include the ability for the we b browser to read the codes these codes would be in references to the things that the creator would want display certain things for example if they wanted to display and image they would start<img> then inserting the image he wants then closing it with <img>.
3. Some the most significant considerations web developers think about would be first deciding who the demographic market is. They look at economics, to figure out what they are trying to present.
4. By selecting the proper font it can help the viewer retain more information by making things more legible and easier to read. Be quick and to the point. Making sure the browser they use is compatible with the page they are trying to creating weather its Netscape or Internet explorer. Down to the operating software windows o mac. They also can be used to describe a caption to a picture. They can be the heading body.
5. Bitmap, vector, and metafile formats are by far the most commonly used formats, and we focus on these. Bitmap formats are used to store bitmap data. Files of this type are particularly well-suited for the storage of real-world images such as photographs and video images Vector format files are particularly useful for storing line-based elements, such as lines and polygons, or those that can be decomposed into simple geometric objects, such as

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