...Multiple Intelligence Howard Gardner created the theory of Multiple Intelligences in 1983. Gardner proposed that there were many different ways to demonstrate intellectual ability (McKethan, Robinowitz & Kernold, 2010). It’s a theory that was developed to document the fact that human beings have very different kinds of intellectual strengths and that these strengths are very, very important in how kids learn and how people represent things in their minds, and then how people use them in order to show what it is that they've understood (Video). The nine intelligences include Linguistic intelligence (verbal skills and talents related to sound, meanings, and rhythms)-the ability to express abstract concepts and ideas in words; Logical-mathematical intelligence (conceptual and logical thinking skills)-the ability to solve problems with logical, analytical, reasoning; this intelligence is measures by IQ tests; Musical intelligence (talents and abilities related to sound, rhythm, and pitch)-ability to express ideas through music; Spatial intelligence (skill in thinking in pictures and visioning abstractly)-the ability to form mental models of a spatial world and solve problems through their manipulation; Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence (skill in controlling body movements)-the ability to solve problems or express concepts using the whole parts of the body; Interpersonal intelligence (responsiveness to others)-the ability to...
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...Multiple Intelligence? How do interpersonal intelligence and, logical-mathematical intelligence work together to ones advantage? In, Howard Gardners “The Theory of Multiple Intelligences” he describes both spatial and mathematical-logical intelligence (513-516). I have always considered myself to be smarter then average. My two strongest intelligences are my mathematical-logical, spatial intelligence. Even with out previously knowing about any of these different types of intelligence I use them all daily in my field of work with industrial mechanics. After graduating high school my first job offer was working as an equipment operator. For months I would operate the same machines and without even trying I was learning so much about them. At times equipment would brake down, and a maintenance technician would be called. Usually by the time the tech would show I would already have the issue resolved and explain what I did. When the tech would ask me who taught me, or how I knew so much with out any mechanical experience I laughed. My spatial intelligence was responsible; by simply being aware of my surroundings could literally troubleshoot my own equipment. One day a robotic sorting machine had a main drive chain brake down. When I arrived the first thing noticeable was tiny metal shavings along the framework that was supporting the chain. The shavings had come from a loose bolt that was rubbing along the chain wearing it down thin enough to break, and fixing the root cause of...
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...Multiple Intelligences Theory: alvin almonte "It's not how smart you are that matters, what really counts is how you are smart." ~ Howard Gardner Have you ever sat in a class where you thought to yourself how much more you would get out of it if the teacher would incorporate something visual along with his/her lecture? Is the instructor aware that you may learn more effectively by looking at visuals rather than simply listening to him/her lecture for an hour? Or maybe it would help if you could physically create something in order to understand the subject that was being discussed? What is your primary intelligence? Let's find out: (click here). How can the knowledge of your personal learning style help you to become more knowledgeable? Can you utilize this knowledge both in and out of the classroom? Whatever your personal learning style is, chances are that it is part of Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligences Theory. Howard Gardner, Ph.D is the founding father of the Multiple Intelligences Theory. Formerly a Senior Co-Director of Harvard University's Project Zero, Howard Gardner's proposed his theory of multiple intelligences in his 1983 book, Frames of Mind. Project Zero, established at Harvard University's Graduate School of Education in 1967, continues to "help create communities of reflective, self-directed learners, to encourage the pursuit of deep understanding within and across disciplines, and to promote critical and creative thinking" (9). Gardner's...
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...about intelligence and how we define it. His own definition of intelligence is “the capacity to solve problems or to fashion products that are valued in one or more cultural setting”. He theorizes that the current definition of intelligence is too limiting. According to him, there are multiple types of intelligences. In Frames of Mind, Howard Gardner treated the personal intelligences ‘as a piece’. Because of their close association in most cultures, they are often linked together. However, he still argues that it makes sense to think of two forms of personal intelligence. Gardner claimed that the nine intelligences rarely operate independently. They are used at the same time and tend to complement each other as people develop skills or solve problems. Although everyone has their own opinion on how intelligence should be defined, some believe that a person's intelligence is derived from genetics. With everyone being raised differently, it is safe to say that a person's intelligence is not impacted by genetics, but by their influences and environment. To begin, there are nine intelligences involved in Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences. The first is called Visual-Spatial Intelligence, which includes people that are good at visualizing and have the potential to recognize and use the patterns of wide spaces and more confined areas. They may want to consider careers as an artist, interior designer, or an architect. The second type is Linguistic-Verbal Intelligence that includes...
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...THERE MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES? | |The topic that I have chosen is Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences. The theory of multiple intelligences was proposed by Howard Gardner in 1983 as a model of intelligence that differentiates intelligence in to various specific modalities, rather than seeing it as dominated by a single general ability. Gardner argues that there is a wide range of cognitive abilities, and that there are only very weak correlations among them. For example, the theory predicts that a child who learns to multiply easily is not necessarily generally more intelligent than a child who has more difficulty on this task. They may best learn to multiply through a different approach, and may excel in a field outside of mathematics, or may even be looking at and understanding the multiplication process at a fundamentally deeper level, or perhaps as an entirely different process. Gardner, Howard (1993) It is vital to realize that a student’s capability can’t solely be judged according to the student’s academic performance. It is the duty of educators, parents, and others who work with the youth in our schools to understand that a student’s capability should be based upon their individual learning style. This learning style is affected and determined by many factors in a student’s life; one of them however, is the unique and individual make-up of one’s brain. For this reason, many educators have looked to Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences to help...
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...TEACHING MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES IN THE SCHOOL A major enigma in the world is perhaps to know how the brain works and why people have different styles of learning; nowadays it is very important to develop multiple intelligences with children in the schools and not just teach based on the traditional method, where students only memorise the topics to pass the exams. Today the challenge is more complex because every person learns depending of their abilities, for example, an individual may possess a profile of intelligences that is high in spatial intelligence but moderate or low in interpersonal intelligence or vice versa (Davis, Christodoulou, Seider & Gardner, 2012, p.3). According to this, the purpose of this essay is to identify and to describe the eight intelligences proposed by Howard Gardner and explain the significance to enhance them in children. The multiple intelligences (MI) theory was developed in 1983 by Howard Gardner, who is a Harvard University psychologist and professor of education and cognition. He provided in this hypothesis a wide range of abilities that humans use into eight different categories that the author called “intelligences”; these are described as linguistic, logical-mathematical, spatial, musical, bodily-kinesthetic, naturalistic, interpersonal and intrapersonal. (Davis, Christodoulou, Seider & Gardner, 2012). However, according to his analysis, only two of these intelligences –logical mathematical and linguistic- are used in the...
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...Top Three Intelligences By: Sean Mahoney Strategies for the Technical Professional Professor R. Aragon As stated in our reading there a total of 8 multiple intelligences developed by Howard Gardner. Each type of intelligence is not the same for every person. Everyone has their own unique personality and therefore has their own style of learning or retaining information provided to them. There are certain surveys you can take in order to determine where your particular intelligences fall. I have taken one of these surveys and have chosen three of my top intelligences to explore further and to determine what skills in each type of intelligence are most effective for me to retain new information, not only in my education but for my professional career as well. As stated above I have three types of intelligences that I scored the highest on in my survey that define the way I am able to learn new information effectively. They are Visual/Spatial, Body/ Kinesthetic, and Intrapersonal. Those who have a visual intelligence are more likely to use more charts, graphs or tables to understand information. Kinesthetic Intelligences require more hands on learning or are able to do certain gestures to trigger certain knowledge. Intrapersonal Intelligences rely more on group study and/ or tutoring to further knowledge. My first and probably weakest of the three is visual intelligence. I don’t ultimately rely on visual aids to learn however, there are certain circumstances...
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...Identifying Intelligence Styles to Define Interaction Strengths Abstract My top three intelligence styles are logical, linguistic, and interpersonal. These intelligence styles help define my strengths in my interactions with my co-workers and other employees of the companies I am associated with. These intelligence styles affect how I conduct myself with others to properly coordinate with others and project my message across to them. My top three intelligence styles are logical, linguistic, and interpersonal styles. These intelligence styles help in my everyday interaction with other people in whatever tasks I conduct at my workplace. These intelligence styles define my communication style and strengthen my interaction with others. My intelligence styles help me project my message to my co-workers so I can contribute to maximize the productivity for which ever company I am associated with. My strongest intelligence style is interpersonal style, in which I have good interpretation of what other people are feeling and understanding their situations. One word with one tone can mean one thing while the same word with different tone can mean something else. What I noticed about myself is that I can interpret what the person is trying to say when he or she tells me something very brief or very little based on that...
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...Multiple Intelligence Theory The topic that I will choose is history because I think that history is very relevant to many different age groups. The points in history that I will focus on are the slave era and the Salem witch craft trials because these were dark points in our Americas history and important to learn. The linguistic intelligence; I could teach the children how people communicated in the early years and how poetry was often used as a code to get word to people during slavery years to help people to escape towards freedom. Then I would teach them how to write their own poem about someone or something that they consider important with a hidden meaning in their words. The spatial intelligence; I would teach the children how to visualize what the world looked like for people of the slave era; especially if a person was born of color. To help them to visualize this, I would put them in groups of five and have each group build a small model mock town and make presentations for the class to all see. The musical intelligence; I would tell the children how the women of the slave era made up songs to direct other runaway slave freedom towards then I would have them break up in groups and make up their own song to direct others towards a common goal and see if anyone could follow it. The intrapersonal intelligence; I would have the children take a closer look at not just the victims of the Salem witch trials but also the persecutors which started the whole series of events...
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...from…Howard Gardner? The Testing of Multiple Intelligences It is the first day of school at H.G. Elementary School. At recess, Bobby organizes a game of tag, while Suzy stands awkwardly against the wall; but come Sunday morning, Suzy is the star of the dance recital. Sarah can ace her spelling test if she creates a rhythmic pattern to each word but just cannot seem to solve story-problems in math. Jayden never needs a calculator to add, subtract, multiply, or divide but hates music because he just cannot seem to stay with the beat. Maribeth excels in history, and absorbs what she reads like a sponge, while Jessica prefers art and has pieces in the up-coming exhibit. Spencer takes care of the classroom’s terrarium and is a whiz with keeping the environment just right for the frogs, turtle, and lizards. Reed is a bit quiet and keeps to himself, which is no wonder since he is always thinking about the meaning of life and really enjoys reading about the great philosophers. While these examples seem completely normal for everyday life, they actually illustrate Howard Gardner’s theory on multiple intelligences. Howard Gardner developed his theory on multiple intelligences which differentiated intelligence into eight areas rather than a singular, all-or-nothing intelligence. That is to say that to be considered intelligent, one could excel in any of the eight areas and no one area would be superior to another. Gardner’s eight types of intelligence are: musical, visual-spatial, verbal-linguistic...
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...Brittany PSY-100 Psychology in Everyday Life March 12, 2015 Kelley Using Multiple Intelligences Howard Gardner discusses nine distinct intelligences which help us identify information that surrounds us. According to Jung and Gardner theory, we are all able to know the world through linguistics, logical-mathematical skills, spatial representation, musical thinking, bodily kinesthetic, interpersonal understanding, intrapersonal understanding, naturalist, and existential (Gardner). Gardner believed that bits and pieces of each category could be formed together in one person, or be singular, depending on the person (Child Development Theorists: Freud to Erikson, to Spock...and beyond). Using each intelligence to our advantage will help us understand and do more than we ever thought was possible. These intelligences also provide ways to learn how to communicate and understand other individuals, while having a better understanding for ourselves. For these reasons it is important to know the Jung and Gardner theories on multiple intelligences, identify and assess our own intelligences based on the theories of Jung and Gardner, and how to identify and compare our own and others intelligences based on the Jung and Gardner theories. Howard Gardner never planned on being a psychologist until he met Erik Erikson. Erik Erikson was psychologist who worked on a project called PIAGET, and because of this project Gardner decided that psychology was the field for him (Child Development...
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...Multiple Intelligences University of Phoenix Parisha Hinton November 14, 2010 The study of human intelligence is the most controversial area in psychology. Even though many theories of intelligence have been achieved scientist still disagree on this complex phenomenon. Since individuals diverge in their ability to understand, to learn from past experiences, to overcome impediments, and to adapt to their environment it is difficult to grasp the true understanding of the human intelligence. With the complexity of the human brain scientist continue to debate on its intelligence. When the word intelligence is discussed, the idea of IQ testing usually follows close behind. Intelligence is frequently identified as a person’s intellectual abilities. Plainly put, intelligence is the capability to understand, learn, and interact with the surroundings and environment. Scientist use standardized test to establish a level of intelligence rating by measuring a person’s ability to shape concepts, resolve problems, obtain information, reason, and achieve additional intellectual functions. Many scientists have disputed for years that people have numerous levels of intelligences. An individual may have a higher comprehension level when it comes to learning languages, but difficulties when learning music. In this case a single IQ test cannot sufficiently represent the intricate and diverse potential of a human being. One of the more recent theories of intelligence that emerged was...
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...When assessing my my multiple intelligence's using the survey by Robert M. Sherfield I found out that of the 8 types my top 3 are Visual/Spatial, Musical/Rhythm, and Logic/Math. I scored the highest on Musical/Rhythm followed by Logic/Math then Visual/Spatial. After learning about the differences in the 3 categories it comes to no surprise that those are my top 3. I have been a avid music fan all my life enjoying almost all types of music. Math has always been a strong subject of mine during school. The visual part of the multiple intelligence's allows me to look at an object and change it in my mind to see what can be made different or better. It helps to verify similar objects and why they are similar. It helps me to create charts or graphs depicting the work that I wish or need to accomplish. The musical/rhythm side of me helps my studying when I play music in the background while working or studying. I am usually taping on something to the beat of a song when I’m listening to music. I tend to make up words to a song even when I know the lyrics. The new lyrics usually are more on the comical side. The logic/math part is probably the one I relate to the most. I tend to pick up on math work fairly quick. I see patterns and can figure out how they will continue. I can do a decent amount of math in my head cause I can visualize myself doing the work. When putting these 3 multiple intellingences together and thinking about how they apply to how I solve problems and complete...
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...Ernest R. Chambers GS 1145 Mr. Cowan 31 Mar 2015 Chambers Self-Assessment In assessing my multiple intelligences my scores are as follows: Linguistic 11 Interpersonal 12 Intra-personal 15 Logic/Math 7 Visual/Spatial 9 Body/Kinesthetic 8 Naturalistic 7 Musical/Rhythm 5 My assessments were right on point. Throughout my life there are things that I know I do well and things I know I am absolutely horrible in doing. This assessment confirms what I already know about myself. My lowest scores are my intelligence factors or skills that I absolutely dislike. Math and logical thinking has never been a strong skill for me. I have always struggled and have always had to get help in doing math. I have never been into nature. It does nothing for me. I don’t like animals and I don’t really like being outdoors. From an early age, I have never felt music which was very odd considering everyone in my family absolutely loves music. I have never been able to remember words to songs or feel the beat of music. It has always been just background noise to me. So all in all the assessment definitely highlighted my worst intelligences. My highest scoring assessments were in the areas of linguistic, interpersonal, and intra-personal. These are definitely some of my strongest skills. I have always been very good with language, words, and reading. I have always been an avid reader even as a young child. I can remember my teachers telling me to stop reading and go play with...
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...Multiple Intelligence Assessment | Spatial | 9 | Interpersonal | 14 | Bodily Kinesthetic | 11 | Intrapersonal | 11 | Verbal Linguistic | 11 | Logical Mathematical | 12 | Musical | 9 | Naturalistic | 7 | Myers-Briggs Assessment | Extrovert | 5 | Introvert | 14 | Thinking | 10 | Feeling | 10 | Sensing | 9 | Intuition | 8 | Judging | 7 | Perceiving | 12 | My two strongest Multiple Intelligences are Interpersonal and Logical/Mathematical. I could use the Interpersonal skill to help in group activities or helping others that I’ve already met in future classes. Logical/Mathematical skill will be very useful in my program I will be doing a lot of math. Math has always come easy to me not sure why but I can usually look at a problem and solve it in my head unless it’s Trigonometry or Calculus where you have to use a calculator. But I think for the most part why is I refused to use a calculator throughout grade school until I got into Trigonometry, Calculus and Statistics. My Interpersonal skills I think I developed them after high school through helping with a program called HOBY a youth leadership conference for high school sophomores. Interacting and being presented as a leader helped me come from being a shy and timid person to being who I am today. It was rewarding seeing teenagers go through a huge change personality wise in just a 3 day span and knowing that I helped them through it. My weakest Multiple Intelligence is Naturalistic. Although I scored the...
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