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My Reflection Paper


Submitted By justinknox
Words 374
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Personal Reflection Paper

The choices you make on a daily basis which could affect your way of living is critical thinking. When making a decision that could have a positive or negative affect on you is critical thinking. To me critical thinking is being used every day by us and may not even notice it or pay attention to it. When you at work that is probably where it is used most when you are dealing with different personalities and races so you have to think about how you act and talk. The three most significant things that I learned in this course is one how often we use critical thinking on a daily basis. The second thing this class taught me is the different stages of thinking which I figured out I was practicing thinker which I learned that was I went over the problems instead of jumping right into the problem. The final thing I learned was about fallacies which is something is not as it seems for example, if a commercial says they have tires for $40 and when you get there they say they are sold out already that is just a scheme to get you into the store. My critical thinking has changed tremendously since I have started this class. When I am work I am more conscience of my actions and words. This class also help me with raising my children by thinking before I react. Usually I just overreact before thinking about how my actions could have a negative affect on them. The reason I placed myself in the stage of practicing thinking was I want to be precise in making sure not to make rational decisions. The stage that I have advanced to now is advanced thinker by putting my thoughts together by brainstorming ideas to help me accomplish my goal. With this new stage of thinking the change occurred after the week 1 and week 2 readings. The way I planned on moving from my current stage to the stage of master thinker is a lot of hard work and dedication.

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