Premium Essay

NYC Subway's Advertisement Toward Teen Moms

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Words 931
Pages 4
“The pregnancy rate among young women has declined steadily, from 117 pregnancies per 1,000 women aged 15–19 in 1990 to 68 per 1,000 in 2008” (Guttmacher institute) Even though the number of unplanned teen pregnancies are decreasing, this ad is focusing on teen moms. The ads display small children with distressed looks on their faces, a banner across the middle and other text around the children. None of the ads directly target teen dads; the issue is toward teen moms. The teen pregnancy advertisement posted in the NYC subway is geared toward teen moms rather than teen dads because of the colors, fonts and emotions provoked. Color has a vast impact on how an advertisement is viewed. In this advertisement certain colors are employed like pink, white, yellow and black. The color utilized the least is pink, but has the greatest impact. The pink is used once in the banner to add a pop of color to the banner. The words highlighted by the pink tone is “teen mom” and “teen parents” pulling the audience back in. Females are associated with the color pink. The color pink is associated with “being immature and girlish” and having “lack of will power and lack of self-worth” (Scott- Kemmis). Hence, its employment in the ad, the ad is attempting to …show more content…
One of those effective qualities is the fact that no matter how controversial this attempt is at curbing teen pregnancy; the advertisement succeeds at that very issue. Another effective quality is no matter if the size of the text help line pales in comparison to the other text, the help is still there for teens to reach out when an unplanned teen pregnancy occurs. Also, emotion is employed rather than logic. When Ads have emotion good or bad as long “as the viewer can describe their feelings which may influence (feelings).”(Milard-Brown) Hence why this ad is memorable and has an impact that will last for a long

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