Free Essay



Submitted By naderahmed123
Words 1849
Pages 8
bZzb Kzuwo wKÛvi Mv‡U©b evwl©K cixÿv-2014Bs
‡kªYxt ‡cø I bvm©vix, cixÿvi iæwUb
|ZvwiL |evi |mgq |welq |
|15/12/2014Bs |†mvgevi |mKvj 9 Uv †_‡K 11 Uv |evsjv |
|17/12/2014Bs |eyaevi |mKvj 9 Uv †_‡K 11 Uv |Bs‡iRx |
|20/12/2014Bs |kwbevi |mKvj 9 Uv †_‡K 11 Uv |MwYZ |
|23/12/2014Bs |g½jevi |mKvj 9 Uv †_‡K 11 Uv |Qwe AvKuv |

*we`¨vi g‡Zv eÜz bvB, P‡jv mevB ¯‹z‡j hvB*

bZzb Kzuwo wKÛvi Mv‡U©b evwl©K cixÿv-2014Bs
‡kªYxt ‡cø I bvm©vix, cixÿvi iæwUb
|ZvwiL |evi |mgq |welq |
|15/12/2014Bs |†mvgevi |mKvj 9 Uv †_‡K 11 Uv |evsjv |
|17/12/2014Bs |eyaevi |mKvj 9 Uv †_‡K 11 Uv |Bs‡iRx |
|20/12/2014Bs |kwbevi |mKvj 9 Uv †_‡K 11 Uv |MwYZ |
|23/12/2014Bs |g½jevi |mKvj 9 Uv †_‡K 11 Uv |Qwe AvKuv |

*we`¨vi g‡Zv eÜz bvB, P‡jv mevB ¯‹z‡j hvB*

bZzb Kzuwo wKÛvi Mv‡U©b evwl©K cixÿv-2014Bs
‡kªYxt ‡cø I bvm©vix, cixÿvi iæwUb
|ZvwiL |evi |mgq |welq |
|15/12/2014Bs |†mvgevi |mKvj 9 Uv †_‡K 11 Uv |evsjv |
|17/12/2014Bs |eyaevi |mKvj 9 Uv †_‡K 11 Uv |Bs‡iRx |
|20/12/2014Bs |kwbevi |mKvj 9 Uv †_‡K 11 Uv |MwYZ |
|23/12/2014Bs |g½jevi |mKvj 9 Uv †_‡K 11 Uv |Qwe AvKuv |

*we`¨vi g‡Zv eÜz bvB, P‡jv mevB ¯‹z‡j hvB*

bZzb Kzuwo wKÛvi Mv‡U©b evwl©K cixÿv-2014Bs
‡kªYxt ‡cø I bvm©vix, cixÿvi iæwUb
|ZvwiL |evi |mgq |welq |
|15/12/2014Bs |†mvgevi |mKvj 9 Uv †_‡K 11 Uv |evsjv |
|17/12/2014Bs |eyaevi |mKvj 9 Uv †_‡K 11 Uv |Bs‡iRx |
|20/12/2014Bs |kwbevi |mKvj 9 Uv †_‡K 11 Uv |MwYZ |
|23/12/2014Bs |g½jevi |mKvj 9 Uv †_‡K 11 Uv |Qwe AvKuv |

*we`¨vi g‡Zv eÜz bvB, P‡jv mevB ¯‹z‡j hvB*

bZzb Kzuwo wKÛvi Mv‡U©b evwl©K cixÿv-2014Bs
‡kªYxt ‡cø I bvm©vix, cixÿvi iæwUb
|ZvwiL |evi |mgq |welq |
|15/12/2014Bs |†mvgevi |mKvj 9 Uv †_‡K 11 Uv |evsjv |
|17/12/2014Bs |eyaevi |mKvj 9 Uv †_‡K 11 Uv |Bs‡iRx |
|20/12/2014Bs |kwbevi |mKvj 9 Uv †_‡K 11 Uv |MwYZ |
|23/12/2014Bs |g½jevi |mKvj 9 Uv †_‡K 11 Uv |Qwe AvKuv |

*we`¨vi g‡Zv eÜz bvB, P‡jv mevB ¯‹z‡j hvB* bZzb Kzuwo wKÛvi Mv‡U©b evwl©K cixÿv-2014Bs
‡kªYxt 1g, cixÿvi iæwUb
|ZvwiL |evi |mgq |welq |
|14/12/2014Bs |iweevi |mKvj 9 Uv †_‡K 11 Uv | Bs‡iRx |
|17/12/2014Bs |eyaevi |mKvj 9 Uv †_‡K 11 Uv | evsjv |
|18/12/2014Bs |e„n¯úwZevi |mKvj 9 Uv †_‡K 11 Uv |mvt Ávb |
|20/12/2014Bs |kwbevi |mKvj 9 Uv †_‡K 11 Uv | MwYZ |
|22/12/2014Bs |†mvgevi |mKvj 9 Uv †_‡K 11 Uv |Kw¤úDUvi |
|23/12/2014Bs |g½jevi |mKvj 9 Uv †_‡K 11 Uv |Qwe AvKuv |

*we`¨vi g‡Zv eÜz bvB, P‡jv mevB ¯‹z‡j hvB*

bZzb Kzuwo wKÛvi Mv‡U©b evwl©K cixÿv-2014Bs
‡kªYxt 1g, cixÿvi iæwUb
|ZvwiL |evi |mgq |welq |
|14/12/2014Bs |iweevi |mKvj 9 Uv †_‡K 11 Uv | Bs‡iRx |
|17/12/2014Bs |eyaevi |mKvj 9 Uv †_‡K 11 Uv | evsjv |
|18/12/2014Bs |e„n¯úwZevi |mKvj 9 Uv †_‡K 11 Uv |mvt Ávb |
|20/12/2014Bs |kwbevi |mKvj 9 Uv †_‡K 11 Uv | MwYZ |
|22/12/2014Bs |†mvgevi |mKvj 9 Uv †_‡K 11 Uv |Kw¤úDUvi |
|23/12/2014Bs |g½jevi |mKvj 9 Uv †_‡K 11 Uv |Qwe AvKuv |

*we`¨vi g‡Zv eÜz bvB, P‡jv mevB ¯‹z‡j hvB*

bZzb Kzuwo wKÛvi Mv‡U©b evwl©K cixÿv-2014Bs
‡kªYxt 1g, cixÿvi iæwUb
|ZvwiL |evi |mgq |welq |
|14/12/2014Bs |iweevi |mKvj 9 Uv †_‡K 11 Uv | Bs‡iRx |
|17/12/2014Bs |eyaevi |mKvj 9 Uv †_‡K 11 Uv | evsjv |
|18/12/2014Bs |e„n¯úwZevi |mKvj 9 Uv †_‡K 11 Uv |mvt Ávb |
|20/12/2014Bs |kwbevi |mKvj 9 Uv †_‡K 11 Uv | MwYZ |
|22/12/2014Bs |†mvgevi |mKvj 9 Uv †_‡K 11 Uv |Kw¤úDUvi |
|23/12/2014Bs |g½jevi |mKvj 9 Uv †_‡K 11 Uv |Qwe AvKuv |

*we`¨vi g‡Zv eÜz bvB, P‡jv mevB ¯‹z‡j hvB*

bZzb Kzuwo wKÛvi Mv‡U©b evwl©K cixÿv-2014Bs
‡kªYxt 1g, cixÿvi iæwUb
|ZvwiL |evi |mgq |welq |
|14/12/2014Bs |iweevi |mKvj 9 Uv †_‡K 11 Uv | Bs‡iRx |
|17/12/2014Bs |eyaevi |mKvj 9 Uv †_‡K 11 Uv | evsjv |
|18/12/2014Bs |e„n¯úwZevi |mKvj 9 Uv †_‡K 11 Uv |mvt Ávb |
|20/12/2014Bs |kwbevi |mKvj 9 Uv †_‡K 11 Uv | MwYZ |
|22/12/2014Bs |†mvgevi |mKvj 9 Uv †_‡K 11 Uv |Kw¤úDUvi |
|23/12/2014Bs |g½jevi |mKvj 9 Uv †_‡K 11 Uv |Qwe AvKuv |

*we`¨vi g‡Zv eÜz bvB, P‡jv mevB ¯‹z‡j hvB*

bZzb Kzuwo wKÛvi Mv‡U©b evwl©K cixÿv-2014Bs
‡kªYxt 2q, cixÿvi iæwUb
|ZvwiL |evi |mgq |welq |
|13/12/2014Bs |kwbevi |mKvj 11 Uv †_‡K 01 Uv | Bs‡iRx |
|15/12/2014Bs |‡mvgevi |mKvj 11 Uv †_‡K 01 Uv | evsjv 1g cÎ |
|17/12/2014Bs |eyaevi |mKvj 11 Uv †_‡K 01 Uv |evsjv 2q cÎ |
|20/12/2014Bs |kwbevi |mKvj 9 Uv †_‡K 11 Uv | MwYZ |
|21/12/2014Bs |iweevi |mKvj 9 Uv †_‡K 11 Uv |mvaviY Ávb |
|22/12/2014Bs |†mvgevi |mKvj 11 Uv †_‡K 01 Uv |Qwe AvKuv |
|23/12/2014Bs |g½jevi |mKvj 11 Uv †_‡K 01 Uv |Kw¤úDUvi |

*we`¨vi g‡Zv eÜz bvB, P‡jv mevB ¯‹z‡j hvB*

bZzb Kzuwo wKÛvi Mv‡U©b evwl©K cixÿv-2014Bs
‡kªYxt 2q, cixÿvi iæwUb
|ZvwiL |evi |mgq |welq |
|13/12/2014Bs |kwbevi |mKvj 11 Uv †_‡K 01 Uv | Bs‡iRx |
|15/12/2014Bs |‡mvgevi |mKvj 11 Uv †_‡K 01 Uv | evsjv 1g cÎ |
|17/12/2014Bs |eyaevi |mKvj 11 Uv †_‡K 01 Uv |evsjv 2q cÎ |
|20/12/2014Bs |kwbevi |mKvj 9 Uv †_‡K 11 Uv | MwYZ |
|21/12/2014Bs |iweevi |mKvj 9 Uv †_‡K 11 Uv |mvaviY Ávb |
|22/12/2014Bs |†mvgevi |mKvj 11 Uv †_‡K 01 Uv |Qwe AvKuv |
|23/12/2014Bs |g½jevi |mKvj 11 Uv †_‡K 01 Uv |Kw¤úDUvi |

*we`¨vi g‡Zv eÜz bvB, P‡jv mevB ¯‹z‡j hvB*

bZzb Kzuwo wKÛvi Mv‡U©b evwl©K cixÿv-2014Bs
‡kªYxt 2q, cixÿvi iæwUb
|ZvwiL |evi |mgq |welq |
|13/12/2014Bs |kwbevi |mKvj 11 Uv †_‡K 01 Uv | Bs‡iRx |
|15/12/2014Bs |‡mvgevi |mKvj 11 Uv †_‡K 01 Uv | evsjv 1g cÎ |
|17/12/2014Bs |eyaevi |mKvj 11 Uv †_‡K 01 Uv |evsjv 2q cÎ |
|20/12/2014Bs |kwbevi |mKvj 9 Uv †_‡K 11 Uv | MwYZ |
|21/12/2014Bs |iweevi |mKvj 9 Uv †_‡K 11 Uv |mvaviY Ávb |
|22/12/2014Bs |†mvgevi |mKvj 11 Uv †_‡K 01 Uv |Qwe AvKuv |
|23/12/2014Bs |g½jevi |mKvj 11 Uv †_‡K 01 Uv |Kw¤úDUvi |

*we`¨vi g‡Zv eÜz bvB, P‡jv mevB ¯‹z‡j hvB*

bZzb Kzuwo wKÛvi Mv‡U©b evwl©K cixÿv-2014Bs
‡kªYxt 2q, cixÿvi iæwUb
|ZvwiL |evi |mgq |welq |
|13/12/2014Bs |kwbevi |mKvj 11 Uv †_‡K 01 Uv | Bs‡iRx |
|15/12/2014Bs |‡mvgevi |mKvj 11 Uv †_‡K 01 Uv | evsjv 1g cÎ |
|17/12/2014Bs |eyaevi |mKvj 11 Uv †_‡K 01 Uv |evsjv 2q cÎ |
|20/12/2014Bs |kwbevi |mKvj 9 Uv †_‡K 11 Uv | MwYZ |
|21/12/2014Bs |iweevi |mKvj 9 Uv †_‡K 11 Uv |mvaviY Ávb |
|22/12/2014Bs |†mvgevi |mKvj 11 Uv †_‡K 01 Uv |Qwe AvKuv |
|23/12/2014Bs |g½jevi |mKvj 11 Uv †_‡K 01 Uv |Kw¤úDUvi |

*we`¨vi g‡Zv eÜz bvB, P‡jv mevB ¯‹z‡j hvB* bZzb Kzuwo wKÛvi Mv‡U©b evwl©K cixÿv-2014Bs
‡kªYxt 3q 4_©, cixÿvi iæwUb
|ZvwiL |evi |mgq |welq |
|11/12/2014Bs |e„n¯úwZevi |mKvj 11 Uv †_‡K 01 Uv | Bs‡iRx 1g cÎ |
|13/12/2014Bs |kwbevi |mKvj 11 Uv †_‡K 01 Uv | Bs‡iRx 2q cÎ |
|15/12/2014Bs |†mvgevi |mKvj 11 Uv †_‡K 01 Uv | evsjv 1g cÎ |
|17/12/2014Bs |eyaevi |mKvj 11 Uv †_‡K 01 Uv |evsjv 2q cÎ |
|18/12/2014Bs |e„n¯úwZevi |mKvj 9 Uv †_‡K 11 Uv |mvaviY Ávb I Qwe AvuKv |
|20/12/2014Bs |kwbevi |mKvj 11 Uv †_‡K 01 Uv | MwYZ |
|21/12/2014Bs |iweevi |mKvj 09 Uv †_‡K 11 Uv |mgvR |
|22/12/2014Bs |‡mvgevi |mKvj 11 Uv †_‡K 01 Uv |weÁvb |
|23/12/2014Bs |g½jevi |mKvj 11 Uv †_‡K 01 Uv |Kw¤úDUvi |
|24/12/2014Bs |eyaevi |mKvj 9 Uv †_‡K 11 Uv |Bmjvg wkÿv |

*we`¨vi g‡Zv eÜz bvB, P‡jv mevB ¯‹z‡j hvB*

bZzb Kzuwo wKÛvi Mv‡U©b evwl©K cixÿv-2014Bs
‡kªYxt 3q 4_©, cixÿvi iæwUb
|ZvwiL |evi |mgq |welq |
|11/12/2014Bs |e„n¯úwZevi |mKvj 11 Uv †_‡K 01 Uv | Bs‡iRx 1g cÎ |
|13/12/2014Bs |kwbevi |mKvj 11 Uv †_‡K 01 Uv | Bs‡iRx 2q cÎ |
|15/12/2014Bs |†mvgevi |mKvj 11 Uv †_‡K 01 Uv | evsjv 1g cÎ |
|17/12/2014Bs |eyaevi |mKvj 11 Uv †_‡K 01 Uv |evsjv 2q cÎ |
|18/12/2014Bs |e„n¯úwZevi |mKvj 9 Uv †_‡K 11 Uv |mvaviY Ávb I Qwe AvuKv |
|20/12/2014Bs |kwbevi |mKvj 11 Uv †_‡K 01 Uv | MwYZ |
|21/12/2014Bs |iweevi |mKvj 09 Uv †_‡K 11 Uv |mgvR |
|22/12/2014Bs |‡mvgevi |mKvj 11 Uv †_‡K 01 Uv |weÁvb |
|23/12/2014Bs |g½jevi |mKvj 11 Uv †_‡K 01 Uv |Kw¤úDUvi |
|24/12/2014Bs |eyaevi |mKvj 9 Uv †_‡K 11 Uv |Bmjvg wkÿv |

*we`¨vi g‡Zv eÜz bvB, P‡jv mevB ¯‹z‡j hvB*

bZzb Kzuwo wKÛvi Mv‡U©b evwl©K cixÿv-2014Bs
‡kªYxt 3q 4_©, cixÿvi iæwUb
|ZvwiL |evi |mgq |welq |
|11/12/2014Bs |e„n¯úwZevi |mKvj 11 Uv †_‡K 01 Uv | Bs‡iRx 1g cÎ |
|13/12/2014Bs |kwbevi |mKvj 11 Uv †_‡K 01 Uv | Bs‡iRx 2q cÎ |
|15/12/2014Bs |†mvgevi |mKvj 11 Uv †_‡K 01 Uv | evsjv 1g cÎ |
|17/12/2014Bs |eyaevi |mKvj 11 Uv †_‡K 01 Uv |evsjv 2q cÎ |
|18/12/2014Bs |e„n¯úwZevi |mKvj 9 Uv †_‡K 11 Uv |mvaviY Ávb I Qwe AvuKv |
|20/12/2014Bs |kwbevi |mKvj 11 Uv †_‡K 01 Uv | MwYZ |
|21/12/2014Bs |iweevi |mKvj 09 Uv †_‡K 11 Uv |mgvR |
|22/12/2014Bs |‡mvgevi |mKvj 11 Uv †_‡K 01 Uv |weÁvb |
|23/12/2014Bs |g½jevi |mKvj 11 Uv †_‡K 01 Uv |Kw¤úDUvi |
|24/12/2014Bs |eyaevi |mKvj 9 Uv †_‡K 11 Uv |Bmjvg wkÿv |

*we`¨vi g‡Zv eÜz bvB, P‡jv mevB ¯‹z‡j hvB*

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...Thursday, 17 Feb, 2011 8:50 AM Redfield College Family Student Report Class : 9B - Glenn Blackburn Family Name Student Level Class Home Group Form DOB Student Type Bestwick BESTWICK, Dylan Brian Bestwick Susan Bestwick BES001 9 9B Father for Dylan Mother for Dylan Nano Zamora 9B 19/06/1997 Full time 0411 148 496 (M) 0408 633 099 (M) 9894 1595 (H) 8814 2848 (B) 9894 1595 (H) Address (Residential) 4 Homestead Court BELLA VISTA NSW 2153 Cavestany CAVESTANY, Denzel Dennis Cavestany Maricel Cavestany CAV001 9 9B Father for Denzel Mother for Denzel Ian Mejia 9B 27/04/1997 Full time 0417 299 321 (M) 0403 307 747 (M) 9651 2626 (H) 9651 2626 (H) 9651 2626 (B) Address (Residential) 41 John Radley Avenue DURAL NSW 2158 Choong CHOONG, Jacob CHOONG, Jonathan CHOONG, Jared Robin Choong Marian Choong Mei Lian Ross Adri Verhoeven CHO004 9 7 11 9B 7Y 11Cl Nano Zamora Nano Zamora Nano Zamora 9B 7Y 11Cl 9873 9873 8850 9659 22/01/1997 11/11/1998 21/02/1995 6460 (H) 9477 9886 (B) 6460 (H) 6852 (H) 8072 (H) Full time Full time Full time 0412 494 722 (M) 0411 151 707 (M) 0421 064 879 (M) Father for Jared, Jacob, Jonathan Mother for Jared, Jacob, Jonathan Unknown for Jared, Jacob, Jonathan Unknown for Jared, Jacob, Jonathan Address (Residential) 5 Hill Road PENNANT HILLS NSW 2125 Del Rosario DEL ROSARIO, Collin DEL ROSARIO, Carl DEL001 9 7 12 9B 7Y 12M Nano Zamora Nano Zamora Chris Tanna 9B 7Y 12M 21/08/1996 27/11/1998 13/05/1994 Full time Full...

Words: 1733 - Pages: 7

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Jones Electrical Distribution

...4179 APRIL 6, 2010 THOMAS R. PIPER JEFFREY DEVOLDER Jones Electrical Distribution After several years of rapid growth, in the spring of 2007 Jones Electrical Distribution anticipated a further substantial increase in sales. Despite good profits, the company had experienced a shortage of cash and had found it necessary to increase its borrowing from Metropolitan Bank—a local onebranch bank—to $250,000 in 2006. The maximum loan that Metropolitan would make to any one borrower was $250,000, and Jones had been able to stay within the limit only by relying very heavily on trade credit from the manufacturers from whom Jones purchased the electrical products it sold to its customers. Nelson Jones, sole owner and president of the company, was therefore looking elsewhere for a new banking relationship that would allow him to negotiate a larger loan. Jim Lyons, a homebuilder who was a friend of Jones, introduced Jones to Rachel Montrose, Lyons’s relationship officer at the local branch of Southern Bank & Trust—a large, regional bank. Southern had a 7-year relationship with Lyons, including a current loan balance of over $3 million. Jones and Montrose tentatively discussed the possibility that Southern might extend a line of credit to Jones up to a maximum amount of $350,000. Jones thought that a loan of this size would more than meet his needs for at least the next year, and he was eager for the flexibility that a line of credit of this size would provide. After discussion, Montrose...

Words: 2097 - Pages: 9

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The World Is Not Enough

...The World is Not Enough: Globalization, Guns, and Greed by Kathryn E Smith “…trade cannot be maintained without war or war without trade.”[1] Globalization is defined in many ways, and although it has been expanding and contracting over thousands of years, it has only in the past two centuries become a topic of such interest. Many think of globalization as “primarily a monetary phenomenon,”[2] and although most definitions of globalization do only concern trade, it is more broadly “the process by which different regions of the world affect one another economically, politically, or culturally.”[3] Today, military might is paramount in the expansion of globalization. It may seem cynical to those raised in American high schools and higher education institutions to say that “the hidden hand of the market will never work without a hidden fist.”[4] And yet, truly “McDonald’s cannot flourish without McDonnell Douglas, the designer of the F-15. And the hidden fist that keeps the world safe for Silicon Valley’s technologies is called the United States Army, Air Force, Navy, and Marine Corps.”[5] Historically, this military protection of commercial interests has great precedence. As far back as the ancient city-states of Venice and Genoa, powerful navies were the basis of wealth.[6] In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the Qing Dynasty of China pursued imperialist expansion, and conquered no less than four independent nations.[7] British Imperialism ...

Words: 2997 - Pages: 12

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Why Is It Important To Keep Electoral College

...With the electoral college set up the way it is, if a third party candidate won a couple of states and the race was close between the two major candidates, then it could all come down to the House of Representatives voting on who is the president. In the 2000 election between George W. Bush and Al Gore it was a close race and since the third party candidate Ralph Nader acted as a spoiler for Gore because Nader was a partially democratic and attracted 3% of the votes that Gore could have gotten as shown in Document 5. This shows that the electoral college can help third party candidates can persuade the...

Words: 691 - Pages: 3

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My Kamer

...My Kamer “ Nog net twee dae, vier ure en vyftien minute. Amalia, elke second is n tree nader, nader aan my drome, my wildste wense en my vrees.” Die woorde wat elke paar minute aan my herhaal was. Elke aand het ek haar drome, gebede en haar hartbreekroep aan Tiaan Nel gehoor. Elke aand het sy gepleit en gewens dat hy haar sal raaksien. Van kleins af was Mia maar altyd morbied, terug getrokke en vasgevang in Shakespeare-boeke en gedigte uit vroeer jare. Na ‘n dag se uitstappie saam met haar vriendinne het alles verander. Haar gemoed was ewe skielik ligter. Sy was vroliker en het meer tyd buite die huis spandeer. Haar ma wasafgeskeep en ek was vergete. Sy het op haar kalender die dae afgetel tot wanneer sy weer haar geliefde kon sien. Na ‘n maand het sy weer met my begin praat. Aand na aand het sy na my toe terug gekom met ‘n glimlag breer as die Oranjerivier en vir ure haar gedagtes en herinneringe neer gepen; wat hy gese het, gedra het en selfshoe hy haar gegroet en gedruk het. Sewe-uur namiddag op die14de Augustus 2011 het die tyd aangebreuk vir Mia om uiteindelik saammet Tiaan n melkskommel te gaan drink. Heeldag was sy ‘n bal vol emosies; opgewondenheid, gespanne, vrees en nuskierigheid. Haar hare was in ‘n lang visgraat-vlegsel met n sagte pienk lint aan die onderkant. Sy het ‘n kort rokkie met sagte wit kant gedra en wighakskoene. Al haar ure se moeite vir net een soentjie... Een telefoonoproep was genoeg om haar wereld en drome te verwoes. Al haar moeite was verniet:...

Words: 399 - Pages: 2

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Hills Like White Elephants

...Conflict is a natural part of human life, but how we deal with it differs from culture to culture. Some cultures people get angry and attack the person, and not the problem. These cultures believe punishment and discipline is the only way to solve a conflict. They never consider there may be a more effective and peaceful solution to the conflict. Conflicts can be reconciled in a peaceful way as shown by the social cultures of the Zapotec and Semai. Zapotec people live in the state of Oaxaca, in southern Mexico (Fry, 1997, p.719). A relatively nonviolent place for the them to practices their beliefs (Nader & Metzger, 1963, p. 586). This town may not be completely free of conflict and quarrels, but few lead to physical violence. The nonviolence of this town is interesting and a bit of a surprise because there is other near bye communities that are violent, such as San Andres (Nader & Metzger, 1963, p. 586). The Zapotec are for the most part farmers and grow things like corn, beans and squash for consumption and a few other things for profit. They people make a lot of crafts to be sold at the local markets. The Zapotec have many beliefs that lead to the peacefulness of this society. In the Zapotec community there is a strong belief in respect for all. Each individual member of the Zapotec is responsible for and cooperating with a nonviolent way of life. They believe that a...

Words: 1297 - Pages: 6

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Why Is It Difficult To Succeed In The Electoral College

...most third party candidates do not stand a chance. For example, in 1912 when Theodore Roosevelt ran for president as a progressive. He claimed Michigan, Minnesota, South Dakota, Washington, Pennsylvania, California (split), however he did not win the electoral college even though he beat the republican Taft who was running against him. No third party candidate has won the presidential election. Sometimes the third party candidates plays a “spoiler” role. This is when a third party candidates causes one president to win a state that the other president could have won but because of the third party candidate taking up some of the votes and can make the running mate lose that state. For example, in 2000 when Ralph Nader was running against Al Gore and George Bush, Nader received 97,488 votes and George bush only won the state by 537 votes. If Nader’s supporters would have voted for Gore then George wouldn’t have won all 25 electoral votes and therefore possibly not have one the election. With a national majority vote; the voting system would be equal and give the third party candidates more of a chance. A national majority vote is when everyone in the United States would go and vote who they wanted for president. Instead of our votes going towards which party of electors would go vote it would be you directly voting for the president. Whoever won the most votes would become president....

Words: 643 - Pages: 3

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Coporate Personhood

...Running Head: POWER FROM PEOPLE 1 Corporate Personhood: Taking Power from the People Cindy Sanders Everest University POWER FROM PEOPLE 2 We the People-scratch that. We the People and Corporations of the United States. Probably more accurate would be, we the corporations and then the people. The way current laws are perceived; corporations hold the power in democracy, and they are put above the actual people of the United States. This is because current laws state that corporations are persons, also known as the doctrine of corporate personhood. Corporate personhood is the term, used to describe corporation’s rights and protections under the Constitution and Bill of Rights ( Encyclopedia of emancipation and abolition, 2011). Corporate personhood recognizes that by law, corporations are entity’s that have the rights to have a name, sue and be sued in court, be a party to contracts, have property ( Encyclopedia of emancipation and abolition, 2011) and participate in the political process without regulation. Thus, corporations are deemed a person under the law, just as individual people. It is common knowledge that the more wealth a person has, the more power they also hold. Corporate personhood takes power away from the people and gives it to buildings and ideas also known as corporations. While corporations bring muchneeded capitol to the United States as a whole, as well to individual states, granting them rights as individuals has rendered them untouchable. Ultimate...

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