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Nature's Splendour


Submitted By dgatheca
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Nature’s Splendour

Nature’s Splendour Nature has a way of unveiling its splendour and abundant beauty. This is evident in the variations of the flora and fauna found all over the World. But none compares and is as majestic as the eighth wonder of the World, “the migration of the Wildebeest in East Africa”. Tucked away in the rolling, lush savannah grassland plains of East Africa, are the Serengeti and Maasai Mara national parks. Their sheer sizes traverses, two countries of Kenya and Tanzania, Maasai Mara being in the former while Serengeti in the latter. The landscape is comprised of undulating grasslands, with the occasional hill and dotted with Acacia trees. Another amazing feature is the array of colour depending on the season, with the dry season turning the landscape to a crisp golden brown, while in the wet season, a sumptuous green carpet. Cool winds from the Great Rift Valley swoop down on the plains to provide a natural air conditioning during the hot, dry season and also bring the rains during the wet season. Two rivers, the Mara and the Grumeti, meander parallel across the plains, and are the only source of water for the wildlife in these vast lands. It is the month of August in the Mara Triangle, a name sometimes used to refer to the Maasai Mara national park. The rains have just ended, and the terrain is a blossoming green, while on opposite side in the Serengeti, the dry season is at its peak. A cloud of dust emerges at a distance from the Serengeti side moving towards the Mara triangle. Then gradually a black mass appears in the prospect, creating the appearance that resembles a voluminous black river flowing on the golden grass plains if observed from a high vantage point. At that distance, it is difficult to make out the shapes and neither are there any audible sounds, but it is a sight to behold. As the mass gets closer, it transforms to a copious herd of Wildebeests variegated with Thomson’s gazelles, Zebras and Elands. Taken in its entirety, this herd is estimated at approximately 2 million animals. The Wildebeest is also known as the “Gnu”, and this name is derived from the snorting “gnu-gnu” sounds it makes. As the gargantuan herd approaches, distinct “gnu” sounds are audible as well as the thundering of galloping hooves. This is the migration of the Wildebeest northwards in search of the phosphorus rich grass said to be suitable for the lactating cows that have just given birth to their offspring on the Serengeti side. It is estimated that annually, 400,000 offspring of the Gnu are borne. As beautiful and bountiful nature is, it can also be treacherous and unforgiving. On the banks of the Mara River lies a death trap, the river always floods from the rains at this time and this concurs with the Wildebeest migration. It is infested with huge Nile Crocodiles and Hippos, making the migration for the Wildebeest even more precarious. It is important to note that, it takes 3 days for the whole herd to cross this river, and a peculiar fact is that the animals will congregate at a particular point on the river bank in order to cross. This creates congestion leading to a stampede when crossing the river. It is estimated 250,000 animals die during this crossing as a result of the stampede, crocodiles and being hunted down by other carnivores on the journey, but the Mara River takes the highest toll on the herd. It is no wonder it is referred to as the eighth wonder of the world. It is a clear manifestation of how nature can create an entirely self-reliant ecosystem, intertwined with beauty, splendour and treachery, leaving the mind puzzled as to how it can seem so placid yet pugnacious.

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