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Netw 360


Submitted By shaggidx
Words 466
Pages 2
iLab Grading Rubric Category | Points | Description | Introduction | 5 | Introduce the objective and goal(s) for the report. | Overlapping | 5 | Are there any overlapping channels in Capture1.wsr? | Wireless LAN | 5 | What channel to use when installing a new wireless LAN from Capture1.wsr? | Activity | 5 | Identify the channels being used in Capture2.wsr. | Most Active Channel | 5 | Identify the most active channel in Capture2.wsr. | Type of Signal | 5 | Identify the type of signal being shown in Capture3.wsr. | Frequency | 5 | Identify the frequency, not channel, being used in Capture3.wsr. | Type and Strength of Signal | 5 | Identify the type and strength of signal being shown in Capture4.wsr. | Conclusion | 10 | Include a minimum of two paragraphs that summarizes your learning and concludes your accomplishments in the lab. | Total | 50 | A quality paper will meet or exceed all of the above requirements. |

IMPORTANT: A report template is provided beginning on the next page and you must use it to submit your assignment. Before submitting your assignment, delete the pages containing the instruction and rubric.
Your submitted assignment should begin with the title page and only contain your report. Don’t forget to place your name, your professor’s name, and the date on the title page.

Week 5 iLab Report
Replace with your name
DeVry University
NETW360: Wireless Technologies and Services

Observing the Wireless Spectrum

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Professor: Name of your professor
Date: Current date

Observing the Wireless Spectrum
Guidelines: It’s always best to introduce a paper to the reader. It sets the tone and provides an overview of what will be covered and what the goals are. * What is the intent of the lab? What issues are addressed? Why is it important? What are the goals?

Specific questions

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...Student____________________________________________________ Daytime Phone___________________________ E-mail_____________________________________________________________  Pending AP scores  Course recommendations made without copies of transcripts/transfer equivalency worksheet. FALL SEMESTER Fall Course COMM 100 Public Speaking (F,S,#) or COMM 101Interpersonal & Group Interaction ENGH 101 Composition (F,S,#) HIST 100 History of Western Civilization or HIST 101 Foundations of Western Civilization (F,S,#) Natural Science (lab) Fall Course SPRING SEMESTER Credit Grade 3 3 3 Credit Grade 4 GCH 300 Introduction to Public Health Elective 3 3 ENGH 302 Advanced Composition (F,S,#) GCH 310 Health Behavior Theories GCH 332 Health and Disease GCH 360 Health and Environment GCH 335 Applied Health Statistics Fall Course GCH 411 Health Program Planning and Eval GCH 412 Fundamentals of Epidemiology GCH 405 Global Hlth Interv: History and Systems Elective ANTH 381 or PHIL 344 or SOCI 390 or COMM 304 Credit GCH 205 International Health (F,S,#) Natural Science (lab or non-lab) Social Science Information Technology GGS 101 Major World Regions Grade 3 3-4 3 3 3 4 BIOL 124 Hum Anatomy and Physiology I (F,#) or RBHS 270 Hum Anatomy and Physiology I Arts Literature Fall Course Spring Course 3 3 Credit Grade 3 3 3 3 3 Credit Grade 3 3 3 3 3 Spring Course Credit BIOL 125 Hum Anatomy and Physiology II (S,#) or RBHS 271 Hum...

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...Introduction The emergent technology of motion tracking and motion control hardware and software peripherals has been rapid and widespread. Although mostly in novelty and entertainment markets, it has begun being adapted into the fields of medicine, and computing at large. Summary of Key Findings This technology has already been applied in video game industry, for example the Microsoft Xbox 360 Kinect, Nintendo Wii Motion controllers, and the Sony Playstation Move. It has launched with widely mixed reviews. Despite their mixed reception the aforementioned have sold 24 million units (Epstein, 2013), 100.04 million units (Nintendo Inc., 2013), 15 million units (Tin-Poole, 2012). Motion control input devices have been adapted for use in standard home computing environments. There are simple and easy steps for converting the existing Kinect system into a computer interface device for design, control, and even music production functions. (Castle, 2011) Medical and surgical applications have become more commonplace. Developments being made by Scopis Medical, now allow surgeons to do complex procedures with ever having to bloody their hands. The same developments allow for the manipulation of 3-Dimentional images such as CT scans, and MRIs, allowing better views of potential hazards to a person’s health. (Limer, 2013) Conclusions The only foreseen impedance to the growth of these types of technology, is the consumer’s desire for privacy. During the initial advent of some of...

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