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New Users Policy


Submitted By kalidyusuf
Words 325
Pages 2
In heeding with the set standards from HIPAA Security and HITECH Rules, Heart-Healthy Insurance is devoted to ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of all electronic protected health information (ePHI) it creates, receives, maintains, and/or transmits. To provide for the appropriate utilization, and oversight of Heart-Healthy Insurance’s efforts toward compliance of the HIPAA security regulations, Heart-Healthy Insurance has assigned its Information Security Analyst team responsible for facilitating the training and supervision of all Heart-Healthy Insurance employees.
I. Heart-Healthy Insurance will grant access to PHI based on their job functions and responsibilities. PHI includes the following: demographic information, employees and patient’s medical record, Images of employees and patients, any health information that can lead to the identity of employees and patients, billing information about patients. Etc. The Information security analyst team is responsible for the determination of which employees require access to PHI and what level of access they require through discussions with the employee’s manager and approval.
II. "No cardholder data should be stored unless it’s necessary to meet the needs of the business". (PCI Security Standards Council, 2010).
III. Every Heart-Healthy new employee must sign a confidentiality and security standards agreement for handling customer information.
IV. Every Heart-Healthy new employee will undergo security training that will be administered by the Information security analyst team.
V. Every Heart-Heathy new employee must have a unique identifier. i.e. User ID
Passwords are an important aspect of computer and systems security. They are the front line of protection for user accounts. An imperfectly chosen password may lead in the compromise of

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