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Nike: Hiring Gets Off on the Right Foot


Submitted By azfar92
Words 2822
Pages 12
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1.1 Need for the Study and Justification Mengikut perangkaan JAKIM [Berita Harian, 8 Disember 1997] yang dikeluarkan pada tahun 1995, sebanyak 57 ajaran sesat telah dikenal pasti di seluruh Malaysia serta diwartakan dan matlamat utama penubuhannya dilaporkan bertujuan melemahkan perpaduan umat Islam dan memusnahkan agama Islam. Ajaran sesat juga melakukan penyelewengan terutamanya dalam akidah dan syariah melalui berbagai pendekatan dan kaedah yang tersendiri. Pemimpin ajaran sesat juga sering mendakwa dirinya sebagai terlalu hebat untuk mendapat kepentingan peribadi. Kebiasaannya para pengikut juga akan menganggap pemimpin ajaran sesat itu amat hebat setelah menunjukkan beberapa perkara pelik yang bertentangan dengan kebiasaan dan adat [Abdulfatah Haron Ibrahim, 1993]. Pemimpin ajaran sesat juga akan mendakwa mereka telah sampai ke satu martabat yang tinggi sehingga mengetahui perkara-perkara ghaib, rahsia hakikat, makrifat dan rahsia-rahsia batin. Seringkali apa yang dilakukan pemimpin itu adalah bertentangan dengan Al-Quran dan Al-Sunnah. 1.2 Problem Statement Ajaran sesat diketahui membawa ajaran yang bertentangan dengan agama Islam kerana kepentingan dan faedah pemimpin, pelopor atau perintisnya. Pemimpin ajaran sesat boleh mempengaruhi ahlinya untuk melakukan sesuatu yang di luar batasan undang-undang dan melangkaui akal manusia. Pertubuhan Al-Ma’unah misalnya walaupun bukan sebuah ajaran sesat, tetapi kebolehan pemimpinnya mempengaruhi ahli-ahli bawahannya untuk melakukan sesuatu di luar batasan undang-undang, membuatkan kita boleh melakukan satu kesimpulan bahawa sesuatu ajaran guru itu boleh bertukar menjadi ekstrem. Siapa sangka sebuah pertubuhan seni mempertahankan diri bertukar menjadi sebuah pertubuhan pengganas atau militan. Terdapat sesuatu yang meragukan dalam ajaran pertubuhan ini hingga pengikutpengikutnya bertindak ganas membunuh dan mencederakan. Kumpulan al-Ma’unah telah menggunakan 3 kenderaan Pajero yang telah dicat semula menjadi kenderaan tentera untuk mengaburi mata pihak berkuasa ketika memasuki Post 2 Kuala Rui dan Halaman 1|

Kem 304 Gerik, mencuri senjata M16 (97 buah), GPMG (4), grenade launcher (5), 9,095 peluru 5.56mm dan 60 butir peluru 40mm. Kumpulan yang melibatkan Shahidi dan Khairul Anuar telah pergi kilang Carlsberg di Shah Alam dan melepaskan tembakan grenade launcher. Shahidi pula berseorangan apabila beliau melepaskan tembakan grenade launcher ke arah Guiness Anchor Berhad di Jalan Kelang Lama dan Kuil Hindu Batu Caves (Star Online, 4 Disember 2005). Dalam insiden ini, pihak berkuasa gagal menghidu lebih awal kegiatan keganasan yang bakal berlaku. Contoh insiden yang lain ialah kumpulan Mohamad Nasir Ismail. Kumpulan Mohamad Nasir Ismail telah menyerang Balai Polis Batu Pahat pada 16 Oktober 1980 dalam usaha awalan untuk menguasai Malaysia dan menjadikannya sebuah negara Islam. Pemimpinnya Muhammad Nasir mengaku sebagai Imam Mahdi dan pengikutnya dianggap sebagai tentera Allah di bumi. Seramai 8 ahli kumpulan ini mati dan 6 cedera setelah berbalas tembakan dengan pihak polis (Abdul Rahman Ismail, 2003). Tiada amaran awal diperolehi sebelum insiden ini berlaku. Ajaran Mohamad Nasir Ismail ternyata sesat, tetapi tiada siapa yang dapat menduga bahawa ia akhirnya menjadi begitu melampau hingga sanggup menyerang balai polis. Sekali lagi, ajaran sesat ini gagal dikesan lebih awal bahawa ia bertukar menjadi kumpulan pelampau. Dalam kedua-dua kes di atas, ternyata ajaran sesat boleh menjadi kumpulan pelampau dan pengganas. Ia dapat dielakkan jika pihak berkuasa dapat mengesan lebih awal potensi ia menjadi melampau. Maka apakah pengukuran dan instrumen yang boleh mengukur potensi ajaran sesat menjadi pelampau? Apakah indeks tahap kesesatan ajaran sesat, tahap kemerbahayaaan dan potensinya menjadi pengganas? Kajian yang akan bakal dijalankan ini, insyaallah akan menjawab persoalan-persoalan dan kemusykilan ini. Setiap gerakan pengganas adalah ajaran sesat dan begitu jugalah Jemaah Islamiah (JI). Dalam kes-kes yang telah disebutkan di atas, ternyata konsepsi jihad, doktrin pembentukan negara Islam, doktrin pelaksanaan undang-undang Islam dan persepsi terhadap orang bukan Islam serta Barat mempengaruhi tindakan-tindakan ekstrem dan melampau [Nasir Abas (2006), Hellmich (2008), Ahmad Fauzi (2007), Johannen, Smith dan Gomez (2003), Bergen (2002)]. Elemen-elemen ini jugalah yang diindoktrinasi kepada pengikut hingga membawa kepada tindakan-tindakan yang membelakangkan undang-undang dan membawa kepada keganasan. Negara digemparkan dengan penangkapan 10 orang individu dari institusi pengajian tinggi awam di Gombak, Selangor pada 22 Januari 2010 kerana terlibat dengan aktiviti terorisme. Keseluruhannya 50 orang sedang mengikuti ceramah agama dalam sebuah rumah di kampung tersebut. Pada pertengahan Jun 2010, negara sekali lagi digemparkan dengan penyebaran pengaruh Jemaah Islamiah di kalangan 30 pelajar universiti (New Straits Times, 21 Jun 2010). Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak (Ibid.) berkata bahawa penyebaran fahaman militan Islam di universiti awam adalah satu ancaman kepada keselamatan negara dan bukannya sengaja diada-adakan oleh kerajaan. Najib memberikan komen ketika ditanya mengenai penangkapan sekumpulan pelajar luar negara yang disyakki direkrut Halaman 2|

oleh Al-Qaeda dan Jemaah Islamiah. Beliau melahirkan kekesalan mengenai tindakan pihak pembangkang yang mempolitikkan isu tersebut dengan membohongi masyarakat bahawa tidak terdapat sebarang ancaman. Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim, Ketua Pembangkang menyatakan bahawa tidak ada sebarang ancaman daripada JI di Malaysia dan pihak kerajaan didakwa sengaja mengalihkan isu daripada rakyat. Kalau rakyat tidak mahu mempercayai ancaman itu, mereka akan menyesal kemudian apabila keganasan benar-benar berlaku. Mereka kemudiannya akan menyalahkan kerajaan kerana tidak mengambil sebarang tindakan untuk mencegah ancaman tersebut. Apa yang dilakukan oleh kerajaan ialah mengambil tindakan proaktif. Oleh yang demikian, kajian ini mempunyai signifikan untuk menghasilkan satu model instrumen yang boleh mengesan secara hypothetical dan kualitatif potensi sesuatu ajaran sesat boleh menjadi kumpulan pelampau dan pengganas. Ini akan membantu pihak berkuasa mengesan lebih awal potensi ia menjadi melampau dan mengelakkan kerugian dari segi nyawa, harta benda dan imej. 1.3 Objectives Oleh yang demikian, objektif kajian ini mempunyai matlamat berikut: i. ii. iii. Mengenal pasti dan mendokumenkan profil ajaran sesat yang telah diwartakan di Malaysia. Membina dan membangunkan model dan instrumen pengukuran tahap kesesatan ajaran sesat. Membina dan membangunkan model dan instrumen pengukuran tahap kemerbahayaan dan potensi ajaran sesat menjadi ekstrem.

1.4 Research Questions 1. Ajaran sesat mempunyai potensi untuk menjadi ancaman kepada keselamatan negara dan ketenteraman awam. 2. Ajaran sesat mampu bertukar menjadi ekstrem dan radikal. 3. Tahap kesesatan ajaran sesat mampu diukur dan dikuantifikasikan. 4. Model dan instrumen tahap kemerbahayaan dan potensi ajaran sesat menjadi ekstrem boleh dibangunkan secara kuantitatif. 1.5 Location Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (JAKIM), Pejabat-pejabat Mufti seluruh Malaysia, Majlis Agama Islam Negeri-negeri seluruh Malaysia, Jabatan Agama Islam Negerinegeri seluruh Malaysia, Pusat Pemulihan Akidah, Kuala Kubu Baru, Selangor, Kem Tahanan Kemunting, Taiping, Perak; Kementerian Pertahanan Malaysia, Jalan Semarak, Kuala Lumpur; Perpustakaan Awam Islam, Kuala Lumpur, Perpustakaan Universiti Islam Antarabangsa, Perpustakaan Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia dan Perpustakaan Universiti Malaya, Pusat Sumber Jabatan Agama Islam Negeri-negeri

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seluruh Malaysia, Polis Diraja Malaysia, Bukit Aman, Kuala Lumpur, Kementerian Dalam Negeri, Putrajaya dan Arkib Negara Malaysia. 1.6 Definition of Terms Ajaran Sesat - Ajaran sesat ialah ajaran yang melakukan penyelewengan terutamanya dalam akidah dan syariah melalui berbagai pendekatan dan kaedah yang tersendiri. Pemimpin ajaran sesat juga sering mendakwa dirinya sebagai terlalu hebat untuk mendapat kepentingan peribadi. Kebiasaannya para pengikut juga akan menganggap pemimpin ajaran sesat itu amat hebat setelah menunjukkan beberapa perkara pelik yang bertentangan dengan kebiasaan dan adat [Abdulfatah Haron Ibrahim, 1993]. Pemimpin ajaran sesat juga akan mendakwa mereka telah sampai ke satu martabat yang tinggi sehingga mengetahui perkara-perkara ghaib, rahsia hakikat, makrifat dan rahsia-rahsia batin. Seringkali apa yang dilakukan pemimpin itu adalah bertentangan dengan Al-Quran dan Al-Sunnah. Ajaran sesat diketahui membawa ajaran yang bertentangan dengan agama Islam kerana kepentingan dan faedah pemimpin, pelopor atau perintisnya. Pemimpin ajaran sesat boleh mempengaruhi ahlinya untuk melakukan sesuatu yang di luar batasan undang-undang dan melangkaui akal manusia. Ekstrem – Radikal, ganas, tidak berperikemanusiaan, melampau, zalim dan yang berkaitan dnegan keganasan (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat, 2004: 89). 1.7 Limitations and Scope of the Study i. Kajian ini tidak melibatkan ajaran sesat dalam agama lain. ii. Kajian ini tidak melibatkan ajaran sesat dalam negara-negara lain di dunia. iii. Kajian ini tidak melibatkan gerakan yang tidak dikategorikan sebagai sesat. (Skop penyelidikan merujuk kepada sejauh mana bidang penyelidikan yang akan diterokai. Ia juga dikenali sebagai fokus kajian. Skop penyelidikan juga merujuk kepada kawasan yang dicakupi dalam penyelidikan seperti populasi penyelidikan manakala batasan atau limitasi penyelidikan adalah kawasan-kawasan yang tidak termasuk sebagai sebahagian daripada penyelidikan. Batasan kajian biasanya ditentukan dan dipengaruhi oleh kekangan bajet, tenaga, lokasi, geografi, lokaliti dan masa. Apakah subject matternya? Sebagai contoh, skop penyelidikan mengenai pesakit-pesakit kanser yang telah sembuh? Apakah mereka kembali kepada Tuhan? Adakah skop penyelidikan mencakupi semua jenis pesakit kanser atau ditentukan hanya kepada pesakit kanser payudara? Maka, pesakit selain daripada itu tidak termasuk skop kajian. Contohnya pesakit kanser hati, prostat, kanser paru-paru dan sebagainya. Skop penyelidikan boleh dihadkan kepada beberapa perkara seperti kesediaan peserta, etika, pengukuran, reka bentuk dan lain-lain lagi.

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Dalam konteks ini, skop kajian berkait dengan matlamat kajian. Jika ia berkait dengan pengetahuan sahaja, maka persoalan sikap dan amalan tidak dikaji. Dan begitulah sebaliknya). 1.8 Basic Assumptions i. Ajaran sesat diketahui membawa ajaran yang bertentangan dengan agama Islam kerana kepentingan dan faedah pemimpin, pelopor atau perintisnya. Pemimpin ajaran sesat boleh mempengaruhi ahlinya untuk melakukan sesuatu yang di luar batasan undang-undang dan melangkaui akal manusia. ajaran sesat boleh menjadi kumpulan pelampau dan pengganas. Ia dapat dielakkan jika pihak berkuasa dapat mengesan lebih awal potensi ia menjadi melampau. Maka apakah pengukuran dan instrumen yang boleh mengukur potensi ajaran sesat menjadi pelampau? Adakah ia mampu mengukur? ii. Apakah indeks tahap kesesatan ajaran sesat, tahap kemerbahayaaan dan potensinya menjadi pengganas? Kajian yang akan bakal dijalankan ini, insyaallah akan menjawab persoalan-persoalan dan kemusykilan ini. Setiap gerakan pengganas adalah ajaran sesat dan begitu jugalah Jemaah Islamiah (JI). iii. Adakah konsepsi jihad, doktrin pembentukan negara Islam, doktrin pelaksanaan undang-undang Islam dan persepsi terhadap orang bukan Islam serta Barat mempengaruhi tindakan-tindakan ekstrem dan melampau? iv. Adakah kajian ini mempunyai signifikan untuk menghasilkan satu model instrumen yang boleh mengesan secara hypothetical dan kualitatif potensi sesuatu ajaran sesat boleh menjadi kumpulan pelampau dan pengganas? v. Apakah model yang bakal dibangunkan Ini akan membantu pihak berkuasa mengesan lebih awal potensi ia menjadi melampau dan mengelakkan kerugian dari segi nyawa, harta benda dan imej? vi. Apakah kajian ini boleh membina dan membangunkan model dan instrumen pengukuran tahap kesesatan ajaran sesat, dan membina dan membangunkan model dan instrumen pengukuran tahap kemerbahayaan dan potensi ajaran sesat menjadi ekstrem?


Section 2 - Review of Literatures

What other literatures say about the topic? Menurut Abdulfatah Haron Ibrahim ( 1993), pemimpin ajaran sesat mendakwa mereka telah sampai ke satu martabat yang tinggi sehingga mengetahui perkara-perkara ghaib, rahsia hakikat, makrifat dan rahsia-rahsia batin. Seringkali apa yang dilakukan pemimpin itu adalah bertentangan dengan AlQuran dan Al-Sunnah. Ajaran sesat diketahui membawa ajaran yang bertentangan dengan agama Islam kerana kepentingan dan faedah pemimpin, pelopor atau perintisnya. Pemimpin Halaman 5|

ajaran sesat boleh mempengaruhi ahlinya untuk melakukan sesuatu yang di luar batasan undang-undang dan melangkaui akal manusia. ajaran sesat boleh menjadi kumpulan pelampau dan pengganas. Ia dapat dielakkan jika pihak berkuasa dapat mengesan lebih awal potensi ia menjadi melampau. Maka apakah pengukuran dan instrumen yang boleh mengukur potensi ajaran sesat menjadi pelampau? Apakah indeks tahap kesesatan ajaran sesat, tahap kemerbahayaaan dan potensinya menjadi pengganas? Kajian yang akan bakal dijalankan ini, insyaallah akan menjawab persoalan-persoalan dan kemusykilan ini. Setiap gerakan pengganas adalah ajaran sesat dan begitu jugalah Jemaah Islamiah (JI). Dalam kes-kes yang telah disebutkan di atas, ternyata konsepsi jihad, doktrin pembentukan negara Islam, doktrin pelaksanaan undang-undang Islam dan persepsi terhadap orang bukan Islam serta Barat mempengaruhi tindakan-tindakan ekstrem dan melampau [Nasir Abas (2006), Hellmich (2008), Ahmad Fauzi (2007), Johannen, Smith dan Gomez (2003), Bergen (2002)]. ii. What are their contribution to your research? Mengikut perangkaan JAKIM [Berita Harian, 8 Disember 1997] yang dikeluarkan pada tahun 1995, sebanyak 57 ajaran sesat telah dikenal pasti di seluruh Malaysia serta diwartakan dan matlamat utama penubuhannya dilaporkan bertujuan melemahkan perpaduan umat Islam dan memusnahkan agama Islam. Ajaran sesat juga melakukan penyelewengan terutamanya dalam akidah dan syariah melalui berbagai pendekatan dan kaedah yang tersendiri. Ajaran sesat diketahui membawa ajaran yang bertentangan dengan agama Islam kerana kepentingan dan faedah pemimpin, pelopor atau perintisnya. Pemimpin ajaran sesat boleh mempengaruhi ahlinya untuk melakukan sesuatu yang di luar batasan undang-undang dan melangkaui akal manusia. Pertubuhan Al-Ma’unah misalnya walaupun bukan sebuah ajaran sesat, tetapi kebolehan pemimpinnya mempengaruhi ahli-ahli bawahannya untuk melakukan sesuatu di luar batasan undang-undang, membuatkan kita boleh melakukan satu kesimpulan bahawa sesuatu ajaran guru itu boleh bertukar menjadi ekstrem. Siapa sangka sebuah pertubuhan seni mempertahankan diri bertukar menjadi sebuah pertubuhan pengganas atau militan. Terdapat sesuatu yang meragukan dalam ajaran pertubuhan ini hingga pengikut-pengikutnya bertindak ganas membunuh dan mencederakan. Kumpulan al-Ma’unah telah menggunakan 3 kenderaan Pajero yang telah dicat semula menjadi kenderaan tentera untuk mengaburi mata pihak berkuasa ketika memasuki Post 2 Kuala Rui dan Kem 304 Gerik, mencuri senjata M16 (97 buah), GPMG (4), grenade launcher (5), 9,095 peluru 5.56mm dan 60 butir peluru 40mm. Kumpulan yang melibatkan Shahidi dan Khairul Anuar telah pergi kilang Carlsberg di Shah Alam dan melepaskan tembakan grenade launcher. Shahidi pula berseorangan apabila beliau melepaskan tembakan grenade launcher ke arah Guiness Anchor Berhad di Jalan Kelang Lama dan Kuil Hindu Batu Caves (Star Online, 4 Disember 2005). Dalam insiden ini, pihak berkuasa gagal menghidu lebih awal kegiatan keganasan yang bakal berlaku. Halaman 6|

Contoh insiden yang lain ialah kumpulan Mohamad Nasir Ismail. Kumpulan Mohamad Nasir Ismail telah menyerang Balai Polis Batu Pahat pada 16 Oktober 1980 dalam usaha awalan untuk menguasai Malaysia dan menjadikannya sebuah negara Islam. Pemimpinnya Muhammad Nasir mengaku sebagai Imam Mahdi dan pengikutnya dianggap sebagai tentera Allah di bumi. Seramai 8 ahli kumpulan ini mati dan 6 cedera setelah berbalas tembakan dengan pihak polis (Abdul Rahman Ismail, 2003). Tiada amaran awal diperolehi sebelum insiden ini berlaku. Ajaran Mohamad Nasir Ismail ternyata sesat, tetapi tiada siapa yang dapat menduga bahawa ia akhirnya menjadi begitu melampau hingga sanggup menyerang balai polis. Sekali lagi, ajaran sesat ini gagal dikesan lebih awal bahawa ia bertukar menjadi kumpulan pelampau. Negara digemparkan dengan penangkapan 10 orang individu dari institusi pengajian tinggi awam di Gombak, Selangor pada 22 Januari 2010 kerana terlibat dengan aktiviti terorisme. Keseluruhannya 50 orang sedang mengikuti ceramah agama dalam sebuah rumah di kampung tersebut. Pada pertengahan Jun 2010, negara sekali lagi digemparkan dengan penyebaran pengaruh Jemaah Islamiah di kalangan 30 pelajar universiti (New Straits Times, 21 Jun 2010). Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak (Ibid.) berkata bahawa penyebaran fahaman militan Islam di universiti awam adalah satu ancaman kepada keselamatan negara dan bukannya sengaja diada-adakan oleh kerajaan. Najib memberikan komen ketika ditanya mengenai penangkapan sekumpulan pelajar luar negara yang disyakki direkrut oleh Al-Qaeda dan Jemaah Islamiah. Beliau melahirkan kekesalan mengenai tindakan pihak pembangkang yang mempolitikkan isu tersebut dengan membohongi masyarakat bahawa tidak terdapat sebarang ancaman. Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim, Ketua Pembangkang menyatakan bahawa tidak ada sebarang ancaman daripada JI di Malaysia dan pihak kerajaan didakwa sengaja mengalihkan isu daripada rakyat. Kalau rakyat tidak mahu mempercayai ancaman itu, mereka akan menyesal kemudian apabila keganasan benar-benar berlaku. Mereka kemudiannya akan menyalahkan kerajaan kerana tidak mengambil sebarang tindakan untuk mencegah ancaman tersebut. Apa yang dilakukan oleh kerajaan ialah mengambil tindakan proaktif.

Section 3 – Procedures/Methodology
- Research Design - Subject Selection - Data Analysis Proses penyelidikan berlangsung boleh diringkaskan seperti berikut: 1) Membina instrumen kajian. 2) Pra-uji instrumen kajian (Tahap 1 – Bahasa) 3) Pra-uji instrumen kajian (Tahap 2 – Kefahaman dan struktur ayat) Halaman 7|

4) Pra-uji instrumen kajian (Tahap 3 – Validity dan Realiability) 5) Penyemakan intrumen oleh arbiter 6) Pengumpulan data (Fasa 1 – Kajian Kepustakaan) 7) Pengumpulan data (Fasa 2 – Wawancara) 8) Pengumpulan data (Fasa 3 – soal-selidik dan temubual kumpulan secara berfokus) 9) Pengumpulan data (Fasa 4 – Observasi Tahanan Dalam Pemulihan) 10) Memproses dan menganalisa data 11) Membuat kesimpulan 12) Penulisan laporan kajian 13) Membentangkan hasil kajian dalam seminar dan konferen. 14) Menghasilkan buku.

Section 4 - Results
- Findings Relative to Problem - Summary of Data - Tests of Significance

Section 5 - Discussion
# Kesimpulan # Cadangan # Implikasi kajian - Bibliography - Appendices Rujukan ”JAKIM Kenal Pasti Punca Ajaran Sesat”, Berita Harian: 8 Disember 1997. ”PM: Terrorist Threat Real”, New Straits Times, 21 Jun 2010. ”Seven Al-Ma’unah Members Plead Guilty to Alternative Charge” Star Online, 4 Disember 2005. http:///, dilayari pada 28 Disember 2009. Halaman 8|

Abdul Rahman Ismail (2003), ”Keselamatan Negara Pasca 911 – Satu Tinjauan Terhadap Pencerobohan Iraq, Keganasan Serantau Dan Ancaman Militan Di Malaysia”, Jurnal YADIM, Bil. 5, Disember). Abdulfatah Haron Ibrahim (1993), Ajaran Sesat, Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa Dan Pustaka. Ahmad Fauzi Abdul Hamid (2007),”Islam and Violence in Malaysia”, S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies Seminar, Singapore, 9 March 2007. Christina Hellmich (2008), “Creating the Ideology of Al Qaeda: From Hypocrites to Salafi-Jihadists”, Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 31:111–124, 2008. Nasir Abas (2006), Membongkar Jamaah Islamiah: Pengakuan Mantan Anggota JI, Jakarta: Grafindo Khazanah Ilmu. P. Bergen (2002), Holy War: Inside the Secret World of Osama bin Laden, London: Phoenix Press. Uwe Johannen, Alam Smith dan James Gomez (eds.) (2003), September 11 & Political Freedom: Asian Perspectives, Singapore: Select Publisihing.

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...Now forty-two years later his son is expanding the business and taking it international. Robert’s is very clear that he does not just hire anyone and that instead of laying off any employees or doing a mass and quick hiring they will work short weeks and cross-train all employees. This for him has worked for the forty years and with the company going international and out-sourcing, they will not have any jobs disappear. Review/ Analysis of the Case Professional Products’ sells product that they are very particular about and make sure that they give their customers nothing less than the best. With this, they also hold this same high standard when hiring their employees. They want long-term reliable employees and will not hire anything less. After being in business for forty-two years, they are going to go global and use possible out-sourcing for some jobs. This can cause current employees to fear for their jobs, however, Robert Kilbey will not let any of his current employees go and will cross-train them on other jobs so that they will still have employment. References Bohlander, G., Snell, S. (2007). Managing Human Resources, Fourteenth Edition. Mason, OH: Thomson South-Western Running head: Nike: Hiring Gets Off on the Right Foot Nike: Hiring Gets Off on the Right Foot Brandy Taylor Kaplan University MT203-05: Human...

Words: 728 - Pages: 3

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...Tugas Personal ke-3 Minggu 6 Nike: Hiring Gets Off on the Right Foot (Book 1, page 253-254) Technology is changing how companies recruit and select in ways that couldn’t have been anticipated a few years ago. While automated hiring technologies are still in their infancy, recruiters envision a world in which they can reduce the hiring cycle time by 90 percent, anticipate what skills will be in demand before they can be articulated, and call up information about a potential hire on their computer screens. Interactive voice response technology (IV'R), which has been in use for a long time, is being used along with other database technologies to capture information about potential employees, giving the company more flexibility and speeding hiring decisions.   Nike is one example of a company using computer-assisted interviewing. The company has used an Aspen Tree product to hire employees for Nike towns, retail stores that showcase Nike products. At a recently" opened store in Las Vegas, six thousand people responded to ads for workers needed to fill 250 positions. Nike used IVR technology to make the first cut. Applicants responded to eight questions over the telephone; 3,500 applicants were screened out because they weren't available when needed or didn't have retail experience. The rest had a computer-assisted interview at the store, followed by a personal interview.   “We think it’s important to give a personal interview to anyone who comes to the store,” says Brian Rogers...

Words: 604 - Pages: 3

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Nike Case Study

...Nike : Hiring Gets off on the Right Foot Technology is changing how companies recruit and select in ways that couldn’t have been anticipated a few years ago. While automated hiring technologies are still in their infacy, recruiters envision a world in which they can reduce the hiring cycle time be 90%, anticipated what skills will be in demand before they can be articulated and call up infoemation about a potential hire on their computer screens. Interactive voice respons technology (IVR), which has been in use for a long time, is being used along with other database technologies to computer information about potential employees giving the company more flexibility and speeding hiring decision.. Nike is one example of a company using computer-assisted interviewing. The company has used an Aspen Tree product to hire employees for Niketowns, retail stores that showcase Nike products. At a recently opened store in Las Vegas, six thousand people responded to ads for workers needed to fill 250 positions. Nike used IVR technology to make the first cut. Applicants responded to eight questions over the telephone; 3,500 applicants were screened out because they weren,t available needed or didn’t retail experience. The rest had a computer assisted interview at the store, followed by a personal interview. “We think it’s important to give a personal interview to anyone who comes to the store,” says Brian Rogers, Nike’s manager of human resources for the retail division. “Applicants are...

Words: 1304 - Pages: 6

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...any number of actions which a company might take that would be perceived as socially irresponsible, and more and more companies are finding that if this does occur and is found out, the company and its shareholders suffer. A controversy involving the Nike Corporation shows how a company can be affected by situations they may not be able to fully control. The athletic apparel industry in which Nike is involved is a major money maker in the United States, but the fact that none of the factories are located in North America has brought some heat to the company. “Nike controls more than 40 percent of the U.S. market for sports related goods, but doesn’t have a single sneaker factory in this country” (Miller, 1995). Nike continues to make millions of dollars yet exploits workers overseas by paying them very little, while requiring long hours without overtime pay in factories that are not up to American standard. “Nike subcontractors employ nearly 500,000 workers in plants in Indonesia, China and Vietnam” (Saporito, 1998). The exploitation of workers in Third World countries, where the majority of Nike’s labor is done sparks a controversial issue. People question why Nike continues these practices. According to “Just do it, Nike,” Nike seems especially fond of doing business in...

Words: 1913 - Pages: 8

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...Nike, Inc. Nike History Nike is the leading supplier of athletic footwear and apparel and manufacturer in the world. Founded in 1962 by University of Oregen track athlete Philip Knight and his coach Bill Bowerman. Nike was first known as Blue Ribbon Sports and started out as a distributor for Japanese shoe maker Onitsuka Tiger, now known as ASICS. In 1971 the “Swoosh” was designed for $35.00 by Carolyn Davidson and the first shoe sold doning the swoosh and the name Nike was a soccer shoe. In 1972, Blue Ribbon Sports changed its name to Nike, Inc. after the winged greek goddess of victory. Later on in the 1970’s the company’s world headquarters were opened up un Beaverton, Oregon. ( Nike- 1980s The company really took off and became well known all across the world in the 1980’s. The company started prodection of their footwear in 11 countries including China, Vietnam, and Indonesia. Famous shoes such as the “Nike Air” Air Force Ones and the Air Aces were introduced. Also in the 1980’s, the famous Nike slogan “Just Do It” came about. The slogan is still a major focal point in the companies advertising and marketing to this day. The success of the Nike took a huge turn in 1985 when the company signed a deal with the world’s greatest basketball player of all time, Michael Jordan. Jordan played a major role in how successful nike is today. The newly introduce “Air Jordan” became popular to basketball players worldwide...

Words: 2419 - Pages: 10

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Online Business

...trend. The market assessment talks positive about the online Footwear Business. It would be worthwhile to say Zappos has a right time to enter into the Indian market scenario as though he cannot enjoy the “ first mover advantage” , however it can capitalize the unknown and expected potential from e-commerce trade in India. The USPs which are tried and tested at other part of the globe can be replicated in Indian scenario with a clinch of Indian localization. In the report, we have said that Zappos should opt for a “wholly owned subsidiary” with 50:50 debt equity ratios. Various models of revenue like Sales, affiliate, transaction, subscription and sales revenue have been suggested to increase the overall revenue base. The wide policies will be Free Shipping & returns (365 days) and creation of ZCLT (Zappos Customer Loyalty Team). Keeping in view the emerging retail trends worldwide where Nike is creating Nike Runner's Lounge for athletes, Rocky debuts the shoes for nursing professionals, Road Runner Sports’ delighting customers with the in-depth knowledge of their feet & running/walking patterns, Tom’s selling shoe on the basis of experimenting the Moral values of the potential customer, Zappos also need to change the strategy in the near future to woo its customers. We have studied the nearest competitor of Zappos namely,, foot, JC Penny,,...

Words: 3856 - Pages: 16

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Case Analysis on Nike

...Analysis (Hitting the Wall: Nike and International Labor Practices ) Business Ethics (MBA-513) Section: 02 Case Summary Nike is global footwear for athletes and non-athletes. It is still a highly successful athletic shoemaker today. Based in Beaverton, Oregon, Nike had been a corporate success story for more than three decades. It was a sneaker company, but one armed with an inimitable attitude, phenomenal growth, and the apparent ability to dictate fashion trends to some of the world’s most influential consumers. Selling a combination of basic footwear and street-smart athleticism, Nike pushed its revenues from a 1972 level of $62,000 to a startling $49 million in just ten years. Many researchers believe that Nike went in decline due to two reasons: Michael Jordan’s final retirement and the slowing economy. Another aspect of Nike that has brought a negative image upon them is the negative accusations of exploiting foreign child labor with lower wage. Poor labor conditions and low wages have been an issue for many years, and are still present in 2011.In the 1980s and 1990s, Nike had been plagued by a series of labor incidents and public relations nightmares: underage workers in Indonesian plants, allegations of coerced overtime in China, dangerous working conditions in Vietnam. For a while, the stories had been largely confined to labor circles and activist publications, until a young female worker had died in a Nike contracting factory in 1997...

Words: 3349 - Pages: 14

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Nike Case Analysis

...SEPTEMBER 6, 2002 DEBORA L. SPAR Hitting the Wall: Nike and International Labor Practices Moore: Twelve year olds working in [Indonesian] factories? That’s O.K. with you? Knight: They’re not 12-year-olds working in factories... the minimum age is 14. Moore: How about 14 then? Does that bother you? Knight: No. — Phil Knight, Nike CEO, talking to Director Michael Moore in a scene from documentary film The Big One, 1997. Nike is raising the minimum age of footwear factory workers to 18… Nike has zero tolerance for underage workers. 1 — Phil Knight, 1998 In 1997, Nguyen Thi Thu Phuong died while making sneakers. As she was trimming synthetic soles in a Nike contracting factory, a co-worker’s machine broke, spraying metal parts across the factory floor and into Phuong’s heart. The 23 year-old Vietnamese woman died instantly.2 Although it may have been the most dramatic, Phuong’s death was hardly the first misfortune to hit Nike’s far-flung manufacturing empire. Indeed, in the 1980s and 1990s, the corporation had been plagued by a series of labor incidents and public relations nightmares: underage workers in Indonesian plants, allegations of coerced overtime in China, dangerous working conditions in Vietnam. For a while, the stories had been largely confined to labor circles and activist publications. By the time of Phuong’s death, however, labor conditions at Nike had hit the mainstream. Stories of reported abuse at Nike plants had been carried in publications such as Time...

Words: 9469 - Pages: 38

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Consumer Needs and Wants

...since they were on sale or I just wanted to try something new. I also found that I chose more products that weren’t name brand. I think that I chose these because I was on a budget and I knew how much I wanted to spend when I was at the store. I found that the name brand products were always at least two to three dollars more than brands that weren’t name brand. I also found that some of the brands that aren’t name brand taste a lot better and you usually get more than you pay for out of the non name brand products. One of the products that I am really happy I tried was a new Keurig K-Cup coffee brand called “Cameron’s”. The box of 12 was very inexpensive only costing $4 compared to the Folgers Gourmet that I usually buy that costs around $8 with tax. So, I spent half and I feel I got better quality. I also really wanted to try this particular product because it was different than all of the other K-Cups. The K-Cup doesn’t filter through plastic like other K-Cups do; it has a coffee filter instead so that you get more of the coffee flavor rather than the plastic one that sometimes tastes watery. Another product that I chose over a product I usually buy that is name brand and found I really liked were pita chips. The name brand pita chips from Wal-Mart are usually about $4 a bag and there...

Words: 3827 - Pages: 16

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Business Paper

...rehabilitation, and shopping all in one place. Not only does GameTime Athletics provide a place for training, but also for rehabilitation on any injury and for shopping for the most up to date and recent gear on the market. GameTime Athletics will devote itself to every athlete in order to take their game to the next level. All of our trainers will not only be highly qualified, they will also be devoted to doing everything they can to helping you reach your goals. Every athlete that signs up for a training session will be tested, free of charge, on basic athletic abilities, such as strength, endurance, and quickness. This will allow our trainers to quickly assess the athlete’s strengths and weaknesses. After assessment, each athlete jumps right into training specifically for their sport or personal goals. Goals and Objectives The main objective of GameTime Athletics is to help every athlete reach their full potential. In order to achieve this goal we will hire only the best trainers in their area. Eventually we hope to have our own testing equipment, like heart monitors, respirators, etc.. This will allow us to make a very detailed and specific training structure to maximize each athlete’s ability. In the beginning, GameTime Athletics will start in one location, in a renovated aircraft hangar. By the 10th year we hope to be in at least 3 states, 2 locations in each state. By year 20, we hope to be in all 48 mainland states and 3...

Words: 1644 - Pages: 7

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...for more than 200 years, helping people around the world meet their needs and fulfill their aspirations. Our company is built on a foundation of principles that include responsibility to the communities we serve and where we live and work. In 2008, we launched a Corporate Citizenship Initiative, a global effort to address the environmental, social, economic, and ethical challenges we face in our business. Among the issues we are addressing are carbon impact, paper specifications and procurement, ethical conduct within our business and among our vendors, and community and charitable support. For more information, please visit our website: Copyright © 2014, 2009, 2006, 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic,...

Words: 180086 - Pages: 721

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...Sir Richard Branson’s setbacks: from Virgin Cola to Virgin Brides The demise of the domestic carrier Little Red joins a string of the entrepreneur’s failures from makeup to bridalwear to alcohol • Virgin Atlantic axes Little Red * Share * * * inShare0 * Email * ------------------------------------------------- * ------------------------------------------------- Gwyn Topham, transport correspondent * ------------------------------------------------- The Guardian, Monday 6 October 2014 18.19 BST Sir Richard Branson hands out free cans of Virgin Cola in downtown Tokyo. Sales of the brand lost fizz against the might of Coca-Cola and Pepsi.Photograph: EPA Sir Richard Branson has made a fortune from a string of business ventures that bear his signature brand, including Virgin Trains and Virgin Media. But Little Red joins a series of failures that have seen Branson fail to break into lucrative markets including soft drinks and alcohol. Virgin Cola Launched in 1994, Virgin Cola was initially available only on Virgin planes and in Virgin cinemas before Branson sought wider distribution. “It tasted better than Coke. For one wonderful year we had the dream of Virgin Cola being the brand on everyone’s lips.” Instead, Branson claimed, “swat teams and bagfuls of money” sent from Coke’s Atlanta headquarters gobbled up his drink, whose market share peaked at 0.5% in the three years it was on sale in the US. In 2012, the UK producer went bust and no one else...

Words: 8829 - Pages: 36

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Mm4 Details Case Study

...State University JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC. VICE PRESIDENT & PUBLISHER EXECUTIVE EDITOR ASSISTANT EDITOR PRODUCTION MANAGER PRODUCTION ASSISTANT EXECUTIVE MARKETING MANAGER ASSISTANT MARKETING MANAGER MARKETING ASSISTANT DESIGN DIRECTOR SENIOR DESIGNER SENIOR MEDIA EDITOR George Hoffman Lise Johnson Carissa Doshi Dorothy Sinclair Matt Winslow Amy Scholz Carly DeCandia Alana Filipovich Jeof Vita Arthur Medina Allison Morris This book was set in 10/12 New Caledonia by Aptara®, Inc. and printed and bound by Courier/Westford. The cover was printed by Courier/Westford. This book is printed on acid-free paper. Copyright © 2009, 2006, 2004, 2001, 1998, 1995, 1992, 1989, 1986, 1981, 1976 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise, except as permitted under Sections 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without either the prior written permission of the Publisher, or authorization through payment of the appropriate per-copy fee to the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc. 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, website Requests to the Publisher for permission should be addressed to the Permissions Department, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 111 River Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030-5774, (201)748-6011, fax (201)748-6008, website

Words: 177260 - Pages: 710