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Nintendo Research


Submitted By dmd356
Words 787
Pages 4
English Compostition
Joana Lincoln
December 15, 2013

Assignment 3: Tackling Research
The one man I admire the most in video game design is Shigeru Miyamoto, Nintendo’s lead game designer. Shigeru Miyamoto merits many titles and has created well over a hundred commercially successful games and holds arguably some of the most iconic characters in video game history. On just about every game series he has always been the lead developer and designer and also accomplished many achievements and awards. Aside from creating games, he really understood how the business of gaming worked. Although Shigeru Miyamoto had plenty of talents, his greatest seemed to be in work and creation in video games.

The Legend of Zelda, Super Mario Brothers, and Donkey Kong fans all have Shigeru Miyamoto to thank for these games creation. Back in 1981, after Nintendo was suffering a possible financial collapse, they released Miyamoto’s first game known as Donkey Kong. For the time, Donkey Kong dominated the market leading to Miyamoto ultimately saving Nintendo (Hiroko, 2013). When the Nintendo 64 was first being released, Super Mario 64 launched as one of the first Nintendo 64 games. The game was revolutionary and set a new standard for gaming completely (Carlson, 2013). He has made many game series which many children love and adults will never forget.

Shigeru Miyamoto understood how the business world of gaming worked. Many people have wondered as to why Nintendo can sometimes be slow with making major releases (Bui, 2010). However, his response is that in order to make a game fun, creative and playable is to take time and find new ways for gameplay to be enjoyable rather than tasteless. He also seems to have a sense as to why the market can do better in previous years than in future years and how to take the gaming systems to be current and up to date(Miyamoto, 2007). Shigeru Miyamoto understands what defines a game and would bring in a bigger market and audience. This leads me to my third reason of admiration towards him.

Shigeru Miyamoto has inherited many titles and awards. One such title is “Father of Modern Video Gaming”. That couldn’t more correct. Miyamoto has developed video games dating back from the 1980s to current day. That’s over thirty years of game developing. He also is the producer in most of the games he works on. He seems to always be planning for the future of gaming (Peckham, 2013). Although Shigeru Miyamoto kept his eyes on the future, even he couldn’t have imagined where he would be thirty years from where he started. Shigeru Miyamoto has been in the game designing business for over thirty years and has created some of the best games in history. He also has stated that although his age is over sixty, he still plans to work with Nintendo for a very long time (Whitehead, 2013).

Shigeru Miyamoto is personally one of my favorite and the most inspiring man in the field that I am interested in. He has an astonishing record, as many of his video games he has produced are top selling games on the market. Another feature is he understands the business side of video gaming as well. He is a producer and planner of the future. Even though he is at the age of retirement for many, he simply tells people he has too much fun producing that he wont stop for a long time! Miyamoto is an inspiring video game creator and a hard worker.

Bui, T. (2010, March 25). Shigeru Miyamoto on the Gaming Industry. Retrieved from

Carlson, A. (2013, December 13). How the 2D Platformer Surpassed the 3D Platformer - Hardcore Gamer. Retrieved from

Hiroko, H. (2013, September 19). Hiroshi Yamauchi, Who Steered Nintendo to Dominance, Dies at 85 - Retrieved from Miyamoto, S. (2007, July 30). Ten Questions – Full Sail Research Database. Retrieved from Peckham, M. (2013, March 8). Miyamoto: I Couldn’t Have Imagined Where We’ve Ended Up - Retrieved from

Whitehead, T. (2013, April 9). Shigeru Miyamoto Admits He Could Keep Working for "A Long Time" - Nintendo Life. Retrieved from

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