Premium Essay

Not Every Woman Wants to Be a Mother


Submitted By traveleRN
Words 940
Pages 4
Not Every Woman Wants to be a Mother

In the modern and developed world woman have many more choices than they used to have decades ago. It refers to anything you can think of: they can be married, not married, have a job, not have a job, be married with children, unmarried with children, even not to have children at all. That was definitely not a case a half of century ago. Back than it was pretty much a standard pattern which woman had to follow: get married, have children, create a family. However, not everyone was so exited about that pattern. There were woman who felt that was not right for them to have babies. Excellent example of this is “Metaphors,” a poem written about fifty years ago by American writer, Sylvia Plath. This poem is definitely about her pregnancy, but has a very negative connotation.
The poem is made of metaphors which describe unpleasant feelings of the author and not looking forward to her pregnancy. She structured her poem with nine sentences with nine syllables each, so it symbolises the entire time of the pregnancy. When I first read it, I got a feeling that the first part ( first trimester) starts with some positive mood, but indeed it is not. She describes herself as a “riddle,” which could mean that she is pregnant with a first baby and it’s all new and mysterious for her or she realised that she is pregnant when there were already some sings of a pregnancy, which is weight gain and feeling of something inside of oneself. She seems to be really uncomfortable with that weight, because she describes herself as an elephant, a house filled with people and watermelon that walks on tendrils. I believe she refers to the tendrils as to her legs, that are so thin and weak to hold such a big belly.
In the second part (second trimester) this woman really cries out: “O red fruit, ivory, fine timbers!” that means how her mood and feelings

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