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Novo Nordisk


Submitted By elcan080970
Words 558
Pages 3
Elizandro A Mendiola

Kantz Response

What Kantz says as in her main points are that people think just because it’s in a text or in a text book it’s a fact. She also said we read to transmit and receive information. When we do an argumentative essay it usually means that we are supposed to argue something and most of the times we end up retelling the story in a more descriptive manner. We are supposed to question everything rather than agree of follow along with everything. Another thing she said was that rhetorical reading is not a magical technique for producing sophisticated papers.
I think she is correct because it has happened to me when I am supposed to do like a document based question where I have to read and analyze something it is harder for me to first understand and then try to ask questions about it to myself and think about how this can lead to further analysis. She also mentions that it is hard to read texts and then try to write something off it without telling the story which has been proven for me to be hard. Sometimes we think that the task is do something but we are so used to just analyzing something for its content and then writing about it rather than going in depth and actually making it an argumentative essay. This also helps me understand because one time I just decided to put whatever on an essay prompt because I figured I just have to know the college rather than understand and analyze the article that it was about. However now I know what the meaning that she was trying to say about, questioning everything rather than just rewriting it or making a summary of it we are supposed to question everything and other ways or point of views over that same text. I more less understand now what she means however it is still hard to grasp because I’ve only done a few of course I don’t expect to know it all but it helps with my

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Buad 508

...MULTIPLE CHOICE (CHAPTER 4) 1. Using a sample of 100 consumers, a double-log regression model was used to estimate demand for gasoline. Standard errors of the coefficients appear in the parentheses below the coefficients. Ln Q = 2.45 -0.67 Ln P + . 45 Ln Y - .34 Ln Pcars (.20) (.10) (.25) Where Q is gallons demanded, P is price per gallon, Y is disposable income, and Pcars is a price index for cars. Based on this information, which is NOT correct? a. Gasoline is inelastic. b. Gasoline is a normal good. c. Cars and gasoline appear to be mild complements. d. The coefficient on the price of cars (Pcars) is insignificant. e. All of the coefficients are insignificant. 2. In a cross section regression of 48 states, the following linear demand for per-capita cans of soda was found: Cans = 159.17 – 102.56 Price + 1.00 Income + 3.94Temp |  |Coefficients |Standard Error |t Stat | |Intercept |159.17 |94.16 |1.69 | |Price |-102.56 |33.25 |-3.08 | |Income |1.00 |1.77 |0.57 | |Temperature |3.94 |0.82 |4.83 | R-Sq = 54.1% R-Sq(adj) = 51.0% From the linear regression results in the cans case...

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