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Nt131 Unit 5 Review

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8. Thermoregulation- The changes made in order to keep the temperature of someone or something as close to the desired temperature as possible.

9. The Hypothalamus is the portion of the brain that contains sensors that monitor body temperature.

10. a. Two mechanisms the body uses to cool itself is by having the blood vessels in the skin dilate to radiate heat, and having the sweat glands increase sweat production.

b. Two mechanisms the body uses to heat itself is making the muscles begin to shiver, which generates heat, and making the blood vessels in the skin constrict, which reduces heat loss.

11. a. The stimulus is the temperature rising, the signal is the Hypothalamus sending out chemical and electrical signals to cool the body, and the response is having the blood …show more content…
This feedback loop is negative because the response is decreasing the temperature.

12. a. The stimulus is the temperature being to low, the signal is the Hypothalamus sending out chemical and electrical signals to heat the body, and the response is making the muscles begin to shiver, which generates heat, and making the blood vessels in the skin constrict, which reduces heat loss.

b. This feedback loop is positive because the response is increasing the temperature.

13. a. Yes a positive feedback loops would be helpful in maintaining homeostasis, like when you run a lot and need more oxygen. Since you lack oxygen, your lungs will make you inhale more frequently to increase the amount of oxygen in your body, so that it can be closer to the "normal" level.

b. Yes a single negative feedback loop can be helpful in maintaining homeostasis, like when you inhale to much oxygen, so your lungs force you to exhale. This decreases the amount of oxygen that you have, which brings you closer to normal breathing levels.

14. The stimulus is the baby pushing against the cervix, the signal is Oxytocin being released by the Hypothalamus, and the response is the uterine walls

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