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Nt1310 Unit 2 Assignment

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1. Part A: Sam Miller believed that in order to be able to differentiate memories that are real with memories that merely seem to be existent, one must actually be present to determine its actuality. Sam then suggested that God might have created two individuals one containing the physical body on earth and the other containing the non-physical form of the body in heaven, that way the non-physical body carries the memories and experiences that other one did on earth after it decomposes. Sam supposed that just like existence, memorizing an experience is possible because it is imaginable and although those memories might be seemingly hard to distinguish because there are two different bodies’ involved, the identical memories still makes a person …show more content…
Bruce Banner and The Hulk as seen in my perspective is the same person. What made me come to this conclusion was that a few seconds before Bruce turned into his ultimate form he was asked to get angry but he turned and said “I am always angry”. This shows that he had no difficulty in altering his physical form because internally his form or personal identity remains the same. In other words whether he’s in his human form or hulk form he is always angry. The theory of memory and same soul, aids to prove my belief because the memory theory states that experiences and recollections make an individual who they are while the same soul theory states that personality and having your own unique character constructs your personal identity. Before turning into the Hulk Bruce knew what was happening around him and also knew his purpose which was evidently to defeat the enemies. Now even after his transformation, his memories and purpose remained the same. He was not delusional or confused after his conversion; he knew exactly what he was after and knew how he changed into the body that he was in. This alteration helped also prove that the same soul theory is applied because his emotions and personality remained constant, although his physical appearance changed, his attitude and individualistic perception stayed with him. Therefore, Bruce and The Hulk is the same individual, nothing within him changed but his physical attributes.

3. Part A: The problem with claiming that both John

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