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Submitted By sjeo
Words 339
Pages 2
|SHAREHOLDERS |II The Rights of s/holders and key ownership function(p.3) |D. Relation with shareholders(p.12) |Principle 6. Respect the rights of s/hs |
| |-protect and facilitate the exercise of s/h’s rights |D.1 Dialogue with institutional S/Hs |-Companies should respect the rights of s/hs and facilitate the |
| | |D.2 Constructive use of the AGM |effective exercise of those rights (p.2.11) |
| |III The Equitable Treatment of S/hs(p.9) | | |
| |-ensure the equitable treatment of all s/hs. All s/hs should |E. Institutional Shareholders(p.14) | |
| |have the opportunity to obtain effective redress for violation of|E.1 Dialogue with companies | |
| |their rights |E.2 Evaluation of Governance Disclosure | |
| | |E.3 Shareholder Voting

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