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Submitted By bmi03
Words 255
Pages 2
Current energy forecast for the US As per the above graph, the oil, coal and natural gas will remain to have a leading role when projecting a demand until year 2040.
From a macro perspective, the world will require 56 % more energy in 2040 compared to base year 2010.
The basic components of Energy Needs for the US as per the API forecast:
Consumption 20.13 2040 Period % Change Quads Quads
Liquid Fuels and Other Petroleum 35.91 36.21 0.8354%
Oil 34.65 34.64 -0.0289%
Ethanol, Biodiesel and Green Liquids 1.26 1.57 24.6032%
Natural Gas 26.86 30.5 13.5517%
Coal 18.01 19.01 5.5525%
Nuclear Power 8.27 8.73 5.5623%
Hydropower 2.54 2.83 11.4173%
Biomass and Renewables 5.14 8.12 57.9767%
Other** 0.4 0.34 -15.0000%

As per the decomposition of the renewables, shifts will occur within the decomposition and breaking components of Renewable Energy i.e. between Solar Energy, Geothermal Energy and Wind Energy; however, the overall supply will increase from 8.95 to 12.52 Quadrillion Btu. The basic components of World Future Energy Needs as per the API forecast:
Consumption 2010 2040 Period % Change Quads Quads
Liquid Fuels 176.1 232.6 32.0840%
Coal 147.4 219.5 48.9145%
Natural Gas 116.8 191.3 63.7842%
Renewables 56.2 119.1 111.9217%
Nuclear Power 27.3 57.2 109.5238%
Total 523.9 819.6

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