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Oedipus the King: a Story of Fate


Submitted By krishkem
Words 3315
Pages 14
Name: Marc Krishke

Instructor’s Name: Professor Karen Richie

Course: English 1220

Date: 18 December 2008

Name: Marc Krishke

Instructor’s Name: Professor Karen Richie

Course: English 1220

Date: 12/10/08

Title: Oedipus the King: A Story of Fate

Thesis: “Oedipus the King” by is generally a story about fate as it deals with its unalterable nature and the consequences that come with the attempt to change it.
I. Fate and its Characteristics A. Characteristics of Fate 1. Fate as controlled by external force 2. Insignificance of man in relation to fate B. Fate according to Sophocles 1. Determined nature of fate 2. Freedom of man as manifested through his attitude towards destiny
II. Oedipus A. His destiny as determined before his birth 1. The attempt of King Laius and Queen Jocasta to alter his fate 2. The futility of such attempt B. Oedipus’ lack of knowledge as instrumental in determining his fate C. Oedipus’ negative attitude towards his destiny D. Man’s attitude as uncontrolled by fate but possesses the power to influence 1. The role of arrogance and self-confidence in the fulfillment of the prophecy 2. Arrogance as a result of experience 3. Self-confidence as contributed by the people of Thebes 4. Arrogance and self-confidence as his response against fate
III. Fate according to Epictetus A. Fate must not be feared and wanted B. Fate must be accepted with grace and dignity C. Fate must be embraced as the will of gods D. Refusal to accept fate results in tragedy

Name: Marc Krishke

Instructor’s Name: Professor Karen Richie

Course: English 1220

Date: 18 December 2008

Oedipus the King: A Story of Fate

The tragic play Oedipus the King by

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