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Old School vs Current Learning


Submitted By SingletonT
Words 387
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Old School vs Current Learning

Old school learning where a student such as myself will sit in a classroom and an instructor talks to the point where if you have insomnia he/she will cure it. With this the student has a book which could have from twenty five pages to five hundred and can be used as a deadly missile if thrown towards another student. Having the instructor on hand to handle questions and review your work while addressing any issues, this helps me a lot as a student because old school, no computers, no eBooks, and actually writing on paper. Going to the library was even part of the curriculum and going through shelves of index cards to find the information for your research paper. No going forward about twenty years, I am back in school and most everything has gone digital. I am enrolled in a technical college and I do have instructors and they present a power point presentation and then we go to the hands on now for me personally this is the best way of learning, they review what we are going to do and then we as a class conduct “Labs” and the instructor comes around and reviews the work we done and if it is not correct, then the instructor goes over where I went wrong and explains it to the class because someone else may have done the lab incorrectly as well and they know where they went wrong. I can go to google and find all the research information to include a research paper someone else did on the same subject. I miss the books the most out of my schooling, they want me to use eBooks, still trying to adjust on that one but I still order the books, because nothing like flipping the pages and highlighting the text yourself. So I did a paper on how homework will be done in the future and my response to it was that because education entities are going to digital that the word “homework” will be obsolete and all work will be done online. So

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