Premium Essay

One Minute Paper


Submitted By robindesaussure
Words 474
Pages 2
4.1 Define language and lexicon.
Language can be defined as a system of words used by humans to express their feelings and thoughts to one another. This definition of language aligns with the text that states, “to be a language, a system must exhibit regularity (that is, be governed by a system of rules, called grammar) and productivity (be able to express an infinite number of ideas” (Galotti, 2014). Lexicon is a mental dictionary that holds “knowledge of words, including their spelling, pronunciation, definition, part of speech, and so on” (Galotti, 2014).
4.2 Evaluate key features of language.
Communicative, arbitrary, structured, generative, and dynamic are key features of language. Communicative language includes verbal and written communication. Arbitrary language deals with the connection between the meaning of words and sounds. “One of the central ‘design features of human language is the relationship between the sound of a word and its meaning is arbitrary” (Monaghan, Shillcock, Christiansen & Kirby, 2014). Structured language describes the meaning behind thoughts as well as the rules of language. Generative language deals with the production of new ideas, inventions, and concepts and dynamic language defines language that is active and purposeful.
4.3 Describe the four levels of language structure and processing.
Language processing involves cognitive, language, and auditory mechanisms being intertwined successfully, but phonemes, words, sentences, and texts can lead to issues in processing language on each level due to the ambiguities they create. These four levels of language structure are phonemes which distinguishes words by their sound; words are created by sound and phonemes combinations; sentences are a combination of words that provide understanding and structure; and groups of sentences that are connected together to form paragraphs are

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