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Only People Can Save the Planet


Submitted By ququska
Words 641
Pages 3
Only People Can Save The Planet

J.W. Goethe said that nature is the book that each page makes sense. Well, O. Wilde pointed out that we are observing nature and live a little with it. Have we ever conceived what our own relationship with nature is? Whether we find it as a basis of everything or is it necessary like water to fish? Or do we remember it when we need some piece of life? Once I thought that only people can save the planet, only we together can create a new vision, a new way and a new planet. Although we have finite resources, we have infinite minds. Love can change consciousness. Change in consciousness can create a change in thought. Change in thought can create a change in society and environment. A period of ignorance and neglect has had profound effects across the world. Effects which can be reversed if nature is given the time to repair the damage. All we have to do is to stop or try to decrease using things which we think are very important, stop poaching and destroying plants. Going green does not have to be a daunting task that means sweeping life changes. Simple things can make a difference. As an example, if every household in USA replace one regular light bulb with one of those new compact fluorescent bulbs, the pollution reduction would be equivalent to removing one million cars from the road. I think that all the people should understand the potential incidents of not changing ourselves in order to save the planet. Since today’s world is changing rapidly, people do not understand the value of our nature that is why it is very difficult to save endangered species. For example, lynx in Lithuania are under threat and even creating reserves would not help to protect animals from being haunted. One of the possibility how we can retain lynx could be to keep them in captivity. However, this is not a good solution as lynx

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