Premium Essay



Submitted By jasonng
Words 3374
Pages 14
Question 1 :
What is the difference between operations management and process management?
Operation Management
How the company manages its operation, shall be the key answer to it. In fact, Operation Management is one of the topmost important factor for a company’s success. Having said that, OM helps the organization to recognize “what are” the process, people, decisions, responsibilities and “how” the available resources can be utilized and maximized to deliver the goods or satisfactory services to the clients.
Process Management
A type of management that deals directly with the organization’s ways of aligning the series of activities involved in any of its operational process, with the aim to clearly define how the entire process is performing. One of the example of process management is “Business Process Management (BPM) . The main purpose of process management is to minimize errors due to human and reduces miscommunication and increase productivity.

In your opinion why might it be necessary to have the two terms?
Having this as a simple illustration, a client company (DEF) requires its supplier company (ABC) to send its ordered goods from KL to Penang in half a day time. As an Operation Manager of ABC company, Mr. Kuak plans what are needed for the delivery of the goods. He needs to get a driver in a pink of health and choose one of its best truck that’s capable to drive long distance. Where as, Mr. Lan the process manager, decides how the driving journey be conducted, which includes the reduction of stopping, avoid congested areas, change driving partners in the case of tiredness and etc. which he thinks may help the goods to arrive early at destination.

The Operation Management involved here is where Mr. Kuak plays its role to plan the resources needed to get the task begins. Whereas, Process Management is referring to the responsibilities of

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