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Ophelia Character Analysis


Submitted By Hoevenel
Words 1035
Pages 5
Ophelia: A Daughter or a Yes Man?
Ophelia is a beautiful and simple-minded girl who was Hamlet’s significant other. Ophelia the epitome of a flat character allows throughout her life the commands of Polonius and Laertes to shape her actions. Ophelia was incapable to neither live nor think for herself because of all the pressure from the men of her life to be something she was not. The weakness of her brain and will, which allowed her submission to the men in her life, consequently pulverized her expectation for Hamlet's affection and at last brought about her madness and demise.
Ophelia’s father Polonius plays the most influential role on Ophelia’s actions, throughout the play we see Ophelia do whatever is asked of her. This is first seen in Act I when Laertes shares his words of wisdom to his sister Ophelia and Polonius shows up. The last thing she told Laertes when he said “Farewell Ophelia, and remember well What I have said you” was “Tis in my memory locked, And you yourself shall keep the key of it.” Yet as soon as Polonius asks what he told her Ophelia instantly responds “Something about Hamlet.” Some things should not be shared, if siblings are speaking keep it between siblings but, when it comes to confidentiality if Polonius asks Ophelia is telling it all on demand. It’s apparently clear Ophelia loves Polonius and holds respect for him but it’s also clear Polonius has full control her brain; referring to Act I when Polonius questions Hamlet’s true love for Ophelia and asks if she believes Hamlet’s words, Ophelia simply responds “I do not know, my lord, what I should think.”; giving Polonius the opportunity to put in her mind whatever outlook she should have on Hamlet. There is nothing wrong with receiving advice from parents or getting their perception on a significant other but, at the end of the day a relationship is between two people not three

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