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Optimization Problem


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World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Vol:7 2013-06-25

Optimization Using Simulation of the Vehicle
Routing Problem

International Science Index Vol:7, No:6, 2013

Nayera E. El-Gharably, Khaled S. El-Kilany, and Aziz E. El-Sayed

Keywords—Discrete event system simulation, optimization using simulation, vehicle routing problem.

points or require a solution to be found quickly.
Computational time on the fastest computers for optimization methods has been too long for many practical problems.
Cognitive, heuristic, or combination heuristic-optimization solution procedures have been good alternatives [8].
The aim of this work is threefold; to present a new mathematical formulation of the VRP problem that uses fewer decision variables, to show how to model the TSP problem as a discrete event simulation model, and to employ the developed simulation model in finding the optimum/near optimum solution of the problem.
This paper is organized as follows: in Section II, the basic concepts of VRP and the solution techniques found in literature will be briefly discussed. In Section III, proposed problem formulations will be presented followed by the simulation model development and optimization using simulation in sections IV and V. Finally, in section VI, the conclusions drawn from this work are presented.



HE vehicle routing problem (VRP) is one of the most intensively studied problems in operations research, and this is due to its structural charm as well as practical relevance. Many papers have been devoted to the development of optimization[1-3]and approximation algorithms for vehicle routing and scheduling problems[4, 5]. This interest is due to the practical importance of effective and efficient methods for handling physical distribution situations as well as to the intriguing nature of the underlying combinatorial optimization models.The standard Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP)is an extension of the Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP), introducing demand at the customers and a fleet of vehicles, each having the same fixed capacity [6, 7].
Numerous methods have been proposed to solve the TSP.
Finding the optimal route for a particular problem has not been practical for such problems when they contain many

A. Problem Types
The most addressed problem types in literature related to this work are:

Abstract—A key element of many distribution systems is the routing and scheduling of vehicles servicing a set of customers. A wide variety of exact and approximate algorithms have been proposed for solving the vehicle routing problems (VRP). Exact algorithms can only solve relatively small problems of VRP, which is classified as NP-Hard. Several approximate algorithms have proven successful in finding a feasible solution not necessarily optimum.
Although different parts of the problem are stochastic in nature; yet, limited work relevant to the application of discrete event system simulation has addressed the problem. Presented here is optimization using simulation of VRP; where, a simplified problem has been developed in the ExtendSimTM simulation environment; where,
ExtendSimTM evolutionary optimizer is used to minimize the total transportation cost of the problem. Results obtained from the model are very satisfactory. Further complexities of the problem are proposed for consideration in the future.


Nayera E. El-Gharably, B.Sc., is a Graduate Teaching Assistant at the
Department of Industrial and Management Engineering; College of
Engineering and Technology; Arab Academy for Science, Technology, and
Maritime Transport; AbuKir Campus, P.O. Box 1029, Alexandria, Egypt
+203-561-0755; fax: +203-562-2915; e-mail:
Khaled S. El-Kilany, Ph. D., is a Professor of Industrial Engineering and
Head of Department of Industrial and Management Engineering; College of
Engineering and Technology; Arab Academy for Science, Technology, and
Maritime Transport (e-mail:
Aziz E. El-Sayed, Ph. D., is a Professor of Industrial Engineering and Vice
President for Education and Quality Assurance; Arab Academy for Science,
Technology, and Maritime Transport (e-mail:

International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 7(6) 2013

1. The Travelling Salesman Problem
The TSP is one of the simplest, but still NP-hard, routing problems. In this problem, a set of cities to be visited and a way to measure the distances between any 2 cities is given.
The tour is not complete until the vehicle returns back to its starting point (depot). The objective is to find the shortest tour that visits all cities exactly once [8, 9].
2. The m-Travelling Salesman Problem
The m-TSP is a generalization of the TSP that introduces more than one salesman. In the m-TSP;n citiesare given, m salesmen, and one depot. All cities should be visited exactly once by one of the msalesmen. Each tour must start and end at the depot and salesmen are not allowed to be unassigned to cities [9].
3. The Vehicle Routing Problem
The VRP calls for the determination of a set of minimum cost routes to be performed by a fleet of vehicles to serve a given set of customers with known demands; where, each route originates and terminates at a single depot. Each customer must be assigned to only one vehicle and the total demand of all customers assigned to a vehicle does not exceed


World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Vol:7 2013-06-25

its capacity [10].

International Science Index Vol:7, No:6, 2013

4. The Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows
This VRPTWis an extension of the basic VRP in which vehicle capacity constraints are imposed and each customer i is associated with a time interval [ai , bi], called a time window, during which service must begin. In any vehicle route, the vehicle may not arrive at customer i after bito begin service. If a vehicle arrives before ai, it waits[10].
In these problems, the special aspect of routing is blended with the temporal aspect of scheduling which must be performed to ensure the satisfaction of the time window constraints[11]. B. Solution Approaches
Vehicle Routing Problems have been studied extensively in the Operational Research literature. A good overview of exact and heuristic methods, together with descriptions of some application areas is to be found in The vehicle routing problem book by Toth and Vigo [12].
1. Exact
Vehicle routing problems are classified as NP-hard optimization problems; where, solving this class ofproblemsto optimality has proven to be difficult to achieve. Only moderately sized problems can be solvedto optimality consistently[9]. Exact methods guarantee that the optimal solution is found if the methodis given sufficiently time and space. These algorithms have been used for solving the vehicle routing problem undercapacity constraints and the vehicle routing problem with time windows. These were addressedseveral times in literature with their mathematicalprogramming formulationas in [1, 2].

Neighbor Heuristic, and the Time-Oriented Sweep Heuristic
• Metaheuristics
A metaheuristic is a general solution method that provides both a general structure and strategy guidelines for developing a specific heuristic method to fit a particular kind of problem.The role of metaheuristics is to deal with problems that are too large and complicated to be solved by exact algorithms[13]. Metaheuristics are general solution procedures that explore the solution space to identify good solutions and often embed some of the standard route construction and improvement heuristics.In a major departure from classical approaches, metaheuristics allow deteriorating and even infeasible intermediate solutions in the course of the search process[5].
The most discussed metaheuristics approaches in literature for the VRP are: tabusearch [6, 10, 14, 18], genetic algorithms
[5, 14, 19], and simulated annealing [5, 14].
3. Simulation
With the growing sizeof problems and the increasing uncertainties in the distribution environment, simple focusing on algorithm research is difficult to obtain satisfactory solution of VRP. Simulation can effectively handle the problem of complex systems[20]. However, as compared with other Operations Research fields, where simulation techniques are widely used, it is still in an early stage of implementation in the vehicle routing problem [21].

2. Approximate
A heuristic method is a procedure that is likely to discover a very good feasible solution, but not necessarily an optimal solution, for the specific problem being considered. No guarantee can be given about the quality of the solution obtained, but a well-designed heuristic method usually can provide a solution that is at least nearly optimal or conclude that no such solution exist. Heuristic methods are based on relatively simple common-sense ideas for how to search for a good solution. Heuristics tends to be ad hoc in nature. That is, each method usually is designed to fit a specific problem type rather than a variety of applications [13].
Several families of heuristics have been proposed for the
VRP. These can be broadly classified into two main classes: classical heuristics and metaheuristics.

The traveling salesman problem (TSP) and the vehicle routing problem (VRP) are among the most widely studied combinatorial optimization problems. Both problems, as well as their numerous extensions, deal with optimally visiting customers from a central depot [14, 22].
In order to simplify the problem, if it isassumed that the fleet consists of mvehiclesof sufficiently large capacity, then the problem reduces to the m-Travelling Salesman Problem
(m-TSP). Inits simplest version, if it is further assumed that there is only one vehicle of very large capacity, then theproblem reduces to the well-known Travelling Salesman
Problem (TSP). It is for this reason that theformulation for
TSP is taken as a core model for the development of the mathematical formulations for more complicated cases.
Therefore, most of the mathematical formulations of VRP are variants and/orextensions of the well-known TSP [23].
TSP is a VRP involving only one uncapacitated vehicle, while the m-TSP involves muncapacitated vehicles [11].

• Classical Heuristics
Classical heuristics can be classified into three categories: constructive heuristics, two phase heuristics and improvement methods [14].
Some of the well-known VRP heuristics found in literature are: the insertion algorithm [12, 15], the sweep algorithm [16], the Clarke and Wright algorithm, the Time-Oriented Nearest-

A. Formulation of the Travelling Salesman Problem
As mentioned earlier, in the TSP, a set of n cites and a way of measuring the distance between each city is given. The objective is to find shortest tour that visits all cities exactly once and returns back to the starting city (depot) [9].
In the model below, the starting city is considered node 1
(depot), where i represents the current visited node and j

International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 7(6) 2013


World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Vol:7 2013-06-25

represents the next node to be visited. A distance ݀௑೔ ,௒ೕ is associated with each arc and represents the distance travelled from node ܺ௜ to nodeܻ ; as shown in Fig. 1.

෍ ܵ௑೔,௒ೕ ൌ 1

‫ ݆ ׊‬ൌ 1, … , ݊

ܺ௜ , ܻ ൐ 0 ܽ݊݀ ݅݊‫ݎ݁݃݁ݐ‬



International Science Index Vol:7, No:6, 2013

The objective function (1) minimizes the total travel distance. Constraints (2) and (3) ensure that the route starts and ends at the depot. Constraint (4) ensures that routes are not segmented, that is, if a vehicle arrives at a city, it eventually leaves the city again; where,i and j are equal for the same arc. Constraints (5) and (6) state the range of values given (the number of nodes, n). Constraints (7) and (8) ensure that every city is visited exactly once. Finally, constraint (9) is the non-negativity constraint and guarantees that the variables can assume integer values only.

Fig. 1 Illustration of the TSP problem

Given a symmetric network, the decision variable isY୨ ; where,Y୨ determines the value of the next customer to be visited by the vehicle. ܺ௜ variable represents the value of the start node of the arc; while,ܻ represents the next destination

node, which is then considered as the start node of the following arc. Generally the use of loop segments is not allowed (leaving a node then arriving to same node,ܺ௜ ് ܻ ),

as all nodes must be visited exactly once.ܵ௑೔,௒ೕ is a binary

B. Formulation of the m-Travelling Salesman Problem
As mentioned earlier, the m-TSP is a generalization of the
TSP that introduces morethan one salesman (m); hence, mnumber of tours can be done; each starting and ending at thedepot. None of the salesmen is allowed to remain unassigned to any city.For formulating the m-TSP, the starting city is considered node 1 (depot); where,i represents the current visited node and j represents the next node to be visited. Now, m routes are introduced to the model; where, distance ݀௑೔,௒ೕ is associated with each arc and represents the

distance travelled from node ܺ௜௞ to nodeܻ௞ on route k, as

shown in Fig. 2.

variable to represent the passing of the vehicle on arc ሺܺ௜ ,ܻ ).

ܵ௑೔,௒ೕ is given a value of 1 if arc ሺܺ௜ ,ܻ ) belongs to the

optimum route, 0 otherwise.The problem can be formulated as follows: ௡

‫ ܼ݁ݖ݅݉݅݊݅ܯ‬ൌ ෍ ෍ ܵ௑೔ ,௒ೕ ‫݀ כ‬௑೔ ,௒ೕ


௝ୀଵ ௜ୀଵ

Subject to:
ܺଵ ൌ 1


ܻ௡ ൌ 1


ܺ௜ାଵ ൌ ܻ


ܺ௜ ൑ ݊


ܻ ൑݊


෍ ܵ௑೔,௒ೕ ൌ 1

‫ ݅ ׊‬ൌ 1, … , ݊

International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 7(6) 2013


Fig. 2 Illustration of the m-TSP problem

The decision variables are ܻ ௞ ; where,ܻ௞ determines the

௝ value of the next customer to be visited on route k. The ܺ௜௞ variable represents the value of the start node of the arc on

route k. the binary variable ܵ௑೔ ,௒ೕ ‫א‬to a set of all possible arcs

௞ connecting any two nodes on route k. ܵ௑೔ ,௒ೕ is given a value of

1 if arc ሺܺ௜௞ , ܻ ௞ ) belongs to route k; 0 otherwise. The

problem can be formulated as follows:


World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Vol:7 2013-06-25

‫ ܼ ݁ݖ݅݉݅݊݅ܯ‬ൌ

෍ ෍ ෍ ܵ௑೔,௒ೕ

௞ୀଵ ௜ୀଵ ௝ୀଵ

‫݀ כ‬௑೔,௒ೕ



ܻ௡ ൌ 1


ܺ௜ାଵ ൌ ܻ ௞

‫ ݇׊‬ൌ 1, . . . , ‫ݒ‬
‫ ݇׊‬ൌ 1, . . . , ‫ݒ‬


ܻ௞ ൑ ݊

‫ ݇׊‬ൌ 1, . . . , ‫ݒ‬


International Science Index Vol:7, No:6, 2013


෍ ܵଵ,௒ೕ ൌ 1

෍ ܵ௑೔ ,ଵ ൌ 1

෍ ܵ௑೔ ,௒ೕ ൌ 1


෍ ܵ௑೔ ,௒ೕ ൌ 1

‫ ݇׊‬ൌ 1, … , ݉


‫ ݇׊‬ൌ 1, … , ݉


‫ ݆׊‬ൌ 1, … , ݊

෍ ෍ ܵ௑೔,௒ೕ ‫݀ כ‬௑೔,௒ೕ ൌ ‫ܦ‬௞
௝ୀଵ ௜ୀଵ

‫ ݇׊‬ൌ 1, … , ݉


‫ ݆׊‬ൌ 1, … , ݊

D. Models Validation
In order to check the validity of the aforementioned models, a problem was taken from literature and was implemented in
MS Excel. Then, using the Solver Add-in, the problem was solved to optimality.
The problem, which will be used in the simulation model as well, assumes that a truck is to be routed from its depot to five stops (points coordinates are given in
TABLE I). Stops and the origin point are identified with linear coordinate points. Euclidean (straight-line) distances are computed in terms of these coordinate points [8].
Stop 1
Stop 2
Stop 3
Stop 4
Stop 5



ܺ௜௞ , ܻ ௞ ൐ 0 ܽ݊݀ ݅݊‫ݎ݁݃݁ݐ‬




‫ ݇׊‬ൌ 1, … , ݉

Also, if there is a constraint on the total distance travelled by the vehicles on a route,‫ܦ‬௞ , it can be presented as shown (22).

ܺଵ ൌ 1

෍ ෍ ܵ௑೔,௒ೕ ‫ݍ כ‬௒ೕ ൌ ܳ௞
௝ୀଵ ௜ୀଵ

Subject to:



The objective function (10) minimizes the total travel distance on all k routes; where, m is the number of routes.
Constraints (11) and (12) ensure that each route starts and ends at the depot. Constraint (13) ensures that routes are not segmented, that is, if a vehicle arrives at a city, it eventually leaves the city again, where i and j are equal for the same arc.
Constraints (14) and (15) state the range of values given (the number of nodes, n). Constraints (16) and (17) ensure that all vehicles are being used; whereas, constraints (18) and (19) state that every city is visited exactly once. Finally, constraint
(20) is the non-negativity constraint and guarantees that the variables can assume integer values only.
C. Formulation of the Vehicle Routing Problem
Further modifications are introduced to the m-TSP formulation to account for additional complexities of the capacitated vehicle routing problem in its basic form.
Knowing that at each city, customers’ demand ‫ݍ‬௒ೕ is present and that each vehicle has a limited capacityܳ௞ ; constraint (21) ensures that the total demand of all customers assigned to a routek does not exceed the vehicle’s capacity.

International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 7(6) 2013

The optimal solution of the problem is as follows: Depot →
Stop 1→ Stop 4→ Stop 2→ Stop 5→ Stop 3→ Depot; with a total route distance of 11.71.
The other formulations were tested for validation using the
MS Excel solver add-in, and results showed satisfactory, all constraints were fulfilled.
A simulation model has been developed for the problem given in the previous section. The model is developed in the
ExtendSimTM environment and is divided into three main sections: router, customers, and total route distance calculator.
A. Router
The router (Fig. 3) is responsible for routing the vehicle and calculating travelling distance to next customer using a builtin database having the inputs of the problem.


World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Vol:7 2013-06-25

Also, that section of the model determines the customer to be visited next.


no group

Start at Depot



y =f (x)


Next Customer = 0
From = 1



Customer A



Next Customer = 4
From = 2

From Depot to Next Customer


Penalty 1




From A to Next Customer

[Next Customer]

DB y =f (x)

International Science Index Vol:7, No:6, 2013

Read f rom DB




m v RS M

Fig. 3 Snapshot of the Router

In Fig. 3, Block B is the create block which introduces items into the model; items here represent vehicles requiring routing starting at the depot. The vehicle’s next destination point is using the attribute Block C, which receives its attribute value from Block D. This attribute value is one of the decision variables and is defined in the optimizer Block A.
The Euclidean distances between any two connected nodes is calculated at Block F using the XY coordinates of these nodes. XY coordinates of the current node and the destination node are retrieved from the built-in database using Block E.
The database table shown in Fig. 4 includes the co-ordinates of all stops. After defining the attribute value of the next customer to visit, Block G routes the vehicle to that customer.

Fig. 5 Snapshot showing a customer
Fig. 5 shows a part of the model representing one of the cities to be visited by the vehicle. This part is replicated according to the number of stops to be modeled. Block I receives the vehicle that is sent to the customer by Block G.
Block J calculates the penalties based on the number of visits as described above. Block K is as same as Block D; where, at this block the following city to be visited is determined.
Finally, the vehicle leaves the current city moving to Block H in Fig. 3, going through distance calculation and then to the next destination.

C. Total Route Distance Calculation
The third and final section of the model is the total route distance calculator (Fig. 6), which is responsible for calculating the total travel distance of the vehicle and ensuring that the vehicle returns back to its starting point (depot).
Fig. 6 shows that after all the routing decisions are made, the vehicle returns back to the depot (Block M). The total distance travelled is calculated and reported in Block O. All penalties incurred for violations of the number of visits per customer are summed up at Block N and added to the total distance travelled. The vehicle then leaves the model through the exit Block P.


Fig. 4 Input Data

B. Customers
The customers section (Fig. 5) represents stop points and basically determines the number of times this customer has been visited. If the number of visits is zero, a penalty is incurred; if it is greater than one (multiple visits), a penalty that is in multiples of the number of visits is incurred. Finally, if it is visited only once, no penalties occur. These penalties act as soft constraints that are required by the optimization block to ensure that each customer is visited exactly once.

International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 7(6) 2013


av g I

no group

1 y =f (x)

Total trav el distance

Sum of Penalties

Fig. 6 Snapshot of the total route distance calculation

After developing the model in ExtendSimTM, optimization using simulation to find the best route that minimizes the total


World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Vol:7 2013-06-25

travelling distance and satisfies all constraints. ExtendSimTM performs optimization using the Optimizer Block (Block A) shown in Fig. 3.
This optimizeruses an evolutionary algorithm to reduce the number of times the model has to run before a solution is found. The “problem” is stated as an objective function or cost equation that ExtendSimTM tries to minimize or maximize to save time going through the process of manually trying different values with each model run [24]; as shown in Fig. 7.
Fig. 7 shows the optimizer parameters window; where, the decision variables and objective function are defined.

the TSP and results showed satisfactory as the simulation output showed that the optimum solution can be obtained.
For future work, it is recommended that further research shall be undertaken to model the VRP using discrete event simulation, seeking for optimum/near optimum solutions considering time windows and vehicles capacity constraints and the stochastic nature of customers demand, customers’ service time, and travel time.
The model developed for this work is built using the
ExtendSimTM Suite v8.0.2simulationenvironment from
Imagine That, Inc. The tool has been offered to the department of Industrial and Management Engineering, AASTMT, as a grant for teaching and research purposes as part of the
ExtendSim Adopter Program.

International Science Index Vol:7, No:6, 2013




Fig. 7 Optimizer parameters window

The objective function is to minimize the total distance travelled that is reported by Block O. The different decision variables are the attribute values that define the next customer to visit; such as the values reported by Blocks D and K.
After executing the optimization of the model, the minimum total distance is 11.7082 as shown in Fig. 7, which is the same total distance obtained using MS Excel solver.
Finally, the route is reported back to the built-in database as shown in Fig. 8.









Fig. 8 Results table

In literature, binary decision variables are used to formulate
VRP, this paper introduces a new mathematical formulation where integer decision variables are used to determine which city/customer to be visited next instead of which routing segment to be taken. Decision variables in the proposed mathematical formulations are relatively small if compared to other formulations found in literature.
An optimization using simulation approach is introduced to

International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 7(6) 2013





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International Science Index Vol:7, No:6, 2013

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International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 7(6) 2013


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... It generalizes the existing literature by introducing combinatorial auctions of heterogeneous VMs, and models dynamic VM provisioning. Social welfare maximization under dynamic resource provisioning is proven NP-hard, and modeled with a linear integer program. An efficient α-approximation algorithm is designed, with α ∼ 2.72 in typical scenarios. We then employ this algorithm as a building block for designing a randomized combinatorial auction that is computationally efficient, truthful in expectation, and guarantees the same social welfare approximation factor α. A key technique in the design is to utilize a pair of tailored primal and dual LPs for exploiting the underlying packing structure of the social welfare maximization problem, to decompose its fractional solution into a convex combination of integral solutions. Empirical studies driven by Google Cluster traces verify the efficacy of the randomized auction. I. INTRODUCTION The cloud computing paradigm offers users rapid ondemand access to computing resources such as CPU, RAM and storage, with minimal management overhead. Recent commercial cloud platforms, exemplified by Amazon EC2 [1], Microsoft Azure and Linode [2], organize a shared resource pool for serving their users. Virtualization technologies help cloud providers pack their resources into different types of virtual machines (VMs), for allocation to cloud users. For example, Tab. I illustrates a number of VMs...

Words: 8201 - Pages: 33

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Solver, Vlookup & What-If Analysis

...Solver: A solver is a generic term indicating a piece of mathematical software, possibly in the form of a stand-alone computer program or as a software library, that 'solves' a mathematical problem. A solver takes problem descriptions in some sort of generic form and calculates their solution. In a solver, the emphasis is on creating a program or library that can easily be applied to other problems of similar type. Types of problems with existing dedicated solvers include: * Linear and non-linear equations. In the case of a single equation, the "solver" is more appropriately called a root-finding algorithm. * Systems of linear equations. * Nonlinear systems. * Systems of polynomial equations, which are a special case of non linear systems, better solved by specific solvers. * Linear and non-linear optimisation problems * Systems of ordinary differential equations * Systems of differential algebraic equations * Logic/satisfiability problems * Constraint satisfaction problems * Shortest path problems * Minimum spanning tree problems * Search algorithms Excel Solver, introduced by Microsoft in 1991, is a powerful optimization application used in finance, production, distribution, purchasing and scheduling. It is part of the data analysis tools used for what-if analysis--a process of identifying changes in a cell by adjusting related cells. If your boss has asked you to find ways to increase company's profits by determining...

Words: 3603 - Pages: 15

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Profit by Production

...Analysis The goal of "Bangalore Textile Company" is to make profit through production of the suit materials and sell in the market. In order to meet the demand from the market, in case of production shortage, the company may also has to purchase some materials from other production plant and then resell to the market as well. The information of production cost, selling price and purchase price from other plants are provided. The table below shows the profit for production profit and trading from purchasing and reselling profit. Table 1: Profit by production for each material Material | Selling price | Production cost | Production profit* | 1 | $18.50 | $14.10 | $4.40 | 2 | $20.50 | $16.30 | $4.20 | 3 | $22.60 | $17.90 | $4.70 | 4 | $27.90 | $22.40 | $5.50 | 5 | $29.85 | $24.15 | $5.70 | 6 | $32.75 | $26.70 | $6.05 | *Production profit equals selling price less production cost Table 2: Profit by reselling for each material Material | Selling price | Purchasing price | Resell profit* | 1 | $18.50 | $16.55 | $1.95 | 2 | $20.50 | $18.35 | $2.15 | 3 | $22.60 | $20.25 | $2.35 | 4 | $27.90 | $25.30 | $2.60 | 5 | $29.85 | $27.10 | $2.75 | 6 | $32.75 | $29.85 | $2.90 | *Resell profit equals selling price less purchasing price The two profit tables suggest that production profit are higher than resell profit for each material. The amount of materials to be produced by each type of machines and / or to be purchased from other plants are to be determined...

Words: 1681 - Pages: 7

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...The manager of a shoe factory makes three varieties of shoes: football keds, jogging shoes and cricket boots. These shoes contribute Rs. 700, Rs. 300 and Rs. 900 per pair to the total profit. The shoes consume two types of raw material. They also consume time on a set of identical finishing machines. The table below has relevant figures. (10 marks) | Consumption per pair produced | | Material 1 (kg) | Material 2 (kg) | Machine Time (hours) | Football keds | 4 | 2 | 9 | Jogging shoes | 5 | 4 | 5 | Cricket boots | 6 | 6 | 6 | Daily availability | 360 | 300 | 600 | We solved the LP on Excel solver and our results are given in the Sensitivity Report on the next page. Based on this report, a. Write the optimal solution, and the optimal value of the objective function. (1) b. The manager wishes to expand the capacity of the finishing machines. For each unit expansion, he will spend Rs. 200. What is the maximum expansion advisable at this expense? Why? (1) c. Are any shoe types currently absent in the optimal solution? If yes, which ones? By changing their unit profit, can we bring them into the solution? If yes, by how much, respectively? (1) d. If management had a choice of obtaining a few units of either (but not both) Material 1 or Material 2 at the same cost as present, which one should be chosen? Why? (1) e. Management is considering a change in the profit that would result in increasing the profit on the...

Words: 416 - Pages: 2

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Nt1330 Unit 1 Application Analysis Paper

...WAN optimization tools are used mainly in application delivery networks which consist of WAN Optimization Controllers (WOCs) and Application Delivery Controllers (ADCs). On the data center end Application Delivery Controllers are present to distribute the traffic among servers based on application specific criteria. In the branch office portion of Application Delivery Controllers, WDC are present that uses its advanced compression and flow optimization capabilities to provide application availability, security, visibility, and acceleration. WAN Optimization mitigates the latency and bandwidth limitations of the WAN to provide remote users with access to applications in the data center. IT departments have been trying to take initiatives to meet their business objectives to reduce costs and consolidate resources. WAN optimization...

Words: 587 - Pages: 3

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Linear Programming-Using Solver in Excel with problems of maximizing or minimizing a linear function in the presence of linear equality and/or inequality constraints. In these problems, we find the optimal, or most efficient way of using limited resources to achieve the objective of the situation. Linear Programming enables users to model large and complex problems and solve in a short amount of time by the use of effective algorithm, hence it is a powerful and widely used tool in various fields such as science, industrial engineering, financial planning and management decision making. Nowadays, with the development of technology, most of the real world Linear Programming problems are solved by computer programs. Excel Solver is a popular one. We work through different examples to demonstrate the applications of linear Programming model and the use of Excel Solver for various decision making in operation and supply chain management. Components of Linear Programming model To solve the linear programming problems, we first need to formulate the mathematical description called a mathematical model to represent the situation. Linear programming model usually consists of the following components * Decision variables: These represent the choices that the decision maker can control. For example, the number of items to produce, amounts of money to invest in and so on. The decisions variables are represented using symbols such as X1, X2, X3, ….Xn. * Objective function: The objective of the problem is expressed...

Words: 2395 - Pages: 10

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...corresponding elements, then adds the results. Example: [pic] If the row vector and the column vector are not of the same length, their product is not defined. Example: [pic] The Product of a Row Vector and Matrix When the number of elements in row vector is the same as the number of rows in the second matrix then this matrix multiplication can be performed. Example: [pic] If the number of elements in row vector is NOT the same as the number of rows in the second matrix then their product is not defined. Example: [pic] Linear programming (LP; also called linear optimization) is a method to achieve the best outcome (such as maximum profit or lowest cost) in a mathematical model whose requirements are represented by linear relationships. Linear programming is a special case of mathematical programming (mathematical optimization). More formally, linear programming is a technique for the optimization of a linear objective function, subject to linear equality and linear inequality constraints. Its feasible region is a convex polytope, which is a set defined as the intersection of finitely many half spaces, each of which is defined by a linear inequality. Its objective function is a real-valued affine function defined on this...

Words: 1244 - Pages: 5

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Cost-Quality Trade Off A new multi-objective multi-mode model for solving preemptive time–cost–quality trade-off project scheduling problems Madjid Tavana a,b,⇑, Amir-Reza Abtahi c, Kaveh Khalili-Damghani d a Business Systems and Analytics Department, Lindback Distinguished Chair of Information Systems and Decision Sciences, La Salle University, Philadelphia, PA 19141, USA Business Information Systems Department, Faculty of Business Administration and Economics, University of Paderborn, D-33098 Paderborn, Germany c Department of Knowledge Engineering and Decision Sciences, University of Economic Sciences, Tehran, Iran d Department of Industrial Engineering, South-Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran b a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t Considering the trade-offs between conflicting objectives in project scheduling problems (PSPs) is a difficult task. We propose a new multi-objective multi-mode model for solving discrete time–cost–quality trade-off problems (DTCQTPs) with preemption and generalized precedence relations. The proposed model has three unique features: (1) preemption of activities (with some restrictions as a minimum time before the first interruption, a maximum number of interruptions for each activity, and a maximum time between interruption and restarting); (2) simultaneous optimization of conflicting objectives (i.e., time, cost, and quality); and (3) generalized precedence relations between activities. These assumptions are...

Words: 11435 - Pages: 46

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Operation Management the product kind. Organizations have already adopted solutions with varying degrees of planning and scheduling capabilities. Yet, operations executive acknowledge that these same systems are becoming out dated, lacking the speed, flexibility and responsiveness to manage their increasing complex production environment. Optimization techniques are applied to find out whether resources available are effectively utilized in order to achieve optimum profit from the activities of the firm. There should be consistency in the use of various resources and the mix should be such that it brings down the cost for ensuring profit. Therefore, it is the duty of the management to exercise control over the resources and to see that the resources are effectively utilized. Similarly, organizations in general are involved in manufacturing a variety of products to cater the needs of the society and to maximize the profit. While doing so, they need to be familiar with different combinations of product mix which will maximize the profit. Or alternatively minimize the cost. The techniques such as ratio analysis, correlation and regression analyses, variance analysis, optimization and projection methods can be adopted for ascertaining the extend of resource utilization and selection of practically viable and profitable product mixes by taking in to account all possible constraints. Tulsan, P.C, and Vishal pandey, (2002: 231). The ratio analysis helps to evaluate the performance of the organization...

Words: 2742 - Pages: 11

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Quant Analysis

...your progress if you ask for it.  3. Flexible situation: Read/understand the case, have some ideas about what method you will use to solve it and how you will set up the Excel model, and have a feasible plan that will help you finish the case by the final deadline. In this case, you can submit a draft or partially-complete Excel worksheet and I will provide feedback based on your submission.  Case: Location, Distribution, and Capacity Expansion at a Beer Manufacturer A Case Study of Location, Distribution, and Capacity Expansion Decisions at Anadolu Efes Case Description and Objectives This case study involves the application of linear programming and integer linear programming methods in solving a distribution and capacity planning problem at Anadolu Efes Beverage Group. Faced with intense competition and anticipated increase in beer demand that will surpass the current production capacity, the company wants to optimize its malt and beer...

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Determistic Optimization

...Deterministic Optimization Homework 1 Deadline : 27 Sept 2015 Problem 1 (40 Points). A wine Company produces two kinds of wine Nectar and Red. The wines are produced from 64 tons of grapes the company has acquired this season. A 1,000-gallon batch of Nectar requires 4 tons of grapes, and a batch of Red requires 8 tons. However, production is limited by the availability of only 50 cubic yards of storage space for aging and 120 hours of processing time. A batch of each type of wine requires 5 cubic yards of storage space. The processing time for a batch of Nectar is 15 hours, and the processing time for a batch of Red is 8 hours. Demand for each type of wine is limited to seven batches. The profit for a batch of Nectar is $9,000, and the profit for a batch of Red is $12,000. The company wants to determine the number of 1,000-gallon batches of Nectar and Red to produce in order to maximize profit. a Formulate a linear programming model for this problem. b Solve this model by using graphical analysis. c How much processing time will be left unused at the optimal solution? d What would be the effect on the optimal solution of increasing the available storage space from 50 to 60 cubic yards? Problem 2 (60 Points). A manufacturing firm into two products. Each product may undergo three processes (assembly, finishing and packing). The firm has 2400 hours available for assembly and 800 hours for finishing,and 1200 hours for packing. Each unit of product 1 has a profit of $5...

Words: 376 - Pages: 2

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Design of Modern Hueristics

...Natural Computing Series Series Editors: G. Rozenberg Th. Bäck A.E. Eiben J.N. Kok H.P. Spaink Leiden Center for Natural Computing Advisory Board: S. Amari G. Brassard K.A. De Jong C.C.A.M. Gielen T. Head L. Kari L. Landweber T. Martinetz Z. Michalewicz M.C. Mozer E. Oja G. P˘ un J. Reif H. Rubin A. Salomaa M. Schoenauer H.-P. Schwefel C. Torras a D. Whitley E. Winfree J.M. Zurada For further volumes: Franz Rothlauf Design of Modern Heuristics Principles and Application Prof. Dr. Franz Rothlauf Chair of Information Systems and Business Administration Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz Gutenberg School of Management and Economics Jakob-Welder-Weg 9 55099 Mainz Germany Series Editors G. Rozenberg (Managing Editor) Th. Bäck, J.N. Kok, H.P. Spaink Leiden Center for Natural Computing Leiden University Niels Bohrweg 1 2333 CA Leiden, The Netherlands A.E. Eiben Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam The Netherlands ISSN 1619-7127 Natural Computing Series ISBN 978-3-540-72961-7 e-ISBN 978-3-540-72962-4 DOI 10.1007/978-3-540-72962-4 Springer Heidelberg Dordrecht London New York Library of Congress Control Number: 2011934137 ACM Computing Classification (1998): I.2.8, G.1.6, H.4.2 © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011 This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations...

Words: 114592 - Pages: 459

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Optimization 7th Edition Sollution

...Course Description Introduction to modeling with integer variables and integer programming; network models, dynamic programming; convexity and nonlinear optimization; applications of various optimization methods in manufacturing, product design, communications networks, transportation, supply chain, and financial systems. Course Objectives The course is designed to teach the concepts of optimization models and solution methods that include integer variables and nonlinear constraints. Network models, integer, dynamic and nonlinear programming will be introduced to the students. Students will be exposed to applications of various optimization methods in manufacturing, product design, communications networks, transportation, supply chain, and financial systems. Several different types of algorithms will also be presented to solve these problems. The course also aims to teach how to use computer programs such as Matlab and GAMS to solve mathematical models. Learning Outcomes Students are expected to model real life problems using mathematical models including integer variables and nonlinear equations. Students will be able to apply mathematical modeling techniques such as dynamic, integer and nonlinear programming to different types of problems. They will also be able to model and solve transportation and network problems such as shortest path, maximum flow and minimum cost network flow...

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