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Words 13422
Pages 54
Siwar Chihi, Bas Geelen, Konstantin Kraft & Ines Garic
Zuyd University of Applied Sciences

Siwar Chihi, Bas Geelen, Konstantin Kraft & Ines Garic
Zuyd University of Applied Sciences

Table of contents 1.1 Introduction to the research 3 1.2 Problem statement 3 Current 3 Desired 4 Gap 4 1.3 Methodology 5 1.4 Justification of methods 9 Research design 9 Research method 10 Research format 10 Research technique 10 2.1 Ethics 13 Data protection U.S. banks 15 Banks cash in on big data 16 Privacy vs. Security 17 Predicting with privacy 18 Privacy selling 19 Contrast between consumers privacy expectation versus their own online behavior 20 Expectations for growth internet users 2025 20 2.2Technology 22 Online banking approaches by different banks 22 SaaS business models 23 Why cloud computing for banks? 24 Privacy Trends 2014 – privacy trends in the age of technology 25 In-memory computing 27 2.3 Legislation 30 Europe Union 30 2.4 Future 31 Out in the open 31 Future sharing of finances 32 Changing Online ignorance 34 Cyber security trends for financial services 34 2.4 Results in-depth interviews 36 3.1 Basic needs 38 3.2 Drivers of change 39 3.3 Emerging consumer expectations 41 3.4 Inspiration 43 Target 43 Innovation by other banks 44 Luth Research 44 4.1 Technology 46 4.2 Changing user behaviors 46 4.3 Inconsistency 47 4.4 Legislation 47 5.1 Value proposition regarding SaaS and cloud computing trends 48 5.2 Financial forecast 49 5.3 Conclusion and recommendations 50 6. Bibliography 52 Appendix 1 – in-depth survey of teens aged 15-20 55 Appendix 2 - Interview questions – security 58 Appendix 3 - Innovation Dept. Interview 59

UPDATE Table of content at the end!

Chapter 1 Research Proposal
1.1 Introduction to the

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...The attached assignment is NOT a model answer but rather an indication of  how one syndicate group approached the problem set for that semester.  It was one of the better papers but ………  Please note that the Executive Summary portion received a fail as it did not  concentrate on what the group had recommended – the alternatives and  why which one was chosen.  They did, however, develop some alternatives, discussed them and then  decided which one should be selected within the main body of the paper.  It is also worth noting that for a 2008 assignment; almost all of the  references were from that year. There are NO textbooks listed.                 AFF92 260: Aust ralian Cap pital Mark kets  Semester 2‐ 2 S 2008        MZM C ON ULT ING M M NSU G           MRCB gula y Ca al  B Reg atory apita Fu ing Alte ative und erna es          Authors:   Version     1.0 Date e Issued: 25/09/ /2008 Word Count: 5,000 (no ot including ta ables)   MZM CONSULTING     Paul Masulan ns, Alex Zaikin ne, David McG Ghee  Monash Unive M ersity  Level 3 Building H  900 Dandenon ng Rd.  PO Box x 197  Caulfield East, Victoria 3145  Australia      25 Septem mber 2008  Re: Regulatory Capita al Funding Alternatives CB Board,   Dear MRC Please find the attach hed report on n regulatory  capital funding alternatives.   ument  has  b been  prepare for  the  C ed  Chairman  and  Directors ...

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...Aralin 1 : Teoryang Realismo ANG PAGHUHUKOM (Bahagi ng Nobela) Isinalin ni Lualhati Bautista Ang panahon ng tag-ulan, nang malamig at preskong panahon na tumutulong sa mga puno para magsibol ng mga bagong dahon at humuhugas sa mga karumihan, ay hindi pa natatapos. Pagtuloy sa pagdating ang mga araw at gabi, kahit sa anong panahon… Ang pagdaraan ng mga araw ay sumaksi sa pagpapahid ni Fak ng  balsamo sa kanyang mga sugat para mabawasan ang pamamaga sa kanyang mukha at ibsan ang sakit na nadarama ng kanyang loob. Habang dumaraan ang mga araw, ang mga sariwang sugat ay natuyo, nag-iwan ng mahabang pilat sa ibabaw ng kanyang kaliwang kilay. Ang mga araw at gabi’y patuloy na dumarating kay Fak…  Pero ang mga dumaraang mga araw at gabi ay hindi na makapagsasauli sa apat na ngiping nawawala sa bibig ni Fak, katulad ding hindi na niyon mapipigil ang kamay ni Fak sa pag-abot sa bote ng alak at pagdadala roon sa kanyang bibig. Kaya ang dumaraang mga araw at gabi ay sumaksi sa walang humpay na pag-inom ni Fak sa mga oras na siya’y gising. Ang pambubugbog na tinanggap ni Fak ng gabing iyon ay hindi lang nag-iwan ng sakit sa kanyang katawan kundi nag-iwan din ng tatak sa kanyang isipan. Sa loob ay nakadarama siya ng galit at pangangailangang makapaghiganti, at nag-iisip pa nga siya ng paraan kung paano niya bubuweltahin ang mga nanakit sa kanya. Natatandaan niya nang malinaw na dalawa sa tatlong taong sumalakay sa kanya ng gabing iyon ay sina Thid Tieng at Tid Song. Kailangang...

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...Population and Environment Theodore Panayotou CID Working Paper No. 54 July 2000 Environment and Development Paper No.2  Copyright 2000 Theodore Panayotou and the President and Fellows of Harvard College Working Papers Center for International Development at Harvard University Population and Environment Theodore Panayotou Abstract The past fifty years have witnessed two simultaneous and accelerating trends: an explosive growth in population and a steep increase in resource depletion and environmental degradation. These trends have fueled the debate on the link between population and environment that began 150 years earlier, when Malthus voiced his concern about the ability of the earth and its finite resources to feed an exponentially growing population. The purpose of this study is to review the literature on population and environment and to identify the main strands of thought and the assumptions that lie behind them. The author begins with a review of the historical perspective. He then reviews and assesses the evidence on the relationship between population and environment, focusing on selected natural and environmental resources: land use, water use, local pollution, deforestation and climate change. The author also reviews selected recent macro and micro perspectives. The new macro perspective introduces the environment-income relationship and examines the role of population growth and density in mediating this relationship. The new micro perspective introduces the...

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