Premium Essay



Submitted By coffi
Words 460
Pages 2
DATE: 05/25/2013

Career plan requires a concerted effort on the part of everyone to be successful. This involves the responsibility of individuals, service providers and employers. When these people work together society benefit significantly. The view of career planning is seen as a lifelong process of exploring and experiencing factors that will influence a person’s life. The knowledge, skills and attitude gained enable planning and decision making not only about related employment but also about personal management and life work skills. The traditional definition of career plan is focused on the achievement of preparing for work. This is viewed as encompassing the development of the whole person, but emphasizes on gaining the skills and experience for work. The primary objective of this approach is directed to improving one’s experience and skills for obtaining their goals.
To follow set of routines and procedures to achieve individual and organizational goals can be very significant. Most decision making in one’s life and organizations are based on statistical data gathered by these people. This approach can help me to arrive at an accurate decision suitable for the society and the business as a whole. Conventional approaches can equip me to communicate efficiently and manage organizational resources. With this approach as a manager, I can allocate resources to the various sectors in my business based on the data gathered.
Assuming the role of a manager means that I will lead and organize my business. As a manager once you set your objectives for your business based on the information gathered, you must make sure this procedures and routines are carried out successfully. As a manager I must be able to stand by every decision I make towards the achievement of the business objectives.
Socially I like to help others attain their goals. As a manager impacting

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