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Submitted By vick22w
Words 257
Pages 2
Mismanaged Layoffs can go ‘Horribly wrong.'
"It's traumatic to the remaining staff - the survivors - and can create fear and resentment," {Mark Swartz}. It is a very important quote that defines the importance of handling the laying off of an employee the correct way. In today’s business world employers train their managers to handle corporate crisis and situations such as the hiring process of new employees and the laying off process as well. People that have to go through similar situations such as myself can tell you it is not easy. This article informs us that people like me can’t handle it and sometimes don’t do it well. Like Mark Swartz also says, ”Employers should approach any job losses with caution and always be respectful.” Showing respect to any one is a professional thing to do, especially since they are on the verge of being laid-off. Not only does it show that you are here for business but it shows other employees that not just because they work, they don’t deserve respect. Show the type of employer you are. It will make everyone feel safe. Ms. Brunette, a partner and employment lawyer at Blake Cassels LLP, stated. “Everyone responds differently,” and that's why managers should also be receiving training in advance on how they should handle talking to the person who’s job is being cut. It’s important that we keep fine standard so that the company does not get backlash from other, it's important that everything gets done by the book especially in a big

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